Wednesday, October 5, 2016

the investment pitch page 1

the investment pitch page 1 by ric Gustafson

Neo Blackson drove the red Ford Mustang into the quiet driveway. He parked close to the single car garage. He turned off the engine. He opened a big black briefcase. The bold letters on the briefcase simply said ' Pharisee Savings and Loan'.
He glanced at his Rolex. He had ten minutes before his next scheduled appointment. He pulled out a manila folder that read' Delores Englebart' on top. He opened the folder and began to look at it. The elderly woman wanted to invest some of her late husband's money. She called and requested that somebody would come over. He put the folder back into the briefcase. He stared into the car's mirror to see how his new black suit looked on him.
He heard a noise and glanced into the mirror. He watched as a white Chevy Malibu pulled into the driveway. He frowned because he already knew who it was.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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