Wednesday, July 23, 2014

women of the bible: Sarah

women of the bible: Sarah by ric gustafson

Sarah was very beautiful. She was Abraham's half sister and the daughter of Terah. God had promised to make a great nation of Abraham's descendants. In her younger years, she was unable to conceive a child. She had a servant named Hagar who was of childbearing age. She suggested that Abraham sleep with her and get her pregnant. He did and then fourteen years later God put his plan into action. Three visitors one day came to Abraham's tent. They informed him that Sarah would have a son at age ninety. Abraham became a father to a son at age 100.
What we can learn from Sarah is that God's will and his timing is best.

research help: ' Extraordinary Women of the Bible' by the American Bible Society

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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