Wednesday, July 30, 2014

the One and Only page 2

the One and Only page 2 by ric gustafson

Luke 1:26 tells us that the Angel Gabriel makes an appearance to Mary. The next verse tells us that she was a virgin and pledged to be married to a man named Joseph. First of all, a contract was drawn up by the parents or a friend of the groom. Then at a meeting of the two families, the groom would present to the bride jewelry. Then the groom would pronounce his intentions to observe the contract. Then he would sip from a cup of wine and offer the cup to his bride. If she sipped from the same cup, the covenant would be made.
The next step would be a dowry from the groom. Mary was probably thirteen or fourteen at the time. I'm sure Mary was stunned at the greeting from Gabriel. " Greetings, you who are highly favored". Luke 1:29 tells us that Mary was greatly troubled at his words. Then the Angel told her that the Lord was with her. Gabriel told Mary not to be afraid, that she will be with child and then will give birth to a son. Not just any son but the Son of the Most High. And then she was told to give him the name Jesus.
Jesus in Greek is spelled Iesous and in Hebrew Yeshua. Mary asked Gabriel a simple question. " How will this be since I am a virgin?". Gabriel replied. " The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you". Mary's simple response was " I am the Lord's servant may it be to me as you have said".

research help: ' Jesus the One and Only' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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