Thursday, September 28, 2023

Bible Basics: Biblical Hunger

 Bible Basics: Biblical Hunger by ric gustafson

So what is your appetite for God's Word?. Do we have a starving hunger for God's Word?. Is your heart always hungry but never satisfied. We try to fill our hunger with what cannot satisfy. It is our own effort. Our heart is empty and starving. God is the redeemer of the starving heart. Do we have a hunger that is always seeking?. Do we seek God and feel that he is far away. Does reading the Bible seem dull and dry. We are not alone. We need to always seek God. Is our hunger satisfied?, Do we rejoice God and his Word?. When we want more of God, more of God will come.
Are there hindrances to reading God's Word?. Sometimes we are distracted. We can get bored with the many Bible resources. There can be deceit from Satan. We can have wrongful desires. 
Our goal is a hungry heart for God's Word.

research help: ' Help for a Hungry Soul' by Kristen Wetherell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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