Friday, September 8, 2023

Crazy Horse 2023 page 1

 Crazy Horse 2023 page 1 by ric gustafson

It was the winter of 1866-1867. It was bitterly cold. The snows were very deep along the foothills of the Powder River. This was in the Big Horn Mountains. That was in now north central Wyoming. Hunters had trouble finding elk and deer. Buffalo was scarce. 
Crazy Horse at that time was in his mid twenties. His younger brother Little Hawk was with him. The two risked their lives in frigid temperatures as they searched for game. After one storm, they were able to bring down several elk. This saved their family and friends from starvation. Weeks before, Crazy Horse led an ambush of eighty soldiers. This became known as the Fetterman Massacre.
Crazy Horse became a Lakota battlefield leader. He got the best of two United States field commanders. Brigadier General George Crook and Colonel George Custer.
Crazy Horse was skilled with a bow. He held a war club close combat. He was not the tallest or the strongest among the Lakota fighting men. 

research help: ' The journey of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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