Monday, September 11, 2023

Crazy Horse 2023 page 4

 Crazy Horse 2023 page 4 by ric gustafson

In the first years of his life, Crazy Horse was supported by his mother and grandmothers. He was watched carefully by his mother and his older sister. Also watching him were mothers and grandmothers of other children in the group. Crazy Horse learned gentleness from all of these females. He also learned patience. He explored the limits of his environment. He roamed in the village when his legs grew. He watched the women scraping hides. He helped grandmothers carry firewood. 
Crazy Horse was nicknamed ' The Light Haired One' because his hair grew lighter. In the first four years of Crazy Horses's life, life was the same. The people moved from winter camps into summer camps. Crazy Horses's father was busy providing and protecting. As time went on, Crazy Horse became more curious about his father. 
After some years, Crazy Horse was given to his father and grandfather. One day, the boy was given a bow and a quiver of arrows. He was taught that the bow and arrows was a weapon. Various adult males showed Crazy Horse how to use them properly.
One day, Crazy Horse came back to the village and noticed women weeping loudly. They were spending a lot of time with Crazy Horse and his sister. He knew about death. He knew it was a part of life. But Crazy Horse knew life would not be the same without his mother. Other mothers began to watch over him.
Seasons came and gone. Life went on.

research help: ' The journey of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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