Saturday, July 23, 2011

the story of Martha page 1

the story of Martha page 1 by ric gustafson.

" Mary, stop daydreaming" Martha said as she got some cups together for supper. She was becoming more stern with her younger sister and she was sorry. Her younger sister gave her a nod of forgiveness and then Martha helped her finish her chores.
It had been two years since their mother died and Lazarus, Mary and her had started to help their father more.
While they were eating, Ephraim smiled at his daughter. " I am talking to Gera and Rhumah about you getting bethrothed to their son Phineas" he said as he drank fresh milk from a cup. " We are still talking".
" I know Abba that it will work out".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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