Friday, July 22, 2011

the end of days page 4

the end of days page 4 by ric gustafson.

Jim Harris watched as Carlo Ritelo Simpato entered the auditorium of the UN general assembly. He was hard to overlook at over six feet tall. With no speech notes in hand, he quietly walked up to the podium. He stared at the assembly.
There was a knock on the hospital door.
" Come in".
A young police officer entered the room and removed his hat. " I'm sorry to bother you Mr and Mrs Harris". " I'm here just to ask you a few questions". He looked up at the TV. " Who's on the TV?".
" Carlo Simpato, a UN representative from Italy".
Carlo took a sip of bottled water. " I realize the terrible event that just happened all over the world". He looked at the audience with a tear in his eye. " I ask and plead for all the nations of the world to unite and come together in peace".
" Mrs Harris, what was the last thing you remember as far as your son?".
Agnes thought for a moment. " Our SUV was rolling over and I looked back to see how Robbie was and all I saw was a bundle of clothes and my son gone".

research help: ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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