Sunday, July 31, 2011

the end of days page 5

the end of days page 5 by ric gustafson.

Jim softly knocked on the hospital door.
" Come in".
He entered to see Rory Johnston and his mother talking to a Copper Creek police officer.
" Mrs Johnston, that is all the questions I have right now" the officer said as he put his hat on and then walked toward the door. " Have a good day".
" Thank you officer" Rory replied with a smile as he noticed his new boss enter the room. " Hi Mr Harris".
" Hi Rory, I just wanted to see how your mother was doing".
" I'm doing ok" she said weakly as she sipped from a small carton of milk and watched the TV screen. " I still don't know what you see in that man".
" He wants to do business with our bank so that one of his ideas might come true".
" What is that Mr Harris?".
" He wants the world to become a global community" he said as he studied the screen. " He also wants the countries of the world to adopt a one world currency".

research help: ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, July 30, 2011

the story of Martha page 7

the story of Martha page 7 by ric gustafson.

Tears came down Martha's face as she, Mary and Lazarus watched their father on his pallet. He had passed on peacefully in his sleep.
As Mary and Lazarus kept weeping, Martha thought about all the things she had to do. Both Abba and mother were gone now and everything was now on Martha's shoulders.
As soon as it became light out, Anna and Helah came over to help begin the funeral process. They rubbed Ephraim's body with oil. They wrapped his body in linen strips and put spices between them. They put a linen napkin around his head. The town's Rabbi said the Kaddish and then a funeral procession led to a nearby tomb.
That night, they celebrated seudat havraah, the meal of condolences.
Then they started the seven days of mourning.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Friday, July 29, 2011

the story of Martha page 6

the story of Martha page 6 by ric gustafson.

Martha held the rope of the donkey that their father sat on. Lazarus was behind him as he heard Roman horses approaching. As they came near, the donkey panicked and threw Ephraim off.
Lazarus ran toward his father as the Roman detachment galloped their horses around him.
The centurion in charge of the soldiers stopped his horse and dismounted. He took off his helmet. " Is everyone ok?".
" Thank you" Lazarus said as he held tightly onto his father.
" I am Centurion Flavius Artemis of the Antonia Fortress".
" Thank you kind soldier" Martha said as she helped her father get back onto the donkey.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

the story of Martha page 5

the story of Martha page 5 by ric gustafson.

The noon hour approached as Martha listened to the Levite choir. She watched as her brother was preparing the sacrificial lamb for the Temple. All of a sudden, she noticed that the singing had stopped.
Lazarus ran into the courtyard and stopped to catch his breath.
" Lazarus, what is happening?".
" The whole Temple is in an uproar at the moment".
" Why?".
" An unknown Rabbi came in just as I was finishing our sacrifice and overturned the moneychangers tables with a homemade whip".
" Nobody knew who this Rabbi was".
" He released the lambs from their pens and the doves from their cages".
Martha couldn't believe what she was hearing. " Who is this unknown Rabbi?".
" I heard people call him Jesus".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

the story of Martha page 4

the story of Martha page 4 by ric gustafson.

Martha walked into the small courtyard of their home and smiled at the three goats that were resting. The family's donkey watched her as she entered the alcove of the courtyard. As she found a pot for the stew she was preparing for the evening meal, she heard the two men open the gate.
" My daughter" Ephraim said with a smile as he and Lazarus entered the alcove. " We have news from Jerusalem".
" What news Abba?".
" There is talking going on about a man whom people believe is a prophet".
" A prophet?".
" He is called John the Baptist and he baptizes people in the Jordan River".
Lazarus watched his sister start the stew. " He wears a garment of camel's hair and eats locusts and wild honey".
" He says that he is preparing the way for someone who is coming soon".
" Herod is afraid of him".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Monday, July 25, 2011

the story of Martha page 3

the story of Martha page 3 by ric gustafson.

Martha was cleaning up from an evening meal when Ephraim heard a knock at the gate. He ushered in a smiling Esther.
She hugged her friend.
" Martha, I have good news" her friend said as she stopped to catch her breath. " I am bethrothed".
" To whom?".
" His name is Micah and he is from Bethlehem".
" So you will be moving away from here".
" We will see each other".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

the story of Martha page 2

the story of Martha page 2 by ric gustafson.

Martha helped her brother Lazarus bundle some grain. She watched her father approach.
" My dear daughter".
" What's wrong Abba?".
" Gera just informed me that Leah daughter of Zebulon was chosen to be the bride of Phineas".
" That's ok Abba".
" My daughter, do you know Simon the husband of Judith?".
" Yes, his daughter Esther is a good friend".
" He returned from a caravan and noticed a white spot on one of his arms".
" No! Abba no!".
" Yes my daughter, leprosy".
" What happens now Abba?".
" He must go to the priest to be examined".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

the story of Martha page 1

the story of Martha page 1 by ric gustafson.

" Mary, stop daydreaming" Martha said as she got some cups together for supper. She was becoming more stern with her younger sister and she was sorry. Her younger sister gave her a nod of forgiveness and then Martha helped her finish her chores.
It had been two years since their mother died and Lazarus, Mary and her had started to help their father more.
While they were eating, Ephraim smiled at his daughter. " I am talking to Gera and Rhumah about you getting bethrothed to their son Phineas" he said as he drank fresh milk from a cup. " We are still talking".
" I know Abba that it will work out".

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Friday, July 22, 2011

the end of days page 4

the end of days page 4 by ric gustafson.

Jim Harris watched as Carlo Ritelo Simpato entered the auditorium of the UN general assembly. He was hard to overlook at over six feet tall. With no speech notes in hand, he quietly walked up to the podium. He stared at the assembly.
There was a knock on the hospital door.
" Come in".
A young police officer entered the room and removed his hat. " I'm sorry to bother you Mr and Mrs Harris". " I'm here just to ask you a few questions". He looked up at the TV. " Who's on the TV?".
" Carlo Simpato, a UN representative from Italy".
Carlo took a sip of bottled water. " I realize the terrible event that just happened all over the world". He looked at the audience with a tear in his eye. " I ask and plead for all the nations of the world to unite and come together in peace".
" Mrs Harris, what was the last thing you remember as far as your son?".
Agnes thought for a moment. " Our SUV was rolling over and I looked back to see how Robbie was and all I saw was a bundle of clothes and my son gone".

research help: ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

the end of days page 3

the end of days page 3 by ric gustafson.

Rory Johnston walked into his mother's hospital room and saw her sitting up in the bed. " Good morning mother".
" Better, my headache and the throbbing is gone" Emily Johnston said as she bit into a slice of toast. " Did you walk around the hospital?".
" Yes and guess who's room is just two doors down".
" Who?".
" my new boss Jim Harris and his wife Agnes" he said as he turned on the TV with the remote.
" Why are they here?"
" They lost their son yesterday too" he said in a hushed voice. " Just like my father vanished".
As Emily kept eating, they watched the chaos ensuing on the TV screen.
" I don't know what you see in him".
" He's trying to keep the UN and the world together after what happened yesterday".
" Our bible study group studied the book of Revelation and an event called the Rapture".
" I don't want to hear about it" Rory retorted in anger. " How could a loving God take my father away like that".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

through the eyes of a child page 12

through the eyes of a child page 12 by ric gustafson.
Kelly listened as the van turned off the main road onto what seemed like a gravel road. She wasn't sure how long they had been driving. Her mouth was sore from the masking tape and she was really thirsty. After a time on the gravel road, the van finally stopped. The back door of the van opened and Kelly finally got a good look at her kidnapper.
A short pudgy man, who wore spectacles, reached over and Kelly thought he was going to harm her. " If you promise not to scream, I will take the tape off".
She nodded yes.
He slowly took the tape off of her mouth.
" I'm really thirsty".
He opened a small bag that contained a thermos and a cup. " Drink this". With a sly grin, he poured a cup and handed it to Kelly.
She was so thirsty she did not care what she was drinking.
After five minutes of drinking from the cup, she felt woozy and could not think or see straight.
As her eyes closed, she prayed to God. ' Lord, please protect me'.
Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

the end of days page 2

the end of days page 2 by ric gustafson.
" Where are we going Dad?" Robbie asked as he glanced at his bible.
" I thought I would show you and your mother my new office". He pulled the SUV out of the driveway and slowly headed east. " Then take the two of you out for pizza".
" Super" the teen replied with a big smile. " Can we have ham and pineapple?".
" Of course" Agnes said as she put a hand on his shoulder in support of his idea. " Can you tell me again how you got the promotion?".
" I was promoted to head of finance because of our new relationship with the UN".
" The UN?".
" United Nations" Robbie replied as he kept looking at his bible.
" Their new representative, Carlo Ritelo Simpato wants to do financial business with the bank".
" Dad, don't do business with him" his son said with alarm in his voice. " I've heard from other people that he might be the Antichrist".
" Robbie, I can't believe that someone who is trying to unite this world could be that bad". Fear came over his face as he stared through the windshield.
" What's wrong Jim?".
" Cars are going erratically all over the road and one is heading right for us".
He turned the wheel sharply to avoid a collision. The SUV began to roll over.
Agnes looked into the backseat right before her eyes closed. " Where's Robbie?".
research help: ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

through the eyes of a child page 11

through the eyes of a child page 11 by ric gustafson.

Charles suddenly woke up as he heard the phone ring. He reached over to the small brown nightstand and picked it up. Both he and Katie were tired from worrying all night about their daughter. " Hello" he said with a slight yawn. " Good morning Detective".
" Good morning Mr Brown" the Detective's voice wavered. " Could you and your wife come to the open area at the park and meet me at 8 am".
" I think I could arrange that".
" Who was that?" Katie asked as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.
" Detective Springer" he said as he put his glasses on and turned on the lamp nearest his bed. " He would like us to meet him at the park at 8 am".
Both of them quietly showered, got dressed, ate a little breakfast and Charles called the office to tell Michelle he would be coming in later than expected. At 8 sharp, both of them walked up to the park bench and saw Detective Springer sitting there with three big cups of coffee.
" Sorry for the early morning meeting Mr and Mrs Brown" he said as he handed a cup to each of them . He stood up so they could sit down. " I wanted to let you know what's going on".
" Thank you" Katie said as her nervous hands hung tightly around her coffee cup.
" Late last night, we found what so far is our only witness who was jogging and saw Kelly sitting on this park bench".
" Did she see anything? Charles asked.
" Between 8:15 and 8:20 am, she remembers someone wearing a yellow and white jogging outfit and a baseball cap sitting on this bench resting as she jogged by".
" Then what happened?".
" She dropped her cell phone and as she bent down to pick it up, she noticed a plain white van pull up to the curb in front of the park bench". " She started jogging again and when she came back, both the white van and Kelly were gone".
" My baby" Katie screamed as tears ran down her face.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

the end of days page 1

the end of days page 1 by ric gustafson.
Jim Harris pushed the button to close the garage door and then walked into the small well kept kitchen.
Agnes Harris was cutting up several different kinds of fruit into a bowl for fruit salad. " How was your day?".
" Busy as usual". He put his brown suitcase on top of the hutch that sat by the door to the garage. " The bank of Copper Creek seems to be doing well".
" That's good" she hurridly replied as she put a pitcher of ice water on the table.
" Where's Robbie?".
" Outside sitting against the tree reading his new bible".
" Sometimes I wish the church had never given him that" he said with a frown as he glanced at the mail. " I need him to help me with yard work".
" Robbie" she yelled out the open window. " Come in for supper".
The thirteen year old walked in and put his bible next to his father's briefcase.
" What was the meeting at work about?" she quietly asked as they sat down and she poured water into their glasses.
" The new UN representative from Italy, Carlo Simpato wants to do business with our bank".
" Who's working on that deal?".
" Rory Johnston".
research help: ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins
Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Monday, July 18, 2011

through the eyes of a child page 10

through the eyes of a child page 10 by ric gustafson

Kelly heard the steel cart approach and fear crept into her mind. ' God, please help me' she silently prayed as the masking tape over her mouth prevented her from talking out loud. The cart came up to the van.
" Somebody please help me" she said as the masking tape kept her silent and the ropes around her arms kept her immobile.
" Can you please put the groceries behind the front seat?" he asked as he was glad no sound was coming from the back of the van.
" Sure" replied the young sacker.
When he had finished with the sacks, he shook the young sacker's hand. " What's the quickest way to get to North Highway 4?".
" Roberts Ave goes into North Highway 4".
" Is there a gas station before the end of town?".
" Yes, Sammy's Express is right at the edge of town".
He got in and turned onto Roberts Ave. He pulled into one of the station's bays, got out and began to fill up the tank.
As he filled up the tank, Kelly smelled the gasoline and knew they were at a gas station. She then began to smell something she had not smelled in years. ' Funnel cakes' she thought as a smile crossed her taped lips. Every time her Daddy took her to the fair as a child, they always got a funnel cake. She wondered if there was a bakery next to this gas station. This happy memory kept her quiet as he got back into the van and turned right onto North Highway 4.

Everyone take care on this steamy warm night. Love Ric

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Salt and Light page 6

Salt and Light page 6 by ric gustafson.
Jack walked into the well lit reception area. Irene noticed and waved at the retired light bulb salesman. " Hello Mr Dallas" she said as she stood up to greet him. " How is retirement?".
" So far quiet" he replied. " Too quiet".
" Mr Walker is expecting you".
Jack grinned and then began to walk down the carpeted hallway. He knocked on the heavy office door.
" Come in".
He walked into a well lit office. Fred Walker stood up and began to walk toward him.
" How is retirement Mr Dallas?".
" Too quiet". " How is your head after your slight concussion?".
" Sore" was the reply as he handed Jack a bag of potato chips. " Try our newest chips".
Jack bit into a chip. " It's good".
" Mr Dallas, three things have happened since I last saw you".
" Like what?".
" We started a new line of salted chips and I personally replaced every light bulb in this plant".
" That's great" Jack said as he sat down next to Fred's desk. " What's the third one?".
Fred showed Jack a picture of a young soccer team. " I am sponsoring my son's soccer team again".
The End.
Everyone take care. Love Ric

Friday, July 15, 2011

Salt and Light page 5

Salt and Light page 5 by ric gustafson.

Jack watched as Fred struggled to climb the steel steps to the platform.
He reached the platform and noticed one of his employees struggling to read an order.
" Raul, what's wrong?".
" I'm sorry Mr Walker" the young man said as he pointed toward some high boxes. " It's so dark in here I can't reach that last box to finish the order".
" I'll finish the order" Fred replied as he took the order sheet from the young man. He squinted and tried to get his arms around the huge box. " I got it" he said as he stepped to the side and slipped on the dark platform. He fell backward onto the concrete floor with the box falling on his head.
" Daddy" Mikey screamed as he ran toward his father.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Salt and Light page 4

Salt and Light page 4 by ric gustafson.

Fred Walker squinted as he tried to read the memo. He heard a knock on his office door. " Come in".
The door opened to reveal his nine year old son and someone behind him he did not know.
" Who's your friend Mikey?".
The boy turned toward Jack. " Daddy, this is the man who changes light bulbs".
Fred watched Jack in the dim light approach his desk. " I'm Jack Dallas the light bulb salesman".
" Fred Walker" was the reply as he shook the salesman's hand. " Welcome to my potato chip factory".
" Your plant is very dark" Jack said as he sat down in an open chair near Fred's desk. " I've already replaced some light bulbs in your reception area".
" I like it dark in here" he said as he heard his desk phone ring. He picked it up. " This is Fred".
He stood up. " I'm sorry I have to cut short our conversation" he said as he handed Jack a basket of potato chips. " I'm needed on the plant floor".
" Please try our new chips". He left the room.
Jack bit into a chip. He frowned at Mickey.
" I know they are terrrible" the young boy said with a sigh as held tightly onto his soccer ball.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Salt and Light page 3

Salt and Light page 3 by ric gustafson.

Jack opened the glass door and walked into the dim entryway. He squinted his eyes and saw a receptionist desk straight ahead. Behind it was a young woman.
" May I help you?".
" Yes, my name is Jack Dallas" he said as he squinted again. " I'm from the light bulb company".
" Oh yes, we've been expecting you".
He felt a bump on his leg. He turned to see a boy holding a soccer ball.
" Sorry mister" he quietly replied as he held tightly onto his ball. " In the dark, it's hard to see where the ball goes".
Jack pulled out a new light bulb from his bag and unscrewed the one that was in the lamp on the receptionist's desk. He put in the new light bulb and the reception area lit up
" Thank you Mr Dallas" Irene Wilcox said with a smile. She pointed to the boy. " Mikey, can you take Mr Dallas to your dad's office".
" Sure".

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

the woman at the well page 4

the woman at the well page 4 by ric gustafson.

' How does he know all these things about me' Abigail thought as she looked at Jesus. " Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet".
" Salvation is of the Jews but the hour is coming and is now here that true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth".
" I know the Messiah is coming" Abigail said as she smiled at Jesus. " When he comes, he will tell us all things".
" The one who is speaking to you is he".
Joy began to enter Abigail's heart. ' Could this be the Messiah I am seeking' she thought as she noticed that the twelve men had returned with their provisions. They were grumpy and tired and told Jesus their newfound troubles.
She heard one of the men call the stranger Yeshua.
She smiled and began to dance. " Yes, salvation has come".

The End.

research help: ' Twelfth Prophecy' by Bodie and Brock Thoene.

Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Monday, July 11, 2011

the woman at the well page 3

the woman at the well page 3 by ric gustafson

" Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again" Jesus said as he pointed at the well. " But whoever drinks of the water that I will give will never be thirsty again".
Abigail looked at Jesus with open curiosity.
" The water that I give will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life".
She wondered what a spring of eternal life was. " Sir, give me this water so that I won't be thirsty or have to come here to draw water".
" Go, call your husband and come here".
Abigail felt Jesus's stare gazing into her soul. " I have no husband".
" You are right in saying that you have no husband". He looked intently at her. " You've had five husbands".
She looked at Jesus in confusion. ' How could he know this'.
" And the one you have now is not your husband".

research help: ' Twelfth Prophecy' by Bodie and Brock Thoene.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

the woman at the well page 2

the woman at the well page 2 by ric gustafson.

Abigail nodded at the stranger as she approached the well. She attached the rope to her clay jar and carefully lowered it into the well. She pulled the jar out and noticed the stranger staring at her.
" Give me a drink".
Shocked at what he asked, she stood there for a moment. Then she walked over and put some water into his outstretched hands. " How is it that you a Jew ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?".
Jesus swallowed the cool water. He smiled at Abigail. " If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you give me a drink". He smiled at her again. " You would have asked him and he would have given you living water".
Abigail wasn't sure what he meant by living water. " Sir, you have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep".
She looked at Jesus. " Where do you get that living water?".

research help: ' Twelfth Prophecy' by Bodie and Brock Thoene.

Everyone take care. Love Ric

Saturday, July 9, 2011

the Boaster page 2

the Boaster page 2 by ric gustafson.

Wilma Heinrich walked out the front door and down the concrete steps toward the white minivan. She leaned against it as she stretched her legs before her run. All of a sudden, her husband Mick pulled into the driveway and then got out of the green Saturn.
" How was the bible study?" he asked as he took the mail out of the mailbox and picked up the newspaper from the driveway.
" It was fine" she replied as she began to run in place. " How was your meeting with Mr James today?".
" He postponed it until tomorrow morning but I know I'm going to get the job promotion".
" How do you know that?".
" As much profit as I've earned for that company, I know he's going to give me that job".
" Have you ever read James 4:14?".
" I don't read the bible much".
" The bible verse says that we are like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes".
" What does that mean?" Mick asked as he watched a squirrel run up their maple tree.
" Instead of boasting, you should say if the Lord wills, it will happen".
The next day, Wilma was planting some roses in her front garden when she heard her husband's Saturn coming into the driveway.
" How did the meeting go?" she quietly asked as she knelt down to pick up some leaves.
" I did not get it" he glumly replied as he walked into the house.

The End

research help: based on a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

the woman at the well page 1

the woman at the well page 1 by ric gustafson

Abigail quietly put her sandals on and took hold of the water jar. " Tzippi, could you please watch Deborah as I go fetch water?". She glanced over at her daughter who was sleeping on a blanket.
" My dear, you picked the hottest time of the day to go out" she replied as she checked some hot bread that had just come out of an oven.
" I have to" Abigail said with a sigh as she stepped out of the doorway into the narrow street. " I have to go when no one else will be there". Afternoon heat rose from the street as she slowly walked toward the gate. She stopped as she noticed twelve male Jewish pilgrims talking to the gate guard. They were asking him where they could buy provisions.
As she reached Jacob's Well, fear came to her face as she noticed a stranger sitting on the edge of the well.

research help: ' Twelfth Prophecy' by Bodie and Brock Thoene

I pray that everyone has a great Saturday. Love Ric.

Friday, July 8, 2011

the Boaster page 1

the Boaster page 1 by ric gustafson.
Wilma Heinrich put down the study of Job she was working on and walked over to the living room closet. As she pulled out the old green vacuum cleaner and plugged it in, she heard her husband Mick walk into the kitchen.
" Hi honey" he said as he put his dark brown briefcase on the countertop. " Guess what happened at work?".
" What?".
He walked over and gave her a peck on the cheek. " At the meeting today, we found out profits are up, sales are up and mostly it's because of me".
" Really" she replied as she took a sip of bottled water.
" Tomorrow, I have a meeting with Mr James and I have a strange feeling I will be getting that job promotion to Vice President".
" How do you know that?" she asked with a quizzical look as she got up from the swivel chair and began to empty out the dishwasher.
" It will happen, I just know it" he replied with a big smile. " Just you wait and see". He looked at the vacuum cleaner. " Why are you cleaning the house?".
" God willing, I'm going to have bible study here tomorrow morning".
" I'll let you know about my new job promotion".
Wilma shook her head and then started the vacuum cleaner.
research help: based on a Pastor Tyler sermon
Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

a town called Judgment page 11

a town called Judgment page 11 by ric gustafson.
" So all the chanting to that statue" Louis said in a loud voice. " And the miracles were all lies".
Homer stared at the couple with a strange look. " My Master is the best at deceit and lies". He glared at Joshua. " What now Son of God?".
Joshua looked at the demon with sadness in his eyes. He pulled out a white notebook and opened a page.
Just then, Homer heard a distant trumpet sound.
" Homer Tang, servant of Satan, your judgment day has come".
" Now!" exclaimed Homer as he noticed two men in white standing in the doorway.
" I'm sorry Homer" Louis said as he walked over and gave the demon a hug. " I'm sorry it has to end like this".
Now with scared eyes, Homer watched as the two men in white approached.
The two men led a now terrified Homer out of the room.
" Thank you Joshua" Louis said as he gave the young man a hug.
" You are welcome". The young man smiled, turned and walked out.
The End.
Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

a town called Judgment page 10

a town called Judgment page 10 by ric gustafson.
Louis opened the door to show Homer showing something to his wife.
" What are you doing Homer?".
" Hi dear, Homer was showing me his statue and I hope that maybe a miracle will take away my heart pain".
" You don't believe in that statue do you?".
" Louis" she said weakly as she smiled at her husband. " How else do you explain the miracles?".
" He's a fake".
All three turned to see Joshua standing in the doorway.
" What do you want with us, Son of God".
" Servant of Satan, do not bother these people any longer".
Alice stared at Homer with a confused look. " Homer, what is Joshua talking about?".
" He is right" he replied as he put the small statue into a bag. " I am a servant of Satan".
" Satan who used to be called Lucifer".
" Yes, my Master".
Everyone take care. Love Ric

Monday, July 4, 2011

through the eyes of a child page 9

through the eyes of a child page 9 by ric gustafson.
He put the steel cart up to the edge of the grey checkout belt. He started to fish around in his pockets. ' Where is that thing' he quietly muttered to himself as the checkout clerk was finishing up helping a senior citizen.
" Hi, how are you" said the young clerk named Ronnie. He began to scan the items he had put on the belt.
" Paper or plastic?" asked the young sacker.
" Paper" was the reply as he kept checking his pockets.
" Your total is going to be $120.50".
He gave the young clerk a frown as he gave him $120 in cash and two quarters.
The sacker finished loading the paper sacks into the steel cart.
" I seem to have lost the directions to a cabin I was looking for" he said with a grin. " I'm looking for Big Springs Cabins".
" Yes, I know where it is" Ronnie exclaimed as he began to help the next customer. " It is just ten miles up North Highway 4 and you'll see a big sign on your right".
" Thank you".
Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

a town called Judgment page 9

a town called Judgment page 9 by ric gustafson.
Homer flicked the insect off of the wooden post he was standing against. " Louis, what are these insects?".
" Homer, they are called grasshoppers" he replied in a sad voice as he watched his field being covered by the green insects. " They devour and eat everything in sight".
" I sure wish there was a way we could get rid of them" Alice said as she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She walked back inside.
Louis heard a scream and then ran inside.
Homer stared at the insects and then ran inside.
He saw Mrs Mutson on the floor and Mr Mutson opening and dialing his cell phone.
" This is Louis Mutson at the old filing station on the edge of town" he said with fear in his voice. " My wife has collapsed and is clutching her chest".
A few minutes later, Homer heard the sound of the ambulance. They both watched as the emergency workers carefully put Alice onto a gurney.
" Can you drive the pickup to the hospital?" he asked Homer as he handed him the keys. Homer nodded yes.
Homer got into the back of the ambulance with Alice. ' God, please take care of and heal my wife' Louis prayed as he held Alice's hand.
As the ambulance passed his field, Louis looked out the window to see that all the grasshoppers in his field were dead. He shook his head in disbelief.
Joshua heard Louis's prayer, put down the project he was working on, closed up his wood shop and then drove toward the hospital.
Everyone take care. Love Ric.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

a town called Judgment page 8

a town called Judgment page 8 by ric gustafson.
Louis walked into the unlocked bedroom and saw Homer on the floor chanting to the small statue.
Homer opened his eyes. " Sorry Louis I had to leave".
" That's too bad" was the reply as he stared at the statue. " Joshua wanted to meet you".
Louis heard his wife's voice. " You better wash up and come down for dinner".
Homer watched as Mrs Mutson put stew, potatoes and steamed vegetables on the table. He licked his lips. " The dinner looks great Mrs Mutson".
" Thank you" she said with a smile as she put a pitcher on the table. " It would be complete if we had some wine to go with our supper".
" Let's say grace". Louis and Alice bowed their heads.
Homer closed his eyes for a second and then opened them. He stared at the pitcher.
After grace, Louis began to dish out the meal.
Homer stared at Mrs Mutson. " Alice, pour what's in the pitcher into wine glasses".
She looked at Homer in confusion and then got up from the table. She walked over and took out three wine glasses from a cabinet.
She took the pitcher and began to pour. " It's a miracle".
I pray that everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend. Love Ric.

Friday, July 1, 2011

through the eyes of a child page 8

through the eyes of a child page 8 by ric gustafson.
" She loved jogging and walking along this trail" Jessica said as she, Charles and Katie walked along the wooded path.
" Why is the park so popular?" Charles asked.
" Students use this trail all the time especially during the summer when school is out".
" Would Kelly just use this trail?" Katie asked.
" Yes, this is the only trail around this park".
After a while, the three walked up to an open area. They sat down to rest on a park bench that faced the street.
" Is this the only open area in the park?" Charles asked as he looked around.
" Yes and Kelly liked to stop at this park bench to rest".
" Kelly, do you know of anybody who would harm our baby? Katie asked as tears formed in her tired eyes.
" Mr and Mrs Brown, honestly I can't think of anybody who would want to harm Kelly".
Charles and Katie weakly smiled at each other.
As they resumed their walk, Charles noticed a small busines card that was showing underneath the trash can. He picked it up and glanced at it. It simply said ' Big Springs Cabins'. Charles shrugged and put the card into his back pant pocket.
I pray that everyone has a great holiday weekend. Love Ric.