Wednesday, July 30, 2014

the One and Only page 2

the One and Only page 2 by ric gustafson

Luke 1:26 tells us that the Angel Gabriel makes an appearance to Mary. The next verse tells us that she was a virgin and pledged to be married to a man named Joseph. First of all, a contract was drawn up by the parents or a friend of the groom. Then at a meeting of the two families, the groom would present to the bride jewelry. Then the groom would pronounce his intentions to observe the contract. Then he would sip from a cup of wine and offer the cup to his bride. If she sipped from the same cup, the covenant would be made.
The next step would be a dowry from the groom. Mary was probably thirteen or fourteen at the time. I'm sure Mary was stunned at the greeting from Gabriel. " Greetings, you who are highly favored". Luke 1:29 tells us that Mary was greatly troubled at his words. Then the Angel told her that the Lord was with her. Gabriel told Mary not to be afraid, that she will be with child and then will give birth to a son. Not just any son but the Son of the Most High. And then she was told to give him the name Jesus.
Jesus in Greek is spelled Iesous and in Hebrew Yeshua. Mary asked Gabriel a simple question. " How will this be since I am a virgin?". Gabriel replied. " The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you". Mary's simple response was " I am the Lord's servant may it be to me as you have said".

research help: ' Jesus the One and Only' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Anchor 4

Anchor 4 by ric gustafson

In Psalm 4:6-8, David writes of God's profound love for us. God is a proud and loving father who loves us his children. David had faults, sins and disappointments just like us. David's heart was fully rested in God's love. God is always proud of us and loves us dearly. Everything in this world will pass away but God's love will never leave us. God is always beaming his love over us and that is comforting to know.

research help: Anchor Devotional July 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Alcatraz page 5

Alcatraz page 5 by ric gustafson

Prisoner #325 was nicknamed ' Creepy' by the FBI. Alvin Karpis was born in Montreal Canada in 1908. He grew up in Topeka Kansas and began a string of petty burglaries. In 1929, he broke out of a Kansas reformatory and was recaptured the same year in Kansas City. For two years, he served time in the Kansas State Penitentiary. There Karpis met Freddie Barker who was one of the Barker clan. Upon release, the two went on a rampage of robbing stores, warehouses and banks. On May 1 1936, Karpis surrendered to FBI agents in New Orleans. On August 6 1936, Karpis was sentenced to twenty years at Alcatraz. Karpis was assigned to the laundry thanks to ' Doc' Barker and ' Machine Gun Kelly'. He was transferred to McNeil Island to serve the last year of his sentence.
After he was released, Karpis was deported to Canada where he died in 1979.

research help: ' Alcatraz' by Asteron Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Anchor 3

Anchor 3 by ric gustafson

In John 19:25-27, Jesus as he hangs on a cross turns toward his mother. " Dear woman, here is your son". Then he turns toward John. " Here is your mother". Jesus loved his mother and he loved John. Even though he was in agony, he had the ones he loves on his mind. John took care of Mary for the rest of her days.
Jesus calls us friends and gave his life for ours so we can be with him forever.

research help:  Anchor Devotional July 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 28, 2014

Alcatraz page 4

Alcatraz page 4 by ric gustafson

Prisoner #117  was a man named George Kelly. His nickname of George ' Machine Gun' Kelly made him famous. Kelly started out as a bootlegger in the 1920's working for a gangster in Memphis. As he robbed banks during the 1930's, he had already served time in prison. In July of 1933, Kelly and an accomplice kidnapped a man named Charles Urschel. They demanded $200,000 in ransom money.
The FBI was able to track Kelly to Paradise Texas where his inlaws lived. He was not there but later was caught in Memphis. Kelly was given a life sentence. He was transferred to Alcatraz on September 4 1934.
Eventually, Kelly was transferred to Leavenworth where he died of a heart attack waiting for parole.

research help: ' Alcatraz' by Asteron Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Anchor 2

Anchor 2 by ric gustafson

Romans 1:8-15 talks about imparting mutual encouragement. The Apostle Paul longed for the Christians in Rome and reminded them about their close relationships. Paul encouraged them and tried to help them build each other up. He talked about a spiritual gift that would make them stronger in the Spirit.
As saints of God, we need to encourage each other. That could be a kind word, a prayer or sharing concerns about life. When we share our faith, each of our faiths grows stronger. Jesus in John 14:3 says that he will come back and take us to be with him. That is a comfort indeed.

research help: the Anchor Devotional July 2014

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Alcatraz page 3

Alcatraz page 3 by ric gustafson

Prisoner # 85 is one of the two most famous inmates on the island. Alphonse ' Scarface' Capone was born in Castellamare Italy but moved to Brooklyn as a child. He grew up as a thief, a pimp and a bouncer. After beating up a politician's son, he hid in Chicago with a friend. During the 1920's, Capone's power in Chicago began to grow. For his power to grow, he greased the political machinery in Chicago. He was the mastermind behind the St Valentine's Day Massacre.
Between 1925 and 1929, Capone took a big tumble on tax evasion. On May 4 1932, Capone started a sentence of ten years in Atlanta Georgia. Because of the fear of his associates trying to get him out of prison, he was transferred to Alcatraz.
He was first assigned to work in the laundry and then cleaning the bathhouse. When he was brought to the prison, he was shown to have syphilis. Capone refused treatment and in 1938, the disease began to take it's toll. A check of his spinal fluid revealed neuro injury and brain damage.  After his sentence was carried out, Capone went to his estate in Florida where he died on January 25 1947.

research help: ' Alcatraz' by Asteron Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 3

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 3 by ric gustafson

In 1913, Dietrich and his family purchased a country home in Friedrichsbrunn which was a village on the eastern edge of the Harz Mountains. Getting there involved a three hour train ride and then a horse carriage ride up a mountainside. The Harz Mountains provided for the children excellent skiing, hiking trails and cool summer evenings.
In the morning, Dietrich would write, read and play the piano. In the afternoon, he would hike or take a nap.
In March 1918, two of Dietrich's brothers volunteered for military service. Karl Friedrich eventually came back home but Walter did not. The family struggled with the reality of their son's death. Twenty year old Dietrich tried to cope and watched as his mother fell into a deep depression.
At the age of thirteen, Dietrich announced that he wanted to be a theologian. Instead of music, all of his thoughts turned to God. He read volumes of his uncle's books on theology. His decision did not surprise his mother Paula. By the age of 18, Dietrich had no interest in organized sports but the arts. As a high school senior, he was involved in several plays. At the age of seventeen, he graduated from Grunewald and then completed his requirements for the national qualifying examination.

research help: ' Strange Glory' by Charles Marsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 25, 2014

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 2

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 2 by ric gustafson

The Bonhoeffer family tree is interesting. German descendants of the Dutch clan Boenhoff left Nijmegen in 1513. They settled in Schwabisch Hall as goldsmiths, aldermen and landowners. The family seal is a lion clutching some beans against a blue field.
Karl Bonhoeffer was the son of Judge Friedrich Ernst Philipp Tobias Bonhoeffer who was a lawyer in Ulm. He was an emotional and distant man and had a gentle temper compared to his father. Karl never raised his voice but rarely embraced or kissed his children. He steered clear of the Lutheran Church that his wife and children attended. After the evening meal, he gathered his wife and children to read out loud stories, poems and letters.
Dietrich's mother Paula had blue eyes, blond hair and a confident face. She was busy raising eight children and a household staff of ten.
Dietrich's oldest brother Karl Friedrich enjoyed science. His brother Walter was a gifted young writer and naturalist. Klaus was a free spirit with a analytical mind. Dietrich's oldest sister Ursula studied social work until she married. His sister Christine loved nature and received honors in zoology. The youngest Susanne became a minister's wife.

research help: ' Strange Glory' by Charles Marsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 1

Bonhoeffer 2014 page 1 by ric gustafson

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born on February 4 1906 in Breslau. He was the sixth of eight children. The family lived at 9 Birkenwaldchen Strasse in the Breslau suburb of Scheitnig. Across the street was the Alte Oder River and near the doctor's clinic where Dietrich's father worked. Their house stood on the eastern bank of the river. The house had a hipped roof and screened in porch. Their simple backyard had a rose arbor and a small vegetable garden. Under a linden tree, Dietrich's farther built a tree house for the children.
In 1912, Dr Karl Bonhoeffer was offered the chair of neurology and psychology at Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin. The family moved to Bruckenallee near the Tiergarten. Four years later, the family moved to Grunderzeit Villa in Grunewald. The area was the brainchild of Otto von Bismarck who was the first chancellor of the German empire. Grunewald was a beautiful wooded area of pristine forest and was nicknamed ' the green forest'. The family loved their new home and the house was like a classic German country home. Inside were plain cedar floors. Their was an enormous living room. Their was a massive dining table which could sit twelve. A small army of servants kept the house in order.

research help: ' Strange Glory' by Charles Marsh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Transformation Center miracle page 1

the Transformation Center miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

Vickie Peterson lowered the bible she was reading. She was reflecting on one of her favorite bible verses, Romans 12:1-2. She noticed that her husband was staring toward the distance. " Mickey,  what's wrong?".
Mickey Peterson stared up at the blaring summer sun and put a hand over his sweaty brow. " It's hot out and I don't want to miss our tour bus".
She glanced at her watch. " It's noon and the bus won't get here until two".
He gave her a large frown. " Well, what are we going to do until then?".
She glanced around the huge park. Her eyes focused on a large white building across the parking lot. She smiled at her husband. " That building over there has a big sign that says free tour and free ice cream".
He wiped sweat from his eyes. " Ice cream sounds good right now".
" We can wait for the bus and cool off".
" Ok".

research help: ' Be Ye Transformed' by Chuck and Nancy Missler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

women of the bible: Sarah

women of the bible: Sarah by ric gustafson

Sarah was very beautiful. She was Abraham's half sister and the daughter of Terah. God had promised to make a great nation of Abraham's descendants. In her younger years, she was unable to conceive a child. She had a servant named Hagar who was of childbearing age. She suggested that Abraham sleep with her and get her pregnant. He did and then fourteen years later God put his plan into action. Three visitors one day came to Abraham's tent. They informed him that Sarah would have a son at age ninety. Abraham became a father to a son at age 100.
What we can learn from Sarah is that God's will and his timing is best.

research help: ' Extraordinary Women of the Bible' by the American Bible Society

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Alcatraz page 2

Alcatraz page 2 by ric gustafson

During the late 1920's and early 1930's, a wave of crime was happening across the country. Gangs and mobsters were involved with bootlegging, robbery, kidnapping, murder and extortion. Prisons were crowded and escapes and murders were rampant in prisons. Head of the FBI J Edgar Hoover and Attorney General Homer Cummings wanted a facility to hold the most notorious of criminals. Sanford Bates, head of the federal prisons, wanted to find a facility where he could isolate these influential prisoners.
On Alcatraz, the main prison building was built from the foundations of the citadel. Tool proof bars were used on blocks B and C. Electric doors were installed on some of the cells for extra security. Prisoners were restricted to certain areas of the compound. There were two main cell blocks with three tiers each containing 174 cells per block 348 cells in all. Wire mesh was placed around the work areas. Towers were constructed with high intensity lights. These lights highlighted the dock, gate entrance and over the yard. Barbed wire was placed around the perimeter.
In July and August of 1934, the first prisoners arrived.

research help: ' Alcatraz' by Asteron Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 21, 2014

United Flight 232 page 1

United Flight 232 page 1 by ric gustafson

On July 19 1989, a United Airlines DC-10 was on route from Denver to Chicago and then Philadelphia when a malfunctioning fan in the tail engine destroyed the plane's hydraulic systems. Captain Al Haynes, his two co pilots and a training captain manipulated the engine thrust from the two wing engines from it's cruising altitude of 37,000 feet to skidding right turns.
When the plane crash landed at the Sioux City Gateway Airport, hundreds of fire and rescue personnel were ready. When it hit the runway, the DC-10 was landing at 247 miles per hour and dropping 1,850 feet per minute. As it hit the runway, the plane's right wing broke away and started a fireball. The plane slid on it's left main landing gear and right wing stub. The entire tail section of the plane broke off and then the plane veered off to the right. The plane bounced three times and then flipped. The cockpit broke off and the wreckage ended up in a nearby cornfield.
Of the 296 people aboard, 112 died and 184 survived.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Alcatraz page 1

Alcatraz page 1 by ric gustafson

Their is a twelve acre rock island in the middle of the world's largest natural harbor. On this island was the first lighthouse on the west coast. The US army established the first west coast garrison on this island. Heavy fortifications were built to form cross fire for the narrow Golden Gate. The Penitentiary on the island was built to hold the worst of prisoners.
The island was discovered in 1769. It took six years for a ship to find it's way past the Golden Gate to chart the bay. The Golden Gate started as a small cove. It was named Isla de Alcatraces which translates to the island of the pelicans. The island was fortified with three batteries of cannon, bomb proof magazines and a 35 foot brick citadel. The prison building was built over the citadel quarters.
The island is made of grained sandstone and is mostly barren. Later, the garrison was transferred to the Presidio, Fort Baker and Angel Island. The island survived the 1906 earthquake and at one time housed the city's prisoners.
The Depression brought hard times to the War Department and Alcatraz.

research help: ' Alcatraz' by Asteron Productions

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, July 20, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 13

I Am The True Vine page 13 by ric gustafson

Jesus has said of himself " the Son can do nothing of himself". Jesus as the Vine in John 15:5 says that without him we can do nothing. We ourselves can do nothing to maintain or act out the heavenly life. This truth is at the very root of a spiritual life. Everything we do is the work of God through Christ and the Holy Spirit. The life of faith depends on our dependence on Jesus. Christ supplies everything for us, we can do nothing. We can do nothing so we need to abide in Jesus. When we abide in Jesus, fruit will come.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 18, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 12

I Am The True Vine page 12 by ric gustafson

Jesus wants fruit and more fruit. In John 15:5, he wants us branches to produce much fruit. Fruit is the produce of our inner lives. A tree bears its own fruit. It is the same with the Christian life. Colossians 1:10 says to be fruitful in every good work. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace. When good works come as the fruit of the Spirit is it acceptable to God. When we want to bear fruit, our relation to the Vine must be clear and close. The Vine provides the life and strength for the branches. God wants us to bear much fruit. We need to look at God and Jesus to make us into fruitful branches.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 17, 2014

going home

going home by ric gustafson

Today, I am fulfilling a couple of promises that I made to Sig. This morning, we got on a cable car and went down to a park named Union Square. This small park is right in the middle of shops and the financial district of San Francisco. Compared to the hustle and bustle going on around it, the park is quiet and peaceful. Then we got back on the cable car and got off in an area called Chinatown. This small area makes you feel as if you are in the Far East. Then we walked a fair distance to an area called North Beach which is the Italian area of town. We found a quiet eatery to have lunch. Now we are back at the hotel to rest and pack up our suitcases. We will be getting up very early tomorrow to fly home.
My impression of San Francisco is that it is a compacted global city. Sig and I have met people from all over the world who have flown here to visit this great city. The food has been great and everyone has been very nice to us. I would recommend this city for anyone who would like to visit a unique and beautiful city.

Thank you to everyone who read my posts about our trip. Thank you.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

get on the boat

get on the boat by ric Gustafson

This morning, Sig and I walked up to Pier 39 and got onto a Red and White Bay Cruise boat. We sailed around the east side of the Bay and then underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. The Bridge is breathtaking even when it's hazy out. We went under the Bridge and then sailed around the other side of the Bay. We slowly went around Alcatraz and then went back to Pier 39. It was fun and then we went through the Aquarium on the Bay which is also on Pier 39. We had lunch on Pier 39 and then did a little shopping. It has been a fun day so far.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

24 hours: Shame filled days

24 hours: Shame filled days by ric gustafson

On their crosses, the two thieves heard and saw everything. They could feel the pain and knew what Jesus felt. Then they heard something strange.
" Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do".
They could not believe what this man was saying. He was praying on that cross. The two men reacted differently. One jeered and reviled him. The other stopped mocking Jesus. " We deserve death but not him". Then this thief looks at Jesus. " Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom".
Jesus turns his head. " Today, you will join me in paradise".
We have been nailed to the cross of our mistakes.
Jesus takes our shame filled days and fills them with grace.
Jesus holds us in his scar filled arms. " Today, you will be with me in paradise".

research help: ' Every Day deserves a Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

wine wine wine

wine wine wine by ric gustafson

The bus took us across the Bay Bridge and then we headed north. We drove into the Nappa Valley and stopped at a winery called the Madonna Estates. The wine was very good. We drove into the Sonoma area and stopped at a winery called Cline. The scenery there was pretty and the wine was good also. We stopped in the town of Sonoma itself and had lunch. Sig and I ate at a pizza place and then spent time in the town's square.
We got back on the bus and stopped at a winery on the outskirts of town. They talked about the process of making wine in length and the wine was good. The driver then took us back to Pier 39. It was a great way to spend our anniversary. Thank you Ray and Kathy for the fabulous gift.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

25 and counting

25 and counting by ric gustafson

Today, is a special day in my life. Twenty five years ago, I married a very special person. Other than the Father Son and Holy Spirit, she is the most important person in my life. She is smart, funny, has the best memory of anyone I have ever met, great with children and I love spending time with her. She completes me and I can't imagine life without her.
Today, we are going to the Nappa Sonoma wine country on a tour. It should be fun. We have been enjoying our trip and the weather has been good.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 14, 2014

24 hours: give each day a chance

24 hours: give each day a chance by ric gustafson

Psalm 118:24 says that this is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. God wants us to give each day that he gives to us a chance. God wants us to proclaim that we will rejoice and be glad in each day that is given to us. Each day that is granted to us by God is a bite size portion of life.
We can not bring back yesterday. It is gone. You cannot change, alter or change it. We do not have any longer yesterday. We do not have tomorrow yet. We cannot live tomorrow today. Today, is the day that the Lord has made.
God wants us to accept his direction for each day. We need to fill our day with God and give each day that is a gift from God a chance.

research help: ' Every Day Deserves a Chance' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

lunch at Golden Gate Park

lunch at Golden Gate Park by ric gustafson

my wife and I got on a double decker bus and started on a city tour. We drove through San Francisco areas I had not seen yet. Eventually, we ended up in Haight Ashbury. This was an area that Sig and I wanted to explore. We walked down to the famous corner of Haight and Ashbury. We walked over to Haight Ashbury Park and walked a bit. We found a store of tie die clothing and found a couple of things. The area was very unique and was actually the way I envisioned it. Our next bus stop was Golden Gate Park. It was a huge area and there were lots of YMCA kids there for day field trips. Sig and I went over the Golden Gate Bridge and it was beautiful. The water was breathtaking and it was fun to see from both sides. The bus tour was a great way to see parts of San Francisco that we had not seen yet. The hotel has wine hour and then we will find a place to eat.
The sad part of today is watching all the homeless in the city who have nothing and carry all that they have around with them looking for a place to lay their head outside. God watches over Sig and I and I know that he watches over these people also.
Everyone is God's child and I know that.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

get on the bus

get on the bus by ric gustafson

Good morning. It is Monday morning here in San Francisco and we are enjoying our trip. Today, we are going to be getting on a double decker bus and spending the day in different parts of San Francisco. It should be fun. I watched the news this morning and what is going on around the world makes me sad. But God is good and he watches over everyone including my wife and me.
Everyone have a great Monday and I will write later.

Peace and God's blessings to everyone. Love Ric

Sunday, July 13, 2014

play ball

play ball by ric gustafson

God is good and he answers prayers. Our luggage came this afternoon and things are better. My wife and I went and saw the San Francisco Giants beat the Arizona Diamondbacks 8 to 4. Tonight, we went to Pier 39 and had a great dinner and a great view of Alcatraz and the Bay.
San Francisco is a unique city and is different than anyplace I have ever been. I have enjoyed watching people the last two days and they amaze me. God has made each of us different in every way and all of us have different talents and gifts. Everyone has a choice and a decision to make. Will we give our lives to Jesus and follow him or push him away and tell him to go away.
I pray that everyone will make the choice to follow Jesus.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

good morning good morning from Fisherman's Wharf

good morning good morning from Fisherman's Wharf by ric Gustafson

Good morning from Fisherman's Wharf. We are enjoying our trip except that we still do not have our luggage. We hope it will come this morning. In the meantime, we will enjoy breakfast and then hopefully be able to plan for Alcatraz for tomorrow. I pray that everyone is having a great Sunday. Pray that our luggage comes. God is great and he always watches over Sig and I. Good morning from the Tuscan Inn.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Looking out my window

Looking out my window by ric Gustafson

Our vacation did not start that great. Our plane in Omaha was delayed for several hours. We did finally make it to Los Angeles but barely made our connecting flight to San Francisco. We made it but so far our luggage has not.
As we flew toward Los Angeles, I pondered some things. Looking out the plane's window I realized how small we are and how great God is. God made everything including the clouds, the sky and everything down below. Los Angeles was interesting to see from our plane's window along with San Francisco. This town is very interesting including bars on doors, lots of traffic on narrow streets and a diversity of people and cultures. Pray for us that our luggage will come.
See you tomorrow.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 11, 2014

the unopened gift page 5

the unopened gift page 5 by ric gustafson

Monica walked into the church and down a hallway not knowing where she was going. She asked people as she saw them if they knew her husband. Frustrated, she opened the door and walked into the large sanctuary. She sat down in a pew. She noticed that the choir was about to start their song practice. They started singing and tears began to form in Monica's eyes. She began to remember what influenced her to sing in the first place. As a youth, she sang with her parents in the church choir.
She took a tissue from her purse and began to blow her nose. She got up to leave knowing that the cab was waiting for her. Just as she reached for the sanctuary door, Jeffrey opened it. " Jeffrey, I tried to find you to get my day planner" she tearfully said as she hugged her startled husband. " I was listening to the choir and was moved by it".
" What are you saying?".
" When I get back from my tour" she replied as she gave him a peck on the cheek. " Let's talk about doing some volunteer things at church".
" Monica, will you open the unopened gift that is in the closet?".
" Yes, Jeffrey I will".
This day, Jesus wants to know if you will open the unopened gift that he offers.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 10, 2014

the unopened gift page 4

the unopened gift page 4 by ric gustafson

Monica put her two suitcases by the front door and waited for the cab to arrive. She was tired because it had only been two weeks since her last concert tour. She had not spent much time with her husband Jeffrey because of her busy schedule and all the activities her husband did at their church. She always said no to her husband's urging to help out at church.
The doorbell rang. She opened it to reveal a young man wearing a DF Cab outfit.
" Can you please put my luggage in the trunk?" she asked as she checked to make sure she had everything. She had her car keys, her plane ticket but had the feeling something was missing. " Oh no!" she exclaimed as she noticed what was missing. " Where is my day planner?". Then she remembered that her husband had taken it to church to write some dates down.
She checked the lights and then locked the door. " I'm ready to go".
The driver opened the door for her to get in.
" I'd like to make one stop before we head to the airport". She gave directions to the driver.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the unopened gift page 3

the unopened gift page 3 by ric gustafson

Jeffrey glanced at the small card that was on the box. " The gift is addressed to you".
" I don't have time to open it" Monica replied as she walked downstairs with her suitcases in tow. " Please put it in the closet for now".
He put the red box in the bedroom closet and then walked outside to wait for the cab.
The yellow cab arrived and Jeffrey handed the driver the suitcases.
" I'm going over to church to help with meals on wheels" he said as she walked out the front door. " They could use a great voice like yours in the church choir".
She gave him a kiss on the cheek. " We'll see".

Two months later

Jeffrey yawned as he pulled out the vacuum from the bedroom closet and bumped into the red box. He decided to clean the house before his wife was to return home. He was tired from spending all morning at church putting bulletins together.
Monica came home and made a fabulous dinner.
" Dinner was great" Jeffrey said with a smile as he dried dishes. " You could help with Wednesday night meals".
She yawned. " I like to cook for you".
" Monica, would you like to open that red box that is in the closet?".
" Not right now" was her reply as she yawned again. " Just leave it where it is".
Jeffrey did not ask her again.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

the unopened gift page 2

the unopened gift page 2 by ric gustafson

Jeffrey opened up the leaf and waste bag and put in some leaves he had just raked. It was a beautiful fall afternoon in October. He wanted to get some leaves raked before he went over to church. He had always been a member of Edgewood Lutheran Church but until he retired from his career in banking he could not help much with church activities. Now he has volunteered for several church projects including meals on wheels, serving meals at the homeless shelter and ushering.
He noticed that a brown UPS truck had pulled up to the curb. He walked over.
The driver set down a huge box next to Jeffrey's feet. " Sign here".
He signed the clipboard and handed it back to the driver. " That's a big box!".
The driver grinned and got back into his truck.
He picked up the box as the truck drove away. He walked into the house and put the box down.
He heard his wife's voice from upstairs. " What happened outside?".
" The UPS driver dropped off this box".
" Can you open it please?" Monica asked as she checked her purse for her plane ticket. " The cab will be here any minute".
" How long is your tour going to be?".
She checked herself one last time in the mirror. " Two months, not long".
Jeffrey opened the UPS box and took out a decorative red box with a big red bow.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the unopened gift page 1

the unopened gift page 1 by ric gustafson

Jeffrey Fitzpatrick buttoned his jacket as he felt the cool October breeze. He took out his cell phone and stared at it. He knew that his wife would be coming out any minute.
The rehearsal door swung open and his wife and two cast mates walked out.
She smiled as she noticed her husband. " Carlos, Ann this is my husband Jeffrey".
They both smiled and shook his hand in greeting.
Monica grinned at her husband. " Jeffrey, guess what happened?".
He checked the time on his cell phone. " What happened?".
" We were just told that our tour will be starting in two weeks".
He looked again at his cell phone. " That's great, I need to get back to church".
She frowned. " What event do you have to help with tonight?".
" A wedding reception".
" Ok". She frowned again. " I'll see you at home".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

women of the Bible: Job's Wife

women of the bible: Job's Wife by ric gustafson

Job is well known in the bible as the patron saint of misery. Much has been written about the patience, trials and the suffering of Job. Job's wife lost all ten of her children. She lost all of her financial security and she had to take care of her husband after he was covered by boils. Nobody comforted her and she had to wrestle with why a loving God would allow people to suffer.
Her thinking was that Job had done something to displease God and that he was being punished for it. She urged her husband to put an end to his suffering in Job 2:9.
Later, her financial security returned and she was blessed with ten children.
The lesson here is that God is working something beautiful even in the midst of our suffering.

research help: ' Extraordinary Women of the Bible' by the American Bible Society

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the ding ding man

the ding ding man by ric gustafson

The summer was hot. I heard the ding ding bell and I ran to the pure white truck. I was hungry for ice cream.
The white truck stopped and the little window opened. A man wearing white and sporting a dark beard smiled at me. " Can I help you?".
Sweat was dripping into my eyes and stung them. " I'm looking for ice cream".
He grinned at me. " I'm not selling ice cream".
" So what are you selling?".
" That people would simply believe in me, repent of their sins and they will be with me forever".
I kept wiping sweat from my eyes. " Not selling ice cream".
" Nope, just the free gift of salvation".
" If you are not selling ice cream" he said in a sad voice as he wiped sweat from his eyes again. " Why do you ding ding that bell?".
" I ding ding for the lost and for anyone willing to listen to my simple message".
" Sorry". I walked away from the truck.
Jesus watched with tears in his eyes and sadness in his heart. He dinged the bell and the white truck left the curb in search of the spiritually lost.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, July 7, 2014

I Am The True Vine page 11

I Am The True Vine page 11 by ric gustafson

In John 15:5, Jesus says that he is the Vine and that we are his branches. He wants us to be his branches here on earth. As disciples of Jesus, we need to hear his voice. We are the Vine's branches and we must be nothing else. We are the Vine's branches and we should be nothing more. God the Husbandman watches the branches and growth on the Vine. Our fruit, our character and our strength depends solely on the Vine. We need to trust and worship Jesus and let him be our only desire. Because of the Vine, fruit and growth will come.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, July 4, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: November 3 1948

We Interrupt This Broadcast: November 3 1948 by ric gustafson

Harry S Truman was a small town businessman who was elected to the Senate from Missouri. He later became Roosevelt's Vice President. When Roosevelt died, Truman became President. Two very important decisions had to be made right away. The dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan and presiding over the economic depression which followed after the war. By 1948, he was able to run for election himself but he barely managed to receive the nomination of his own party. His chief opponent was New York Governor Thomas E Dewey. Truman was a serious underdog and people knew it.  As the campaign raged on, people began to tell Harry to give them hell.
On November 2 1948, the country voted along with Truman and his family. The next day, broadcasting was stopped to tell the country that Truman had received 303 electoral votes and a four year ticket to the White House.
The Chicago Daily Tribune printed a headline that read that Dewey had defeated Truman. It was a major mistake and blunder for the paper and print media.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am The True Vine page 10

I Am The True Vine page 10 by ric gustafson

In John 15:5, Jesus proclaims that he is the Vine. Jesus is the True Vine and he bears, strengthens, supplies and inspires his branches. Jesus speaks to us a powerful saying ' I am the Vine'. Jesus wants us to abide in him as the branches. He will bring forth fruit in us his branches. The key to the Christian life is to abide. Jesus as the True Vine wants us to come out of ourselves and rest in him. He wants us to fix our hearts on him. Jesus is the Vine of God's planting. We are the branches of God's grafting. We should always stand in front of God in Christ. We should yield yourselves to bear fruit.
Jesus is God's Vine and he will work in us his branches.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, July 3, 2014

the One and Only page 1

the One and Only page 1 by ric gustafson

The beloved physician Luke begins his story in the time of Herod who was the King of Judea. A priest named Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were godly people. She was barren and they had no children. They were both well along in years. One day, as Zechariah was serving as a priest an angel of the Lord appeared to him.
That angel was Gabriel and he appeared while Zechariah was praying. " Do not be afraid, your prayer has been answered". He spoke quietly. " Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you are to give him the name John". Zechariah was told that he would be a delight to them and will be great in the sight of the Lord. He was also told that he would make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
Zechariah went home to tell his wife the good news.

research help: ' Jesus, the One and Only' by Beth Moore

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am The True Vine page 9

I Am The True Vine page 9 by ric gustafson

There is only one way for the branch to bear fruit and that is unbroken communion with the vine. Only of the vine can fruit come. Jesus tells us to abide in him and it is a wonderful privilege. In order for us to be a true branch and to bear fruit than we must abide in Christ the Vine. Abiding is an act of the will and our whole heart. We need command and obedience to master and fill our whole being. We need to be searched, exposed, pruned and cleansed. We need to be cleansed of self will and self confidence. Jesus calls us away from ourselves and our own strength to himself and his strength. We need to surrender our soul to let Jesus work in it as the true Vine.

research help: ' The True Vine' by Andrew Murray

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We Interrupt This Broadcast: August 6 1945

We Interrupt This Broadcast: August 6 1945 by ric gustafson

The successful test of the world's first atomic bomb was on July 16 1945. It took two and a half years to construct at a cost of $2 billion dollars. The first idea of an atomic bomb came from Albert Einstein in August of 1939. He told President Roosevelt about the possibility of developing a fission bomb of a annihilative nature. To test Einstein's theory, Roosevelt assembled a group of scientists headed by Dr J Robert Oppenheimer. The project was called the Manhattan Project  and it was done at a secretive government facility in Los Alamos New Mexico.
The bomb now called Little Boy was sent to Tinian Island on July 24 1945. Lieutenant Colonel Paul Tibbets and his bomber group were assigned to deliver the bomb to it's target. On August 6 1945, The Enola Gay led by Tibbets left at 2:45 am. At 8:15 am, the bomb was dropped and exploded 1850 feet over Hiroshima. The bomb created a blinding flash and temperatures as hot as 7200 degrees. Buildings boiled and melted, rivers burned and people  vaporized into thin air. Water vapor became black rain and a shock wave obliterated buildings. 80 thousand Japanese and 23 American POW's  died within the first hour of the blast. President Truman interrupted programming to tell the nation what happened. On August 9, another atomic bomb was dropped over Nagasaki.
At noon on August 15, Emperor Hirohito informed his nation that they were surrendering.

research help: ' We Interrupt This Broadcast' by Joe Garner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric