Friday, July 22, 2011

the end of days page 3

the end of days page 3 by ric gustafson.

Rory Johnston walked into his mother's hospital room and saw her sitting up in the bed. " Good morning mother".
" Better, my headache and the throbbing is gone" Emily Johnston said as she bit into a slice of toast. " Did you walk around the hospital?".
" Yes and guess who's room is just two doors down".
" Who?".
" my new boss Jim Harris and his wife Agnes" he said as he turned on the TV with the remote.
" Why are they here?"
" They lost their son yesterday too" he said in a hushed voice. " Just like my father vanished".
As Emily kept eating, they watched the chaos ensuing on the TV screen.
" I don't know what you see in him".
" He's trying to keep the UN and the world together after what happened yesterday".
" Our bible study group studied the book of Revelation and an event called the Rapture".
" I don't want to hear about it" Rory retorted in anger. " How could a loving God take my father away like that".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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