Friday, July 4, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: November 3 1948

We Interrupt This Broadcast: November 3 1948 by ric gustafson

Harry S Truman was a small town businessman who was elected to the Senate from Missouri. He later became Roosevelt's Vice President. When Roosevelt died, Truman became President. Two very important decisions had to be made right away. The dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan and presiding over the economic depression which followed after the war. By 1948, he was able to run for election himself but he barely managed to receive the nomination of his own party. His chief opponent was New York Governor Thomas E Dewey. Truman was a serious underdog and people knew it.  As the campaign raged on, people began to tell Harry to give them hell.
On November 2 1948, the country voted along with Truman and his family. The next day, broadcasting was stopped to tell the country that Truman had received 303 electoral votes and a four year ticket to the White House.
The Chicago Daily Tribune printed a headline that read that Dewey had defeated Truman. It was a major mistake and blunder for the paper and print media.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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