Sunday, July 13, 2014

play ball

play ball by ric gustafson

God is good and he answers prayers. Our luggage came this afternoon and things are better. My wife and I went and saw the San Francisco Giants beat the Arizona Diamondbacks 8 to 4. Tonight, we went to Pier 39 and had a great dinner and a great view of Alcatraz and the Bay.
San Francisco is a unique city and is different than anyplace I have ever been. I have enjoyed watching people the last two days and they amaze me. God has made each of us different in every way and all of us have different talents and gifts. Everyone has a choice and a decision to make. Will we give our lives to Jesus and follow him or push him away and tell him to go away.
I pray that everyone will make the choice to follow Jesus.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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