Wednesday, July 9, 2014

the unopened gift page 2

the unopened gift page 2 by ric gustafson

Jeffrey opened up the leaf and waste bag and put in some leaves he had just raked. It was a beautiful fall afternoon in October. He wanted to get some leaves raked before he went over to church. He had always been a member of Edgewood Lutheran Church but until he retired from his career in banking he could not help much with church activities. Now he has volunteered for several church projects including meals on wheels, serving meals at the homeless shelter and ushering.
He noticed that a brown UPS truck had pulled up to the curb. He walked over.
The driver set down a huge box next to Jeffrey's feet. " Sign here".
He signed the clipboard and handed it back to the driver. " That's a big box!".
The driver grinned and got back into his truck.
He picked up the box as the truck drove away. He walked into the house and put the box down.
He heard his wife's voice from upstairs. " What happened outside?".
" The UPS driver dropped off this box".
" Can you open it please?" Monica asked as she checked her purse for her plane ticket. " The cab will be here any minute".
" How long is your tour going to be?".
She checked herself one last time in the mirror. " Two months, not long".
Jeffrey opened the UPS box and took out a decorative red box with a big red bow.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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