Thursday, October 6, 2016

the investment pitch page 2

the investment pitch page 2 by ric Gustafson

Neo walked up to the front door. He noticed Bryce Whiteriver getting out of the white car. He began walking up some concrete steps.
" Hello Neo".
Neo sneered as he rang the door bell. " Well, if it isn't Mr Goody Two Shoes".
Bryce held tightly onto his brown briefcase. On the side of it were big letters that read ' the Bank of Heaven'. " Neo, you know we have to be here at the same time".
He sneered again as he rang the door bell a second time. " Don't remind me".
The door quietly opened to reveal an elderly woman who was wearing a blue apron. She stared at the two men. " Can I help you?".
Neo gave her a strange smile. " Mrs Englebart, you requested someone from Pharisee Savings and Loan to come over and talk about investments".
" I did". She stared at Bryce in confusion. " I only requested for one person to come over".
Bryce showed her the logo on his briefcase. " I'm Bryce Whiteriver and I represent the Bank of Heaven". He smiled. " I just simply ask that you listen to both of us".
Neo sneered again and shook his head in frustration.
" And then make the best decision for your situation".
" Ok".
Neo sneered again as they entered the yellow colored split level home.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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