Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the story of Martha page 4

the story of Martha page 4 by ric gustafson.

Martha walked into the small courtyard of their home and smiled at the three goats that were resting. The family's donkey watched her as she entered the alcove of the courtyard. As she found a pot for the stew she was preparing for the evening meal, she heard the two men open the gate.
" My daughter" Ephraim said with a smile as he and Lazarus entered the alcove. " We have news from Jerusalem".
" What news Abba?".
" There is talking going on about a man whom people believe is a prophet".
" A prophet?".
" He is called John the Baptist and he baptizes people in the Jordan River".
Lazarus watched his sister start the stew. " He wears a garment of camel's hair and eats locusts and wild honey".
" He says that he is preparing the way for someone who is coming soon".
" Herod is afraid of him".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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