Friday, July 15, 2011

Salt and Light page 4

Salt and Light page 4 by ric gustafson.

Fred Walker squinted as he tried to read the memo. He heard a knock on his office door. " Come in".
The door opened to reveal his nine year old son and someone behind him he did not know.
" Who's your friend Mikey?".
The boy turned toward Jack. " Daddy, this is the man who changes light bulbs".
Fred watched Jack in the dim light approach his desk. " I'm Jack Dallas the light bulb salesman".
" Fred Walker" was the reply as he shook the salesman's hand. " Welcome to my potato chip factory".
" Your plant is very dark" Jack said as he sat down in an open chair near Fred's desk. " I've already replaced some light bulbs in your reception area".
" I like it dark in here" he said as he heard his desk phone ring. He picked it up. " This is Fred".
He stood up. " I'm sorry I have to cut short our conversation" he said as he handed Jack a basket of potato chips. " I'm needed on the plant floor".
" Please try our new chips". He left the room.
Jack bit into a chip. He frowned at Mickey.
" I know they are terrrible" the young boy said with a sigh as held tightly onto his soccer ball.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

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