Sunday, October 30, 2016

the pumpkin patch page 1

the pumpkin patch page 1 by ric Gustafson

Doreen wasn't sure who was there. " Miguel, are you there?".
" Yes I am" was the reply. " I'm just over to your right".
" Are you there Alex?".
" Yes, I'm in the back".
Doreen exclaimed with excitement in her voice. " I sure hope we get picked today".
Miguel spoke up. " I hear something".
" The kids are coming" Alex said with a shout. " Everyone get ready".
All three pumpkins waited patiently and hoped that they would get picked.
Later, Miguel heard the silence as the last of the families left the patch. " Doreen, are you still there?".
" Yes". There was sadness in her voice. " They did not pick me".
" Alex, are you still there?".
" Yes I'm still here". There was silence. " I was not picked either".
" What's wrong with me?" Doreen asked loudly. " I'm a good looking pumpkin".
" I don't know" Alex replied with a sigh.
" I'm scared" Miguel exclaimed. " What will happen to us if we are not picked?".
" Don't worry" Doreen said in a reassuring voice. " God knows we are here".
Miguel sighed. " I sure hope you are right".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mary the mother of Jesus page 2

Mary the mother of Jesus page 2 by ric Gustafson

It was hard to explain to my mother that I was with child. She did not believe me. She told me if
I was not with my betrothed, I would be shaming the family. I knew what happened to unmarried women who were with child. They were humiliated and then stoned.
That night, I couldn't sleep. I got out of bed and walked outside to our garden. I poured out my heart to Jehovah. He gave me the answer.
The next morning, I asked my mother if I could visit my cousin Elizabeth. She agreed right away. On the morning after Sabbath, my brother Asher and I started out for Judah.

research help: ' My Son the Savior' by Melody Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Butterball Turkey fitness class

the Butterball Turkey fitness class by ric Gustafson

Anita Cobb quietly waited by the front desk. She smiled when she noticed a young woman walking through the front door. She was carrying a blue workout bag.
She shook Anita's hand. " Hi, I'm Pamela Cross".
" Anita" was her reply.
They walked down the two flights of steps. " We're glad you are here to teach the class at the last moment".
" I'm not sure what the class is". They reached the end of the stairs. " But here I am".
They walked up to a fitness classroom. Pamela looked in. She did not see anyone except for six loud gobbling turkeys. " Where's the fitness class?". She looked at Anita. " I only see turkeys".
The turkeys gobbled louder.
" Butterball has a mystery on their hands".
" What is that?".
" These turkeys have not gotten plump enough for Thanksgiving".
" You mean skinny turkeys".
" Keep your voice down".
The turkeys gobbled louder.
" They are very self conscious".
" Great no turkey for Thanksgiving". She walked upstairs to change. When she returned, Anita had an angry look on her face.
" Thanks to you, a turkey came in disguise and rescued them all".
Pamela could not believe what she was hearing.
" Butterball is not going to be happy".
As Pamela walked outside to leave, she could hear a gobbling noise coming from a nearby bush.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 28, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 3

down at the Witches Brew page 3 by ric Gustafson

Miss Mabel bent down and picked up the stack of tarot cards. She had been trying to put them into a tarot spread. She was trying to impress the customer who was sitting across from her. She was frustrated because each time she tried to put the cards into a spread, they fell onto the floor.
She heard the phone ring. She picked it up. " Witches Brew this is Miss Mabel". " Hi Martin". She stared at her new customer. " I've been waiting for you to show you my tarot spread".
" You're not coming". She frowned. " Why is that?. She noticed that her customer was wearing all white. " A turkey" she cackled. " Are you sure you are not coming?". She frowned again. " Ok".
" Can you believe it" she loudly cackled. " He wanted to check out that a turkey was spotted on Main Street near the YMCA".
She frowned at the customer. " I almost had him".
Jesus shook his head as the tarot cards fell again onto the floor. " You can't have him".
Just then, she recognized the voice. " Nazarene".
Jesus put his scarred hands on the edge of the booth. " He's confused but he believes in me".
Miss Mabel shook her head. " " I should of realized it was you when I could not shuffle my cards".
Jesus stared at her. " Do not tempt him any longer with your sorcery".
She shook her black hair. " Suit yourself". She heard the bell ring. " There will always be someone else". She stood up and began to walk toward the door. She turned to see that the Nazarene was gone.
She noticed a young woman in the doorway. She gave a loud cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 27, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 2

down at the Witches Brew page 2 by ric Gustafson

Todd and Martin walked into the doorway. They felt cob webs against their faces.
Todd felt something against his left leg. He looked down. " A black cat" he yelled.
" Felix" replied an older woman who walked up to them. She picked up the coal black cat. She was dressed totally in black like a witch. " Sorry about that". She gave a slight cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew". She studied their faces. " What can I do for you?".
" We're lost" Martin replied as he looked around at the spooky décor. " We're looking for Ridgewood Avenue".
" I'm not sure where that is". She cackled again as the black cat scurried into a corner. " You boys look like you are hungry". She pointed toward an empty booth. " You can be my last customers today".
Both boys reluctantly sat down.
She picked up two menus. She blew the cobwebs off of them and then put them into their scared hands. " I would recommend the eye of newt". She cackled.
Todd and Martin stared at each other in disbelief.
" The Ghoul Stew is good also".
Todd stood up. " No thanks". He ran out the door.
Martin grinned as he handed the menus back. " I guess we're not hungry after all".
" That's ok". She cackled again. " I also do tarot readings".
" I don't know what tarot cards are".
She cackled again. " Come back tomorrow and I will show you".
" Ok". He stood up. " I don't even know what street this is".
" This is Endor Lane".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

down at the Witches Brew page 1

down at the Witches Brew page 1 by ric Gustafson

Todd Reed slowly walked off the bus. He stared down the dark street.
His friend Martin Gardner walked off the bus and now stood  by the bus bench. He looked around. He pointed. " I think we need to go this way".
Todd had a scared look on his face. " Are you sure this is the quickest way home?". He stared down the dark street. " This street looks spooky".
Martin pointed. " I think we should go this way".
" Ok".
They began to walk down the deserted street. Leaves were blowing against them. They walked toward the only building with their lights on. They stopped in front. A sign above the door read ' the Witches Brew Café and Tarot Readings".
Todd had a scared look on his face. " I have a bad feeling about this".
" It'll be ok".
They walked in.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 6

3/30/1981 page 6 by ric Gustafson

It was March 7 1981. John Hinckley Jr had just gotten off a United Airlines flight from New York. He was upset because Jodie Foster had just rejected his romantic advances again. His father Jack Hinckley was waiting for him. His mother had stayed home. His father was frustrated because his son had quit a new job to fly to New York.
A plan with a psychologist was forged to try to help his son. They were going to give him until March 30th to find a job and find a new place to live. So far his son had not accomplished either one successfully. When his son landed at the airport, his father knew what he had to do. He gave his son two hundred dollars and told him that he was on his own from now on.
At the same time, President Ronald Reagan was visiting the Marine Corps Base at Quantico.
On March 25 1981, John Hinckley Jr boarded a flight for California. In his luggage was a RG-14 22 caliber Saturday Night Special.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Mary the mother of Jesus page 1

Mary the mother of Jesus page 1 by ric Gustafson

In my early memory is a garden. Whenever my mother went to this garden, I trailed behind her. I loved digging in the dirt and feeling the soil beneath my feet. I believe a garden is God's promise to us. I enjoyed working in a garden. I enjoyed the freshness of a new day. From a garden, I came to understand life, love and truth. I felt close to Lord God Jehovah there.
One day in my garden, an angel came to me. Why an angel would come to me, I do not know. I was not different from any other girl in my village. I had been promised in marriage to a friend of the family. His name was Joseph. I was surprised when the angel came. I dropped my basket of picked figs when the angel told me that I was blessed among women. Also the angel told me that I had found favor with the Lord. I was told by the angel that I would carry in my womb and give birth to God's own Son. I asked the angel how this could happen. The angel smiled and told me that nothing is impossible with God. That night, what the angel proclaimed to me happened in my young body.

research help: ' My Son the Savior' by Melody Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 24, 2016

the Good Life: saved by mercy not merit

the Good Life: saved by mercy not merit by ric Gustafson

Do we get to heaven by doing good works?. The answer is no. No matter what we do or accomplish in this life in God's eyes it is not enough. So the question is how do we make it to heaven?.
The answer is I John 5: 6-13. God proclaims that if we simply believe in him, we can know that we will have eternal life. God gives us eternal life through his son Jesus. If we believe in the name of Jesus, God promises eternal life to us. If we believe in the name of Jesus, we are promised eternal life in heaven. Praise God for that promise.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 23, 2016

3/30/1981 page 5

3/30/1981 page 5 by ric Gustafson

It was January 20 1981 and Ronald Reagan was enjoying his inauguration. He was wearing white tie and tails. His wife Nancy was wearing white satin and a mink coat. It was their tenth inaugural ball and tickets were going at five hundred dollars apiece. Hundreds of corporate titans had flown in for the activities. Reagan's voice was getting worse as the night wore on. He was showing no sign of fatigue at 69 years of age.
The Reagan's had been in Washington for a week adapting to the capital's routine. Nancy was prone to blurt out her personal thoughts. Soon, the media began to call her cheap and self absorbed. In fact, she was interested in high fashion. At Reagan's swearing in ceremony, both the Reagan's and the Carter's tried to avoid each other. Vice President George H W Bush was sworn in first. For the swearing in, Reagan wore a grey vest under a black suit.
The oath only took forty seconds. The next morning, Reagan started his new job.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 22, 2016

3/30/1981 page 4

3/30/1981 page 4 by ric Gustafson

It was the summer of 1976 and John Hinckley Jr was a theatre watching the movie ' Taxi Driver'. It was a movie that he had seen at least fifteen times. Hinckley Jr enjoyed wearing an army surplus jacket and combat boots like the movie's main character Travis Bickle. Hinckley Jr was obsessed with a female character named Iris. Iris was played by twelve year old Jodie Foster.
Hinckley Jr was living living in an apartment off of Sunset Boulevard.
Hinckley Jr was enthralled with one particular scene. It involved an attempted political assassination. He could relate to the character Bickle. He tried to look like Bickle, drink peach brandy and keep a journal.
Hinckley Jr enjoyed visiting Ronald Reagan's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In September of 1980, Hinckley purchases a 22 caliber revolver whose nickname is the Saturday Night Special.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O/Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 21, 2016

3/30/1981 page 3

3/30/1981 by ric Gustafson

John Hinckley Jr was watching the debate and thinking about an actress. Her name was Jodie Foster. She was starring in a movie opposite Robert DeNiro. Hinckley had watched the movie Taxi Driver more than fifteen times. Foster was eighteen years old and attending Yale University. Hinckley gave her love notes and called her asking her out for a date. At the time, Hinckley was broke and lived with his parents. Hinckley spent all of his time trying to figure what he could do for Foster to change her mind. He thought about committing suicide next to her. He also thought about hijacking an airplane.
Hinckley who was pudgy and had shaggy hair in bangs kept thinking about ways to impress Foster. Meanwhile, Nancy Reagan could tell her husband was gaining confidence half way through the debate. They had been married for twenty eight years and was a driving force for his campaign. Her mother was an actress and her adoptive father was a surgeon.
The debate was a success for Ronald Reagan. He received 489 electoral votes compared to 49 for President Carter.
On January 20 1981, Ronald Reagan became the 40th President of the United States.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sheba page 6

Sheba page 6 by ric Gustafson

According to I Kings 10:13, King Solomon gave Queen Sheba all that she desired. He gave her everything that she asked for. He gave to her from his royal bounty. Then she left and returned with her retinue. According to I Kings 10:13, she returned home to her own country.
According to Proverbs 31:30, a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

The End

research help: ' It's good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 2

3/30/1981 page 2 by ric Gustafson

The moderator for the debate was Howard K Smith. Marvin Stone from US News and World Report asked Governor Reagan about the use of American military power. He replied that the first priority must be world peace. President Carter was asked the same question. He replied that he was committed to a strong national defense. Both gentlemen were asked about the reduction in the US military forces. President Carter replied that using US military forces around the world was better for the country. Governor Reagan's answer was that US forces should be increased not decreased.
More than one thousand miles to the west in the city of Evergreen Colorado, a twenty five year old drifter was paying close attention to what was going on during the debate.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

the Good Life: God is amazing

the Good Life: God is amazing by ric Gustafson

People just want to be loved. We want to be loved and cared for by someone we care about. Do you know what God did to show us how much he loves us. God loves us so much that his Son Jesus left his Father in heaven. He came to earth as a baby at Christmas.
Jesus led a perfect life. He gave up his life as an offering for our behalf. Jesus took our place to rescue us from sin and eternal damnation. After his death, three days later Jesus came back from the dead.
God wants us to admit our sins and receive Jesus into our hearts.
God and Jesus are truly amazing.

research help: ' the Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 1

3/30/1981 page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was October 28th 1980. Ronald Reagan was preparing for a presidential debate. Reagan at 190 pounds and six foot one was all smiles. His opponent was President Jimmy Carter. Carter was a political junkie who immersed himself in his campaign to be reelected.
It was only one week until election day and the race was almost dead even. During the debate, Carter glanced at his opponent. He was all business and he believed that Reagan was not his intellectual. He had spent his military career on board nuclear submarines. He had experience in foreign and domestic policy. Carter had successfully debated against Gerald Ford in 1976. Now, he thought he could do the same against Ronald Reagan.
At 9:30 pm, the debate began.

research help: ' Killing Reagan' by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sheba page 5

Sheba page 5 by ric Gustafson

According to I Kings 10: 8, Sheba was amazed at those who stood and attended to Solomon. She was amazed at his wisdom. According to I Kings 10:9, she praised the Lord and God of King Solomon. She knew that his God had favored him. She knew of the Lord's love for Israel. She knew that God made him King. She knew that he could maintain justice and righteousness.
According to I Kings 10: 10, Sheba gave Solomon 120 talents of gold. She also gave him large amounts of spices and precious stones.

research help: ' It's good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Pilate page 31

Pilate page 31 by ric Gustafson

It was late in the afternoon. An aide walked up to Pilate who had just finished swimming. " My Prefect, there is somebody here to see you".
He slowly dried himself off. " Who is it?".
The aide grinned. " It is a member of the Sanhedrin".
" Ok". He quickly dressed and then walked into the palace waiting room.
A member of the Sanhedrin approached him. " My Prefect, I am Joseph of Arimathea.
" Yes Councilor".
" Myself and another Councilor by the name of Nicodemus seek your permission to bury the body of Jesus of Nazareth".
Surprise came over Pilate's face. " He is already dead!".
" Yes my Prefect". His voice hesitated. " Shortly after the ninth hour".
Just then, a shaken up Flavius returned with his execution detail.
" Flavius, did you break the legs of the prisoners?".
" Yes my Prefect". He stared at Pilate. " The two robbers but not the third prisoner".
" Why not?".
" He was already dead". Flavius's voice hesitated. " I had one of my men put a lance into his side".
Pilate looked at the Councilor. He was satisfied with the answer. " Yes you have my permission to bury the prisoner".

The End

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 14, 2016

Pilate page 30

Pilate page 30 by ric Gustafson

Pilate was sitting in his study. He heard a knock on the door. " Yes".
An aide walked in. " My Prefect".
" Yes".
The aide grinned. " My Prefect, there are several priests here to see you".
He walked out to see the group that had formed. " Yes, what is this intrusion".
One of the priests spoke up. " My Prefect, the titulus that you affixed to the top of the Rabbi's cross is wrong".
" It is". He scratched his chin. " And why would you think that?".
Another priest spoke up. " It reads Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews".
" That is correct".
Another priest spoke up. " My Prefect, it should say that he claimed to be the King of the Jews".
Pilate stared at the group sternly. " What I have written, I have written". He walked back to his study.
Later, on a parchment he wrote that the basis of sentence was constructive treason. He concluded on the parchment that the sentence was crucifixion and that there was no appeal.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

the Good Life: God can be trusted

the Good Life: God can be trusted by ric Gustafson

God does not want us to be afraid of him. We should not dread getting close to God. God wants us to know that he can be trusted. God wants us to trust him by reading his Word and taking it to heart. Through his Word, we read of God's compassion and love for us.
All that God wants is a chance to show his love for us. Our fear of God should become respect and honor of him. God I love you and trust you.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 29

Pilate page 29 by ric Gustafson

Pilate was concerned because the unruly crowd was getting larger. He was also worried that a riot might occur. He clapped his hands. An aide walked over. " Bring me a golden basin of water".
It was put in front of the Prefect. " This court cannot pronounce this prisoner guilty". His voice hesitated. " But because your Sanhedrin has condemned him to death". He looked at Jesus. " The prisoner will be crucified".
The crowd yelled their approval.
Pilate dipped his hands into the basin. " My hands are clean of this man's blood". He dried them off.
He clapped his hands for a guard. " Release Bar- Abbas".
He pointed at Flavius. " Take this prisoner and the two highway robbers to the Skull".
" Yes, my Prefect".
Pilate watched as they were led away to their death.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 10, 2016

the Good Life: late arrivals are always welcome

the Good Life: late arrivals are always welcome by ric Gustafson

Late in their lives, non Christians might ponder this question " Is it too late to become a Christian?". The elderly, those with addictions might wonder if it is too late to be used by God.
The answer to that is a resounding no. Everyone has equal value in God's eyes. No matter what our past or present looks like, God loves us. No matter where we are in life, we can have a relationship with God. With God, it is never too late.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministries

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 28

Pilate page 28 by ric Gustafson

Pilate walked back outside with a confused look on his face.
Rabbi Ananias spoke up. " My Prefect, if you let this man go free you are not Caesar's friend".
Caiaphas spoke up. " Anyone who would make himself a king defies Caesar".
Fear came over Pilate. He glanced at a ring that was on one of his fingers. Tiberius had given him that ring because of his loyalty.
The crowd yelled " crucify him".
" Shall I crucify your king?".
The crowd yelled back " we have no king but Caesar".
Pilate looked over at Jesus. He was sweating, bleeding and weakening physically. " Jesus of Nazareth, do you have anything to say in your defense?".
Jesus stayed silent.
It was late in the morning. Pilate wanted to be done with the entire affair.

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pilate page 27

Pilate page 27 by ric Gustafson

A bloodied Jesus now stood in front of the Prefect.
" Behold the man".
" Crucify" yelled the crowd.
" You crucify him". He stared at Caiaphas. " Take him and crucify him yourselves".
" My Prefect" replied the chief priest. " According to our law this man should die because he claims to be the Son of God".
" The Son of God!". He looked at Jesus.
" My Prefect, this is the worst blasphemy in Hebrew law".
" This is a new charge". He sighed. " I will have to have a private hearing inside".
He clapped his hands. " Flavius, bring him inside".
The centurion led Jesus into the palace.
Pilate nervously scratched his chin. " Where have you come from?".
Jesus was silent.
Pilate stared at Jesus in frustration. " You won't speak to me". His patience was running thin. " I have the authority to release you or crucify you".
Jesus looked up at the Prefect. " You would have no authority at all over me if it had not been given from above".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 8, 2016

the Good Life: to be significant

the Good Life: to be significant by ric Gustafson

All of us want to be somewhere where everybody knows our name. We want to be accepted and to fit in. For some people it is hard to fit in.
God loves us so much that he sent his Son to pay the price for our sins. We are created in the image of God. God designed us and has been involved in every detail of our life. He was involved in our life before we were even born.
We are deeply loved by God.

research help: ' The Good Life' by Our Daily Bread Ministry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Pilate page 26

Pilate page 26 by ric Gustafson

The sweating lictor lashed Jesus's back with much vigor. Jesus's blood was flowing onto the stone pavement of the courtyard.
After a while, Pilate walked over. He clapped his hands. " That's enough".
The lictor stopped.
One soldier found an old purple robe and put it on Jesus. Another soldier took branches from a thorn bush and formed it into a prickly crown. It was jammed onto the top of Jesus's head. Blood began to seep down his face. A reed was placed into his right hand. As Jesus silently stood, the entire company of soldiers fell onto their knees and saluted him.
" Hail King of the Jews" they yelled.
One by one, they walked past Jesus. Some slapped his face. Some spit on him.
After a while, Pilate clapped his hands again. " Enough of this".
He pointed to Flavius. " Bring him outside".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Pilate page 25

Pilate page 25 by ric Gustafson

Pilate studied the note that was just handed to him. It was written by his wife. In the note she warned him to stay away from this Rabbi. He frowned as he put it into a front pocket.
He looked out at the ever growing crowd. " Which of the two Jesus's shall I release to you?". He pointed at both men. " The Nazarene or Bar Abbas?".
A cry came from the crowd. " Bar Abbas Bar Abbas".
Pilate frowned. " Then what am I to do with Jesus of Nazareth?".
The cry got louder. " Let him be crucified".
" Why, what has he done?".
" Crucify him".
" I do not find him guilty of any capital offense". He was trying to reason with the crowd. " I will therefore flog him and then let him go".
The crowd kept screaming. " Crucify him".
Pilate's patience ran out. He pointed toward a nearby lector. " Take the prisoner into the palace courtyard and scourge him".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the investment pitch page 2

the investment pitch page 2 by ric Gustafson

Neo walked up to the front door. He noticed Bryce Whiteriver getting out of the white car. He began walking up some concrete steps.
" Hello Neo".
Neo sneered as he rang the door bell. " Well, if it isn't Mr Goody Two Shoes".
Bryce held tightly onto his brown briefcase. On the side of it were big letters that read ' the Bank of Heaven'. " Neo, you know we have to be here at the same time".
He sneered again as he rang the door bell a second time. " Don't remind me".
The door quietly opened to reveal an elderly woman who was wearing a blue apron. She stared at the two men. " Can I help you?".
Neo gave her a strange smile. " Mrs Englebart, you requested someone from Pharisee Savings and Loan to come over and talk about investments".
" I did". She stared at Bryce in confusion. " I only requested for one person to come over".
Bryce showed her the logo on his briefcase. " I'm Bryce Whiteriver and I represent the Bank of Heaven". He smiled. " I just simply ask that you listen to both of us".
Neo sneered again and shook his head in frustration.
" And then make the best decision for your situation".
" Ok".
Neo sneered again as they entered the yellow colored split level home.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

encounters with Jesus: five loaves and two fish

encounters with Jesus: five loaves and two fish by ric Gustafson

One day after healing an invalid man near Jerusalem's Sheep Gate, Jesus went to the Sea of Galilee. There he sat on a hill with his disciples. Gathered near them was a crowd of 5,000 people. Jesus knew that they would be hungry. He asked Philip where they could buy bread to feed them. Jesus knew the answer but wanted to test Philip's faith. Philip replied that no amount of money would come close to feeding that many people.
Andrew spotted a boy who had five barley loaves and two fish. Jesus blessed it and fed everyone with it until they were full. Jesus provided more than was needed because 12 baskets of leftover bread was there.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sheba page 4

Sheba page 4 by ric Gustafson

According to I Kings 10: 6, Sheba went to King Solomon and told him her feelings. What she was experiencing was exactly what they had told her in her own country. His achievements and his wisdom was true.
According to I Kings 10: 7, she admitted to the King that she at first did not believe the things people were telling her. But then she believed after coming and seeing things with her own eyes. She admitted to King Solomon that what she has seen far exceeded what she had been hearing.
According to I Kings 10: 8, Sheba applauds King Solomon for his abilities. She also applauded his officials.

research help: ' It's Good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sheba page 3

Sheba page 3 by ric Gustafson

According to I Kings 10: 4, Sheba was amazed at the wisdom of Solomon. She was amazed at how his palace had been built. His throne room included an elaborate throne. It was made of wood and overlaid with ivory panels. And on top was gold. It was six steps above the floor so Solomon could look down on his people.
According to I Kings 10: 5, Sheba was amazed at the food on Solomon's table. This meal would have included fatted calf, lamb, mutton, pigeon, dove, quail and antelope. She sat at Solomon's right and was amazed at the officials who had come. This included Ahishar his palace administrator. Benaiah his commander in chief. And Adoniram who was in charge of forced labor.
Overall, Sheba was stunned and speechless by the entire event.

research help: ' It's Good to be Queen' by Liz Curtis Higgs

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

encounters with Jesus: Mary and Martha

encounters with Jesus: Mary and Martha by ric Gustafson

Two sisters, Mary and Martha, encounter Jesus several times throughout the gospels. In one encounter, Jesus arrives at their home. Mary spends the time at Jesus's feet listening to his every word. Martha on the other hand is busy with the hostess duties. She becomes frustrated with her sister for not helping her and tells Jesus. Jesus replies that listening is one of great importance. Jesus was not condemning her but reminding her not to ignore him.
Mary and Martha's brother was Lazarus who was raised from the dead by Jesus.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the investment pitch page 1

the investment pitch page 1 by ric Gustafson

Neo Blackson drove the red Ford Mustang into the quiet driveway. He parked close to the single car garage. He turned off the engine. He opened a big black briefcase. The bold letters on the briefcase simply said ' Pharisee Savings and Loan'.
He glanced at his Rolex. He had ten minutes before his next scheduled appointment. He pulled out a manila folder that read' Delores Englebart' on top. He opened the folder and began to look at it. The elderly woman wanted to invest some of her late husband's money. She called and requested that somebody would come over. He put the folder back into the briefcase. He stared into the car's mirror to see how his new black suit looked on him.
He heard a noise and glanced into the mirror. He watched as a white Chevy Malibu pulled into the driveway. He frowned because he already knew who it was.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 3, 2016

Psalm 52:8

Psalm 52:8 by ric Gustafson

In verse 8 of Psalm 52, David talks about a green olive tree. He explained that this tree was flourishing in the house of God. He states that he will trust in the steadfast love of God. This love for God will be forever. He also states that he will wait upon God's name for it is good.
How can a tree survive like that?. The answer is in it's roots. The olive tree needs to send it's roots down deep to find water. God wants us to reach way down also. God has richly blessed us and we need to always thank him. Every day we need to seek the presence of God. We need to tightly hold onto that presence. If we do this like an olive tree we will be fruitful and pleasing to God.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Devil's Food page 3

Devil's Food page 3 by ric Gustafson

Roy was reading the newspaper when he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door to reveal a young boy dressed as a pirate and a young girl dressed as a princess.
" Trick or Treat" yelled the small pirate as he stuck out his orange pail.
" Trick or Treat" squealed the young princess.
Roy picked up both baskets. He opened the screen door. " Would you like a candy bar or a Devil's Food zinger?".
" Roy, what are you doing?".
He grinned at his wife. " Handing out Halloween treats".
Margaret gave him a serious stare. " Put down those zingers". Her voice hesitated. " Think about children's interests instead of your own".
With a frown, he put down the basket of zingers and then put a candy bar into each of their orange pails.
The pirate and the princess ran back to their parents.
As he was shutting the door, he thought he heard a turkey gobbling noise.
The next morning, Roy was handing out zingers to his co workers.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 1, 2016

encounters with Jesus: Mary Magdalene

encounters with Jesus: Mary Magdalene by ric Gustafson

Mary Magdalene was a woman who was being tormented by seven demons. She encounters Jesus and he casts out the demons. She is with Jesus at the most important times of his ministry. She is at the cross when Jesus dies. She is the first recorded person to whom Jesus appears to after his resurrection. She was given the task of telling Jesus's disciples that their teacher is alive again.

research help: ' Encounters with Jesus' by Beckett Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Devil's Food page 2

Devil's Food page 2 by ric Gustafson

Roy looked down at the wheels of the steel cart. The cart was making a lot of noise. " Out of all the carts" he mumbled to himself. He quickly walked past the produce area. He saw the Halloween candy promotional aisle. He walked up to the candy bar minatures and noticed that they were on sell. He began to put several into the cart.
He turned the cart to head toward the checkout aisles when the noticed the white display. " Hostess" he exclaimed out loud. He turned the cart around and walked up to the white display. He glanced at the crumb cakes and then the chocolate donuts. Then a smile came to his face. " Devil's Food zingers". He picked up a box. " I wonder if trick or treaters would like them also".
He knew that he was only supposed to buy miniature candy bars. He stared at the white box again. He loved the chocolate outside and the creamy filling inside. He put a few boxes into his cart. " I'll just take a couple boxes to mix in with the candy bars". With a sense of accomplishment, he paid for the groceries and left the store.

research help: original story

Peace and God's Blessings. Love Ric