Thursday, May 31, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 2

the stranger who came to town page 2 by ric gustafson

Brandon was still eating his light supper when he heard the front door open. He got up from his chair and looked over the counter. Seeing nobody, he sat back down. He was hoping for a customer because times had been tough lately financially. With customers only trickling in, he wasn't sure how long he could keep the motel going.
" Hello" asked a deep voice from in front of the counter.
Brandon stood up to see a tall young man who was wearing a bright red shirt, tan shorts and dark sunglasses. " May I help you?".
" Yes, I was driving toward Marquette and because it's late I was wondering if I could get a room for tonight?".
" Sure we have plenty of rooms" Brandon replied as he got the key for room 12 and gave it to the stranger. " Room 12, four rooms down on the left".
" How much is the room?" the stranger asked as he took his wallet out of his back pocket.
" 40 dollars a night" he replied as he put a registration card in front of the stranger. " But if you eat at Flora's in the morning, I'll give you a 10 dollar discount".
" Agreed". The stranger signed the card and gave Brandon $30.00.
He took the key for room 12 and walked toward the front door.
Brandon glanced at the card. " Welcome Mr Tang to the Smokey Flats Motel".

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

the stranger who came to town page 1

the stranger who came to town page 1 by ric gustafson

Brandon Marcotte turned off the bathroom light of room 8, put the cleaning bucket back on the yellow cleaning cart and finished making the queen sized bed. He closed the front door  and wheeled the cart toward the utility closet which was near the office. As he walked through the front door of the 16 room motel, his son Josh walked up carrying a can of paint.
" Room 15 is finished Dad" he said as he put the paint can down and felt the sweat on his forehead from the summer heat. " Dad, since I'm finished can I go to the bible study at Ron's house?".
" Sure" was his father's reply as he put the key for room 8 back on the key rack. " Be careful driving". He watched as his teenage son drove off in his blue pickup. He was proud of his son for becoming a christian and being active in a high school bible study group.
The motel was quiet and it was getting to be late afternoon. The town of Smokey Flats had only 1000 residents and things were usually quiet. People stopping at his motel were usually driving toward the bigger town of Marquette on Highway 30.
Brandon sat down at a small table behind the motel's front counter and started to eat his supper of a sandwich and some chips.

the parade crasher page 4

the parade crasher page 4 by ric gustafson

I said to Jesus " Rabbi, I want to see". I felt hands on my eyes and extreme warmth on them.
" Open them" Jesus said as he took his hands away.
I slowly opened my eyes and the noon sun made me close them right away. I opened them again and saw a young bearded man giving me a big smile. " Praise God" I yelled as I was overwhelmed by what had just happened to me. I looked to my side and saw Mita and Tila waving at me.
Jesus looked at me. " Go, your faith has healed you". He turned and began to walk away with his followers.
I followed Jesus out of the city entrance singing praises to his name at the top of my lungs. Goodbye Jericho my life had changed forever.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parade crasher page 3

the parade crasher page 3 by ric gustafson

As the noon sun beated down on me I thought to myself that I would love to be able to see. I would be able to see Mita and Tila and finally see what Jericho actually looks like.
" He's coming" Mita said as she moved her fruit cart up onto the narrow sidewalk.
As the parade started to pass me by, I decided I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I put my little tin cup on the ground and straightened up. " Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me".
" Bartimaeus, hush up" Mita said as she watched the Rabbi and his followers walk by.
Something inside of me told me to yell louder. " Son of David, have mercy on me".
" Bartimaeus be quiet " Tila said in a stern voice. " Now you've done it".
Mita shook me. " Get up Bartimaeus, the Rabbi is calling for you".
I got up, threw my tin cup onto the ground and began to walk toward the Rabbi's voice. I stopped at the feet of the Rabbi.
" What do you want me to do for you?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the parade crasher page 2

the parade crasher page 2 by ric gustafson

I could tell by the voices going by that something grand and unusual was approaching from one end of the city toward me. I heard people jumping shouting and running by me. " What's going on Mita?" I asked as I strained to hear everyone's voice.
" I don't know" she said as people walked up to buy fruit from her cart.
" What's going on Tila?" I asked as I wiped the noonday sweat from my forehead.
" I've been hearing from people that the Rabbi from Galilee and his followers are trying to get through town without being noticed".
" Who's the Rabbi from Galilee?" I asked Mita.
" I've heard he's performed miracles and preaches that the Kingdom of God is at hand".
" He's coming" Tila said as he pointed up the street. He moved his meat cart from the edge of the street.
I heard people shouting and voices getting more louder as they came closer.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parade crasher page 1

the parade crasher page 1 by ric gustafson

I woke up and felt around for my little tin cup. It was cool out and I knew that it was still early morning. According to my father Timaeus, I have been blind since birth. I have lived in Jericho my entire life and even though I cannot see, I can hear everything that goes on.
I have been sitting in this spot most of my life begging for food and money. Sometimes somebody will throw a few coins into my tin cup but not often.
Even though I hear a lot of voices going by me each day, two voices are very important to me. Mita owns a fruit cart and parks it right next to me. Sometimes she will throw me a piece of fruit and talk to me. Tila owns a meat cart and parks it on the other side of me. Every once in a while, Tila will hand me a small piece of meat and pat me on top of my head.
One morning, I could tell by the voices going by me that something different was going on.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 3

Sunday nites at Starbucks page 3 by ric gustafson

Gerald opened the very cold front door and walked in. He put the two styrofoam containers on top of the trash cart and then put his black gloves into his winter coat.
" Hi Gerald" said the young clerk who recognized him. " Would you like your usual this evening?".
He glanced at his nametag. " Yes Peter, I would like a skinny latte".
" You got it". He took a mug and began to make it.
Gerald studied the tables and then smiled.
" Here you are".
" Thank you Peter". He picked up the mug and the styrofoam containers and started walking toward the table nearest the restrooms.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return to the land of Dante page 3

the return to the land of Dante page 3 by ric gustafson

The elderly man pointed toward the dark grey water. " Here comes Charon and his boat".
A boat that looked like a tanker slowly pulled up to the concrete landing and quietly docked. An elderly man wearing black pants and black sunglasses tied some ropes to the landing. People were trying to get past a locked gate leading to the boat.
" Get back" Charon said as he swung a lead pipe at the crowd to get their attention. " Wait you damned souls until after I open the gate".
Aaron and the elderly man waited until most of the crowd had entered the boat.
" Hello Charon" the elderly man said with a grin.
" Well, if it isn't the old man from the Vestibule" replied Charon as he gave him a toothless smirk. He pointed his lead pipe at Aaron. " Who's your new friend?".
" This is Aaron" was his reply. " He's new here".
" Get on board".

research help: ' My visit to Hell' by Paul Thigpen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 27, 2012

the return to the land of Dante page 2

the return to the land of Dante page 2 by ric gustafson

The elderly man led Aaron down some damp concrete stairs until they stepped into a large puddle of rotting garbage. Compared  to the coolness of the Vestibule, this corridor where they could barely see in front of them felt like a muggy heat. He led Aaron to what looked like a giant concrete landing next to a dark gray river.
" Old man, where are we?".
" See all of these naked souls milling around" he said with a sly grin.
" Yes".
" They are all waiting for Charon".
" Charon?".
" The boatman who ferries dead souls across this river to Hell".

research help: ' My visit to Hell' by Paul Thigpen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

through the eyes of a child page 12

through the eyes of a child page 12 by ric gustafson

Kelly heard the steel cart approach and fear crept into her mind. ' God, please help me' she silently prayed as the masking tape over her mouth prevented her from talking out loud. The cart came up to the van. " Somebody please help me" she said as the masking tape kept her silent and the ropes around her arms kept her immobile.
" Can you please put the groceries behind the front seat" he asked as he was glad no sound was coming from the back of the van.
" Sure" replied the young sacker.
When he had finished with the sacks, he shook the young man's hand. " What's the quickest way to get to North Highway 4?".
" Robert's Ave goes into North Highway 4".
" Is there a gas station before the end of town?".
" Yes, Sammy's Express is right at the edge of town.
He got in and turned onto Robert's Ave. He pulled into one of the station's bays, got out and began to fill up the tank. As he filled it, Kelly smelled the gasoline and knew that they were at a filling station. She then began to smell something she had not smelled in years. ' Funnel cakes' she thought as a smile crossed her taped lips. Every time her Daddy took her to a fair as a child, they always got a funnel cake. She wondered if their was a bakery next to the filling station. This happy memory kept her quiet as he got back into the van and turned right onto North Highway 4.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the uninvited guests page 1

the uninvited guests page 1 by ric gustafson

Amanda Hinkling opened her eyes and looked to her left. The clock said 2:30 am and now she was wide awake. She had been thinking about taking some college classes to help her find a better job. ' I'm worried that I'm too old to start'. She noticed the clock turned to 2:31. " I'm worried that it would be too hard  to take classes and work full time" she muttered to herself as she turned onto her side to try and go back to sleep.
All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. " Who is that at 2:30 in the morning?" she said as she turned on the bedroom light and put on her worn blue slippers. She walked quietly down the wooden stairs and stopped at the front door. She began to worry that it was someone who was going to harm her. " Who is it?".
A strange voice replied. " Worry".
She opened the door a crack to reveal a young man who wore red pants and a red shirt.
" I would like to come in please".
" Who sent you?".
" The father of lies".
She remembered what a christian friend had told her about uninvited thoughts. " Go away" she said as she slammed the door in the strangers face. " I will not worry about taking college classes to better myself".

research help" ' Power Thoughts' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 26, 2012

the story of Sarai page 7

the story of Sarai page 7 by ric gustafson

Sarai heard the ram's horn as the burial procession stopped. The burial chamber was on the outskirts of Harran and stone circular stairs led into the darkness. As they watched in silence, four strong men lowered the stone sarcophagus into the chamber. Normally, pottery, clothing and coins would be placed in the chamber also but Abram would have none of that.
Holding Sarai's hand, Abram faced the crowd gathered at the chamber. " We commit Terah ben Nahor to the Creator returning it to the dust it came from". He looked at the chamber. " May he rest in peace".
As they left, Abram knew it was time for him and Sarai to go where Adonai wanted him to go.

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return to the land of Dante page 1

the return to the land of Dante page 1 by ric gustafson

Aaron landed on his feet and then stood up. He slapped at something in the dark and he heard it fly into a nearby damp cold wall. He walked over and stared at the giant flying insect. It looked like a cockroach he had seen at the zoo. He slowly walked in the darkness toward an open doorway. He peeked in to see an elderly man snoring in a burgundy oversized sofa chair. " Ouch" he said loudly as he slapped another insect that had just bitten his left arm.
The elderly man woke up and smiled at Aaron. " Hello there".
" Where am I?".
" Where do you think you are?".
Aaron shook his head in frustration. " I jumped into a hole to escape some attackers".
" You must of jumped into a portal leading to this Vestibule".
" Vestibule?". Aaron watched as an elderly woman walked into the room and turned on an old rusted TV that was in a far corner. " Who is that?".
" A neutral and you are in the Vestibule of Hell".
" What's a neutral?".
The elderly man grinned at Aaron. " Someone who lived a lukewarm life". " They were not hot or cold".
He watched as worms and flying cockroaches covered the old woman's body. " These lukewarm people live in this Vestibule".
" Yes, this outer circle of Hell is their home now".

research help" ' My visit to Hell' by Paul Thigpen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 25, 2012

come to the water page 8

come to the water page 8 by ric gustafson

Isaiah 32: 15- ' Until at last the Spirit is poured down upon us from heaven'

The cool water of the river of God brings justice and righteousness to our lives. We who are just treat others with honor and dignity in accordance with God's Word. Those without justice do not have the river of God flowing through them. Justice brings righteousness and that brings a right relationship with God. To be just and righteous we must surrender to God. When God's Spirit rules our land, peace and quietness prevails.

research help: ' Flowing in the River of the Spirit' by Larry Keefauver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 24, 2012

come to the water page 7

come to the water page 7 by ric gustafson

Psalm 51:7- ' Purify me from my sins and I will be clean, wash me and I will be whiter than snow'

The cool water of God's river purifies and cleanses us from our sin. Without this water, we are bogged down with sin. We need water to cleanse our bodies and we need God's living water the Holy Spirit to purify and cleanse us spiritually. We need to open the floodgate of confession so that our unconfessed sin can be cleansed from our spiritual bodies. We need to come to the water and be purified and cleansed so that we can be made whiter than snow.

research help: ' Flowing in the River of the Spirit' by Larry Keefauver

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 5

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 5 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman watched the clock turn to 6:00 and the last student take his chair. " Good evening class" he said as he wrote something on the white board. " How many of you went to church last weekend?". A few hands went up. " Tonight, we will be studying the Worship Pathway". " One way to get to know God better is through regular worship with other believers".
A young woman raised her hand. " Mr Freeman".
" Yes Janelle".
" Mr Freeman, I believe in God but it is hard to get to church because we live a long ways from church".
" Janelle, their are other ways you can worship God".
She grinned. " Like what?".
" When you drive listen to worship tapes or get into a small group bible study and study God's Word".
" Ok".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

names of God: Amen

names of God: Amen by ric gustafson

Revelation 3:14- ' the Amen, the faithful and true witness'

This term refers to God the Son. the name Amen usually concludes most Judeo- Christian prayers. In the original Hebrew it means ' verily or truly'. In this passage from Revelation, John was telling the people of Laodicea that Jesus was disappointed in their lack of faith. Jesus Christ the Amen does not want us to be lukewarm in our faith. As followers of God, Jesus Christ the Amen wants our faith to be red hot for him.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spiritual Pathways page 4

Spiritual Pathways page 4 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman watched as Chaz Johnson entered the classroom. " Chaz, could you help Robert set up the chairs at the tables?".
" Sure Mr Freeman".
With a smile on his face, he helped his friend set up the chairs as the other students came in.
6:00 came. " Ok, let's get started". Mr Freeman wrote a term on the board. " The Spiritual Pathway we are studying tonight is a Serving Pathway". He pointed at Chaz. " Chaz, how did you feel helping Robert set up the chairs?".
" I enjoyed helping Robert".
" Good, God's presence feels closer to us when we are helping others". " We need to think about what Jesus said".
" What is that Mr Freeman?".
" Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me".
" Do you want to feel God's presence in your life?".
" Yes".
" Serve others".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 21, 2012

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 3

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 3 by ric gustafson

The time was 6:00.
" Let's get started" Mr Freeman said as he wrote something on the board. " I would like you to get into a small group of four people". He watched as everyone moved their chairs around. " Amanda, how do feel when you are in a group compared to being by yourself?".
" Mr Freeman, I feel safer and more loved".
He smiled and wrote on the board. " That is the reason for a Relational Pathway".
" What do you mean Mr Freeman?".
" We feel a deeper sense of God when we are in significant relationships such as a small group". " Jesus said that when two or three are gathered in his name, he is in the midst of them".
" So Mr Freeman, this pathway could occur here in this classroom".
" Yes, or at a baseball game or on an elevator or at a little league game". He smiled at the students. " Whereever two or more are gathered".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 2

Spiritual Pathways 101 page 2 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman watched the clock and waited for the last students to sit down.
The time hit 6:oo.
" Let's get started" he said with a smile as he picked up a marker and began to write something on the board. " The first spiritual pathway we will be looking at tonight is intellectual pathway". He wrote the word on the board in big letters. " People on an intellectual pathway draw closer to God as they learn more about him".
A young woman raised her hand. " Mr Freeman".
" Yes".
" We can correlate being in class to an intellectual pathway".
" That's right Kim" he replied with a grin. " We hear God best when we are learning".
" Like how Mr Freeman?".
" Reading books, deep thoughts, learning in class, sound teaching and studying God's Word".

research help: ' God is closer than you think' by John Ortberg

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Lord of Hosts

names of God: Lord of Hosts by ric gustafson

Zechariah 8:22- ' strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts'

This term refers to God the Father. The name Lord of Hosts is sometimes taken to mean commander of the armies of heaven. In this passage, God proclaims through Zechariah that he would speak or conquer all nations and that they would come to worship him.
As God's followers, we are privileged to have the Lord of Hosts on our side to help us through our battles.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 18, 2012

the Wonderful Wizard of Oz page 1

the Wonderful Wizard of Oz page 1 by ric gustafson

Dorothy lived in a great Kansas prairie with Uncle Henry, a farmer and Aunt Em his wife. She had a little black dog named Toto that she loved. They had a small farm and no cellar except for a hole in the ground which was called a cyclone cellar.
One day, as Uncle Henry was watching the sky and Aunt Em was washing dishes, the wind was acting strange. " Em, there's a cyclone coming".
Toto ran into the bedroom and underneath Dorothy's bed.
As Dorothy ran back into the house to get Toto, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry opened the cyclone cellar and got in.
Dorothy picked up Toto and started toward her bedroom door. All of a sudden, the wind shook the house violently and she fell hard unto her bed. As her eyes closed, she felt as if the house was slowly rising into the air.

research help: ' The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' by L. Frank Baum

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Consuming Fire

names of God: Consuming Fire by ric gustafson

Hebrews 12: 28-29- ' for our God is a consuming fire'

This term refers to God the Father. A consuming fire will overcome whatever lies in it's path. In the case of a forest fire, the consuming fire will destroy the landscape but leave behind space for new growth. These verses from Hebrews tell us that God will shake heaven and earth and only the faithful will remain. God the Consuming Fire shows us mercy and brings out the best in us.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the story of Sarai page 6

the story of Sarai page 6 by ric gustafson

Sarai and Abram sat silently as the doctor walked out of the bedchamber.
" How is father doctor?".
" Not good, his breathing is very shallow". " Abram, how old is your father?".
" One hundred twice and five years".
The doctor smiled. " I will check on him later".
Sarai and Abram entered the bedchamber and noticed how dark it was. Sarai walked over and opened the shutters of the window letting the sun in.
Abram kneeled down next to his father. " Father, I am here".
Terah opened his eyes and noticed the light flooding the room. He slowly lifted a hand and gently put it on Abram's shoulder. He grinned and then closed his eyes.

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 17, 2012

names of God: Ransom

names of God: Ransom by ric gustafson

Mark 10:45- ' The Son of Man came to give his life a ransom for many'

This term refers to God the Son. A ransom is usually a price paid by someone for the freedom of another. We are sinners under the judgment wrath of God. God sent his only Son to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus took our place and paid the penalty with his own blood. Jesus Christ is the Ransom for my sins and the sins of the whole world.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 4 page 1

the roar of the Lyon chapter 4  staff meeting page 1 by ric gustafson

Dwayne walked into the large conference room and sat down next to his new friend Mark. He yawned as he looked at J. I.
" Good morning Dwayne" he said as he pointed at the two large cardboard boxes in the middle of the table. " Grab a donut and a cup of coffee".
Dwayne stood up, walked over and began to pour himself a cup. He sat back down and then took a glazed donut from the box.
" Now that we are all here" he said as he grinned at everyone. " Let's begin the meeting". " Please open your first manila folder".
" One of our biggest clients is a TV channel called World News Today".
" J. I." Clarice Dunning asked as she studied the pages in her folder. " This channel is losing it's audience, ratings and dollars for this firm".
" That's true Miss Dunning and we need to figure out a way to reverse that trend".
Dwayne thought for a moment and then raised his hand. " J.I., why don't we change the channel and call it the Good News Network".
" Good News Network?".
" Instead of repeating bad news all the time why don't we report good news instead".

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

the return of the stonethrower page 3

the return of the stonethrower page 3 by ric gustafson

The twelve men stared at the Rabbi for an answer but he was silent. Instead, he looked down at the ground and began to draw in the sand with one of his fingers.
The men stared at his strange behavior. All of a sudden, he looked up at them. " Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her". He then began to write in the sand again.
The men stared at each other. The oldest of the men dropped his stone and then walked away. One by one this happened until only Jalien, Ania and Zeula were the only three left. Then the three men dropped their large stones and walked away.
" Woman, where are they?" Jesus asked the young woman. " Has no one condemned you?".
" No one".
" Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more".

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 13, 2012

the story of Sarai page 5

the story of Sarai page 5 by ric gustafson

Sarai noticed the tall round roof buildings of Harran. The caravan stopped and she hoped that they could rest there and wash up. Abram's father was getting sicker and sicker as they traveled on their dusty and long journey.
Abram was talking to the guards at the city gate as Sarai got down from her donkey. He walked back. " I have found rooms to spend the night and we can tend to Father's needs".
Later, Sarai and Lot's wife Melah were walking through the city's market. All of a sudden, they stopped in front of a stall.
Sarai stared in horror at the things on display including amulets and idols of Gods. " Melah, why did we stop here?".
" I need an amulet to keep the demons away" she said as her roving eye noticed a stone pendant that was strung with leather strings. She bought it and put it around her neck. " Sarai, would you like me to buy you one?".
" No!".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the return of the stonethrower page 2

the return of the stone thrower page 2 by ric gustafson

Jalien walked over and told Ania and Zeula what they were going to do with the young woman. With the terrified woman in between the twelve men, they started walking toward the Temple. As they walked, Jalien gave them some instructions on what they were going to do.
Jalien stopped next to a large stone pile. " Inside the Temple right now is a Rabbi by the name of Jesus". " We are trying to trick him so that we can bring a charge against him". He picked up a large stone. " Each of you pick up a large stone and follow me". With the young woman in tow, they quietly walked into the Temple.
As they entered the Temple Mount, they saw a young dark bearded man sitting on the ground with some followers around him. All of them quickly gathered into a semi circle around the Rabbi.
" Teacher" Jalien said in a loud voice. " This woman was caught in the act of adultery and the Law of Moses commands that we stone her". Jalien gave the Rabbi a stern look. " What do you say we should do?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 12, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 3 page 3

the roar of the Lyon chapter 3 orientation page 3 by ric gustafson

Dwayne put a picture of his wife on top of his desk. He smiled becaused he loved her very much and she always supported him. He heard a knock on his office door. " Come in". It opened and his boss walked in. " Settling in Dwayne".
" Yes J. I. This is a beautiful office".
" I'm glad you approve" he replied as he walked over to the large window and looked out. " This office has a great view of the park". He quietly walked over and put two big manila folders on the desk. " I would like you to look over these two files before our staff meeting Monday morning".
" Ok". Dwayne glanced at the names on the folders. " What time is the meeting?".
" 8:00 sharp" J. I. said as he opened the door to walk out. " I will bring the donuts".

names of God: Shiloh

names of God: Shiloh by ric gustafson

Genesis 49:10- ' Until Shiloh come and unto him shall the gathering of the people be'

This name refers to God the Son. The term Shiloh means ' his gift' and also ' he who was sent or wished for'. This name also means a peaceful resting place. When Judah the son of Jacob was proclaimed the greatest of his father's sons, it was said that he would rule until Shiloh arrived. Shiloh did come and brought peace. Jesus is our Shiloh and brings peace and happiness to our sinful souls.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 10, 2012

the roar of the Lyon chapter 3 page 2

the roar of the Lyon chapter 3 orientation page 2 by ric gustafson

Dwayne silently ate the last of his lunch as he stared at his little pocket bible. He was looking at the Book of Psalms to help ease his nerves.
" Hi".
He looked up to see a young dark bearded man smiling at him.
" Sorry, I did not mean to interrupt you".
" I was just relaxing by looking at my bible".
" I'm Mark Phillips, Lyon Financial Group's Corporate Relations" he said as he shook Dwayne's hand. " I noticed that your new office is right next to mine".
" I just moved into it today".
Mark stared at Dwayne's bible. " Which church do you belong to?".
" Redemption Lutheran Church".
" That's interesting" he said with a surprised look on his face. " My wife and I just joined".
" Please" Dwayne said as he dabbed his mouth with a napkin. " Have a seat".
Mark smiled, pulled out an empty chair across from Dwayne and sat down.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the story of Sarai page 4

the story of Sarai page 4 by ric gustafson

Abram rested in the cool breeze of his father's courtyard as he watched his servant Eliezer approach. The camel stopped and he stepped down. " Abram, I brought the last of the provisions you asked for".
" Thank you my friend" he replied. " What I sold brought a fair price".
" Yes, I secured for you grain, baskets, wineskins and gold, silver and trinkets for trading". " Also this". He handed Abram a pouch full of gold coins.
" My friend, I would be honored if you will come on our journey as my steward".
" I would be honored Abram" he said as he smiled. " I have nothing to keep me here".
" Thank you" Abram replied. " We will leave in one month".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

the story of Sarai page 3

the story of Sarai page 3 by ric gustafson

Sarai smiled as she saw Abram approach the gate of the courtyard. He opened the gate and walked up to her. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. He had a serious look on his worn face.
" What happened my husband?". " Adonai Elohim spoke to me".
" He called my name and told me to leave my country, my family and go to a land that he would show me". " That is not all".
" What else did the voice tell you my husband?".
" He said that he would make me a great nation".
" Abram, what does that mean?".
" Adonai promised me that we would have a son".
" Oh Abram" Sarai said as tears came down her face. " I am so happy".
" Sarai, will you come with me?".
" Of course my husband, where you go I go".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crumbs page 2

crumbs page 2 by ric gustafson

Jesus stared at the woman. " I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel".
Crying, the woman ran up to Jesus and bowed down before him. " Lord, help me".
" It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs".
The woman looked at Jesus. " Yes Lord but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from the Master's table".
Jesus smiled at her with loving eyes. " Oh woman, your faith is great, it shall be done for you as you wish".
The woman's daughter was healed instantly.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 7, 2012

names of God: Prince of Peace

names of God: Prince of Peace by ric gustafson

Isaiah 9:6- ' and his name shall be called the Prince of Peace'

This name refers to God the Son. The prophet Isaiah predicted tough times for Judah and Israel. People had turned from God and leaders had led them to ruin. But God did not abandon them and promised to send them the Prince of Peace. God promised to send them a Savior into the world whose reign would be just. Jesus is our Prince of Peace and always will be.

research help: ' Beloved names of God' by David Mclaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

crumbs page 1

crumbs page 1 by ric gustafson

Jesus and his followers were slowly walking up a dusty incline. He was tired after explaining a parable to some Pharisees and scribes. They were walking toward a quiet place where they could relax.
All of a sudden, Jesus noticed a Cananite woman standing by the edge of the road.
" Have mercy on me Lord".
Jesus did not answer as they kept walking.
" Son of David, my daughter is cruelly demon possessed" she yelled.
Peter looked toward Jesus. " Lord, send her away because she keeps shouting at us".

research help:  The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 3, 2012

the story of Sarai page 2

the story of Sarai page 2 by ric gustafson

Abram used his staff to cut away at the brambles holding the ram. He could see the dark clouds forming warning that a storm was coming. He put his staff under the ram's belly and pushed the animal out to safety. He poured oil over the animal's wounds and then it ran off.
" Abram".
He turned, looked around and saw nobody. He began to walk away.
" Abram".
He shook his head. Was he hearing things he wondered.
" Abram".
He got down onto his knees. " Here I am".
" Get out of this country to a land that I will show you" said the voice. " I will make your name great and make you into a great nation".
Abram knew that the voice was Adonai Elohim Mighty God. In his heart, he knew that he must obey the Creator.

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

the story of Sarai page 1

the story of Sarai page 1 by ric gustafson

Disappointment came over Sarai's face as she watched their nephew Lot and his new bride Melah enjoying their wedding feast. She heard someone behind her and turned to see her husband Abram.
" My dear wife, why so sad?".
" Abram, they seem so happy and I am sad because I never fulfilled my wedding vow".
" My dear wife" he said as he put his arms around her and held her. " What vow was that?".
" After thirty two years of marriage, I have yet to conceive".
" My dear wife, do not let that bother you".
" It does bother me Abram".
" Adonai will bless us when the time is right".

research help:  ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric