Saturday, September 30, 2023

the Great Oz page 22

 the Great Oz page 22 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Glinda were staring at a map.
" These four roads lead to the Emerald City". Glinda pointed at the map. " They will expect us to come from the south".
Oscar pointed at the map. " What is to the east of the city?".
" The deadly poppy fields". She frowned. " We need to stay clear of that".
" Why is that?".
" One good smell". She looked at Oscar. " And it's everlasting sleep".
Just then, someone stood in the doorway. It was China Girl.
" I need someone to tuck me in".
As Oscar tucked in China Girl, she stared at Oscar. " Do you grant wishes Wizard?".
" What wish is that?".
" I wish to have my family back".
Oscar kissed her on the cheek. She fell asleep.
As Oscar walked back to Glinda, a thought came over him.
He walked into the room where Glinda was. " Glinda, I've got it".
" Got what Wizard?".
" A way out of this mess".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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