Tuesday, September 5, 2023

everyone is a gift page 3

 everyone is a gift page 3 by ric gustafson

God knows that we are a gift to him. At times thou, we do not feel like a gift to God. We say to ourselves we are not a gift. We feel worthless and unimportant. We feel different. We do not feel like a gift. 
We have low self esteem. We feel that everyone is a gift from God except us.
We feel that way in a broken world. God's Word confronts that low self esteem. God's Word is Good News. God's Word proclaims that we are good and that Jesus loves us. Jesus loves us so much he died on a cross for us. 
God uses his Word to confront the lie we have that we are worth nothing. The truth is to God everyone is a gift.

research help: ' Discover your Gifts' by Don Everts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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