Tuesday, July 19, 2011

through the eyes of a child page 11

through the eyes of a child page 11 by ric gustafson.

Charles suddenly woke up as he heard the phone ring. He reached over to the small brown nightstand and picked it up. Both he and Katie were tired from worrying all night about their daughter. " Hello" he said with a slight yawn. " Good morning Detective".
" Good morning Mr Brown" the Detective's voice wavered. " Could you and your wife come to the open area at the park and meet me at 8 am".
" I think I could arrange that".
" Who was that?" Katie asked as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.
" Detective Springer" he said as he put his glasses on and turned on the lamp nearest his bed. " He would like us to meet him at the park at 8 am".
Both of them quietly showered, got dressed, ate a little breakfast and Charles called the office to tell Michelle he would be coming in later than expected. At 8 sharp, both of them walked up to the park bench and saw Detective Springer sitting there with three big cups of coffee.
" Sorry for the early morning meeting Mr and Mrs Brown" he said as he handed a cup to each of them . He stood up so they could sit down. " I wanted to let you know what's going on".
" Thank you" Katie said as her nervous hands hung tightly around her coffee cup.
" Late last night, we found what so far is our only witness who was jogging and saw Kelly sitting on this park bench".
" Did she see anything? Charles asked.
" Between 8:15 and 8:20 am, she remembers someone wearing a yellow and white jogging outfit and a baseball cap sitting on this bench resting as she jogged by".
" Then what happened?".
" She dropped her cell phone and as she bent down to pick it up, she noticed a plain white van pull up to the curb in front of the park bench". " She started jogging again and when she came back, both the white van and Kelly were gone".
" My baby" Katie screamed as tears ran down her face.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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