Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 3

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 3 by ric gustafson

In 1913, Dietrich and his family purchased a country home in Friedrichsbrunn which was a village on the eastern edge of the Harz Mountains. Getting there involved a three hour train ride and then a horse carriage ride up a mountainside. The Harz Mountains provided for the children excellent skiing, hiking trails and cool summer evenings.
In the morning, Dietrich would write, read and play the piano. In the afternoon, he would hike or take a nap.
In March 1918, two of Dietrich's brothers volunteered for military service. Karl Friedrich eventually came back home but Walter did not. The family struggled with the reality of their son's death. Twenty year old Dietrich tried to cope and watched as his mother fell into a deep depression.
At the age of thirteen, Dietrich announced that he wanted to be a theologian. Instead of music, all of his thoughts turned to God. He read volumes of his uncle's books on theology. His decision did not surprise his mother Paula. By the age of 18, Dietrich had no interest in organized sports but the arts. As a high school senior, he was involved in several plays. At the age of seventeen, he graduated from Grunewald and then completed his requirements for the national qualifying examination.

research help: ' Strange Glory' by Charles Marsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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