Saturday, September 30, 2023

the Great Oz page 22

 the Great Oz page 22 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Glinda were staring at a map.
" These four roads lead to the Emerald City". Glinda pointed at the map. " They will expect us to come from the south".
Oscar pointed at the map. " What is to the east of the city?".
" The deadly poppy fields". She frowned. " We need to stay clear of that".
" Why is that?".
" One good smell". She looked at Oscar. " And it's everlasting sleep".
Just then, someone stood in the doorway. It was China Girl.
" I need someone to tuck me in".
As Oscar tucked in China Girl, she stared at Oscar. " Do you grant wishes Wizard?".
" What wish is that?".
" I wish to have my family back".
Oscar kissed her on the cheek. She fell asleep.
As Oscar walked back to Glinda, a thought came over him.
He walked into the room where Glinda was. " Glinda, I've got it".
" Got what Wizard?".
" A way out of this mess".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 29, 2023

God's Word: Daniel

 God's Word: Daniel by ric gustafson

The author of the book is likely Daniel. The date of the book is 605 to 538 BC. The book talks about being faithful to God in a challenging setting. Daniel is blessed. Daniel and three of his friends are taken from their homes in Jerusalem to serve the king of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar liked Daniel because he could interpret dreams. Daniel's three friends refuse to bow to the king's statue. As punishment, they are thrown into a hot furnace. Darius the Median king keeps Daniel as an adviser. At one point, Daniel is thrown into a lion's den. God protects him as he did with his three friends.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Shoeless Joe Jackson page 1

 Shoeless Joe Jackson page 1 by ric gustafson

It was dusk on a spring evening. I was sitting on the verandah of my farm house in Eastern Iowa. This evening was a blue sky and a soft wind. Then I heard the voice.
" If you build it, he will come".
The voice sounded like a ballpark announcer.
" If you build it, he will come".
I stared at a cornfield fifty yards from where I was sitting.
" Build what?".
I listened to the voice.
" A baseball field". I looked around. " Here".
The voice gave me a vision of a baseball field.
Then the voice went away.
Shaking my head in puzzlement, I went back into the old farm house.

research help: ' Shoeless Joe' by W.P. Kinsella

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bible Basics: Biblical Hunger

 Bible Basics: Biblical Hunger by ric gustafson

So what is your appetite for God's Word?. Do we have a starving hunger for God's Word?. Is your heart always hungry but never satisfied. We try to fill our hunger with what cannot satisfy. It is our own effort. Our heart is empty and starving. God is the redeemer of the starving heart. Do we have a hunger that is always seeking?. Do we seek God and feel that he is far away. Does reading the Bible seem dull and dry. We are not alone. We need to always seek God. Is our hunger satisfied?, Do we rejoice God and his Word?. When we want more of God, more of God will come.
Are there hindrances to reading God's Word?. Sometimes we are distracted. We can get bored with the many Bible resources. There can be deceit from Satan. We can have wrongful desires. 
Our goal is a hungry heart for God's Word.

research help: ' Help for a Hungry Soul' by Kristen Wetherell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Ezekiel

 God's Word: Ezekiel by ric gustafson

The author of this book is Ezekiel a priest. This book is dated 590's to 570's BC. The book states that even though Israel is in exile the nation will be restored. Ezekiel was an exiled Jew in Babylon. He became God's spokesman to fellow exiles. He shared visions with the people reminding them of the sin that led to their captivity. Ezekiel also offered hope for national restoration. One of Ezekiel's visions was that of a valley of dry bones. Ezekiel taught personal responsibility.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

God's Word: Lamentations

 God's Word: Lamentations by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. The date of this book is around 586 BC. The book is a despairing poem about the destruction of Jerusalem. Jeremiah warned the Southern Jewish nation to obey God. Jeremiah watched as his punishments he warned the people came true. It brought tears to Jeremiah's eyes. Jeremiah became known as the weeping prophet. The book ends with a plaintive cry.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Bible basics: why read the Bible?

 Bible basics: why read the Bible? by ric gustafson

Why read the Bible?. Here are five reasons.

1: The Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is an inspired account of God dealing with his people. It is also a written record of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ God's Son. Jesus is the eternal Word of God.

2: The Bible is filled with practical wisdom about how we should live our lives. There is advice on how to build a stronger relationship with God. The Bible has ethical rules on how to live a more healthy and successful life. The Bible shows us the best way to live.

3: The Bible teaches us the truth about God about ourselves and the world we live in. The Bible shows us our limitations as human beings and how we need to depend on God.

4: The Bible talks about Western thought and culture. The Bible talks about law, politics and philosophy.

5: The Bible has amazing stories, teachings and intriguing ideas.

Read the Bible give it a chance. You won't be disappointed.

research help: ' Bible Basics For Everyone' by Terry Glaspey

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Jeremiah

 God's Word: Jeremiah by ric gustafson

The author of the book is Jeremiah. The date of the book is 585 BC. The book talks about after years of sinful behavior Judah will be punished. Jeremiah was called to ministry as a boy. He gave bad news to Judah. He told Judah that a nation will come upon them. Jeremiah was mocked for his prophecies, beaten and imprisoned. But his words came true by the end of the book with a Babylonian invasion. Because of Jeremiah, God gave Judah forty years to repent. 

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 25, 2023

God's Word: Isaiah

 God's Word: Isaiah by ric gustafson

The author of this book is Isaiah. The date of this book is 740 to 700 BC. The book talks about a coming Messiah who will save people from their sins. Isaiah, being a prophet, told the people the bad news of punishment for sin. Isaiah also told the people that a Messiah would be coming. Isaiah predicted birth, life, and the death of Jesus Christ. At the end of the book, Isaiah describes the restoration of Israel, salvation and God's eternal kingdom.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Great Oz page 21

 the Great Oz page 21 by ric gustafson

" Yes Wizard". Theodora raised her hand. Oscar lifted up from the ground. " It is I". Oscar started spinning around.
Glinda yelled. " Theodora, stop it".
Theodora flicked her hand. " As you wish".
Oscar dropped onto the square.
Oscar stared at the once beautiful woman. " Theodora, what happened to you?".
The witch cackled. " Ask Glinda".
Glinda frowned. " Evanora's evil magic".
The witch stared at the scared crowd. " You believe in this fraud".
Oscar grinned. " You got the wrong idea of me".
" My heart was hoping you were the one".
Oscar frowned. " I'm sorry Theodora".
The witch cackled. " That will not happen again".
Glinda looked at Oscar. " The Wizard will save us".
" As for your so called Wizard". The witch cackled. " He will be the first to die".
The witch cackled as she flew away in a red fireball.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Song of Solomon

 God's Word: Song of Solomon by ric gustafson

The book is attributed to Solomon. Solomon ruled from 970 to 930 BC. The book states that married love is a beautiful thing worth celebrating. A dark skinned beauty is marrying the king. Both are thrilled. Through out this book these two lovers admire each other. They express their love and devotion to each other. Marital love can be a picture of God's joy. 

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 23, 2023

God's Word: Ecclesiastes

 God's Word: Ecclesiastes by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. It was probably Solomon. The book was written in the 900's BC. The book talks about being apart from God. How empty and unsatisfying it is. Learning, work, pleasure and laughter according to 1:2 all is vanity. The king laments the inequities of life. 12:13 says fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. Even when life does not make sense, God understands.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 22, 2023

God's Word: Proverbs

 God's Word: Proverbs by ric gustafson

The author of this book was primarily Solomon. Solomon reigned from 970-930 BC. This book talks about memorable sayings encouraging people to pursue wisdom. The book does not have a story line. It is a collection of practical tips for living. It is mainly from the pen of King Solomon. He was considered the wisest human being ever. Proverbs talks about issues such as work, money, temptation, drinking and child rearing. The truth of each proverb is that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. 

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Great Oz page 20

 the Great Oz page 20 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Glinda smiled. The Quadlings, Tinkers and the Munchkins were dancing around them in celebration.
" Isn't this great Wizard?".
Oscar grinned. " It sure is".
All of a sudden, a huge fireball dropped from the sky. It dropped in the center of the celebration. It opened and sulphur and smoke billowed out. Out of the fireball came a woman. She wore a black dress and a pointy black hat. Everyone in that square trembled in fear.
Theodora gave everyone an evil stare. " You think your Wizard can save you?". She cackled. " What fools you are".
Oscar whispered to Glinda. " Who is that?".
" Don't you recognize me Wizard?". She cackled. " Have I changed that much?".
Oscar stared at the evil heartless green woman.
She cackled again. " Care to guess Wizard?".
Oscar recognized the voice. " Theodora?".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Psalms

 God's Word: Psalms by ric gustafson

There are various authors associated with this book. They include King David, Solomon, Moses and the sons of Korah. This book is dated from 1400's BC to the 500's BC. This book is an ancient Jewish songbook about prayer and praise to God. This book is emotionally charged poems. 150 of these poems became this book. Psalm 23 is the shepherd's psalm. Psalm 100 is a psalm of praise. Psalm 119 is a celebration of scripture. Psalm 69 calls for God's judgment on enemies. Most of these poems return to the theme of praise to God. The last poem psalm 150 returns to the theme of praise.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

the Great Oz page 19

 the Great Oz page 19 by ric gustafson

Glinda paced around the room. Oscar was sitting in a chair.
" Wizard, we need you to be our great leader". She grinned. " If we are to defeat Evanora".
Oscar smiled. " You have a plan".
Glinda kept pacing. " You must lead us into battle".
Oscar stared. " With what army?".
Glinda walked over to a window. She pointed. " You will have the Quadlings and the Tinkers".
Oscar walked over to the window. " That should be enough".
Glinda pointed. " And of course you have the Munchkins".
" Munchkins?".
Glinda smiled. " The little people of this land".
Oscar stared at Glinda. " You expect me to lead an army of little people".
Glinda thought for a moment. " Oh, there's one more thing Wizard".
" What's that?".
" The good people of Oz are forbidden to kill".
Oscar frowned. " You expect me to lead an army that cannot kill".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Job

 God's Word: Job by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. The date of this book is unclear. It is one of the oldest stories in God's Word. This book is about God allowing human suffering for his own purposes. Job is head of a large family. He is a farmer from Uz. God calls Job perfect and upright. Satan receives permission to attack Job's possessions. Despite everything taken away from him, Job keeps his faith. Then Satan receives permission to attack Job's health. In spite of terrible physical suffering, Job refuses to curse God. Job does question God why he would allow these things to happen to him. Job's friends and wife try to get him to curse God. He refuses to listen to them. 
In the end, God tells Job to simply believe and trust him. God restores Job's health, possesssions and granted him more children. 

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 18, 2023

the Great Oz page 18

 the Great Oz page 18 by ric gustafson

Evanora handed her sister an apple. " One bite". She grinned. " And you and I will share the throne".
Theodora smiled. She took a huge bite. Pain began to rip through her body. She clutched her chest. " What is happening to me?".
" Wickedness". Evanora cackled. " The potion is beginning to flow through your veins".
" Wickedness".
" Look in the mirror".
Theodora walked over to a mirror. She gazed into it. Her nose was now hooked. Her chin was now long and pointy. Her skin was starting to turn green.
" Evanora, what is happening to me?".
" Theodora my sister". Evanora cackled. " You are now the Wicked Witch of the West".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Esther

 God's Word: Esther by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. Perhaps it was Ezra or Nehemiah. The date of this book is 486- 465 BC. This book talks about a Jewish girl who becomes Queen. She saves fellow Jews from slaughter. In a beauty contest, Esther becomes Queen of Persia. Esther risks her life after finding out a royal official wants to kill every Jew in their country. The king is pleased with Esther and hangs the official in charge of the plot. Esther's people prevail. A holiday named Purim is started.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 17, 2023

God's Word: Nehemiah

 God's Word: Nehemiah by ric gustafson

The first verse of this book states it is the words of Nehemiah. The date of the book is 445 BC. The book talks about returning Jewish exiles rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was the king's cupbearer according to 1:11. Nehemiah was concerned that the broken walls of Jerusalem had not been rebuilt. Nehemiah got permission and returned to Jerusalem. Thanks to God, Nehemiah and a team of builders rebuilt the city's walls in only 52 days. The quick work surprised Nehemiah's enemies.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 17

 the Great Oz page 17 by ric gustafson

The crowd stood up and cheered.
Oscar stared at Glinda. " I am not exactly a wizard".
She smiled at Oscar. " I know".
He gave her a perplexed look. " You knew".
" Of course". She studied the crowd. " But can you make them believe?".
Smiling, Oscar raised his arms " good people of Oz". He glanced at Glinda. " Will I still get the gold?".
She nodded yes. 
" Your Wizard is here".
At the same time, Evanora and Theodora were watching them through the crystal ball. 
Theodora sighed. " Do you think she'll be his Queen?".
Evanora kept staring at the crystal ball. " Of course". 
" Sister, do you have a plan?".
Evanora turned to her sister. " Come. I need your help".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 15, 2023

the Great Oz page16

 the Great Oz page 16 by ric gustafson

Coming out of the fog, Oscar opened his eyes. He noticed he was in a translucent bubble. Scared, Oscar looked for Glinda. She was floating next to him in her own translucent bubble. Next to her in their own bubbles were Finley and China Girl.
All of them began floating toward a translucent wall. It stretched as far as Oscar could see.
Oscar cried out to Glinda. " We're going to hit it".
" No we won't Wizard". She smiled. " It is a magical wall".
The bubbles floated through the wall.
The bubbles floated toward a castle.
Oscar noticed a huge crowd of people standing by the entrance of the castle. " What are all those people doing?".
" Waiting for you Wizard". Glinda grinned. " They have been waiting for you for a long time".
When the bubbles hit the ground, they dissolved.
All four of them walked up to the crowd.
The crowd got down on one knee.
" All hail Oz".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Ezra

 God's Word: Ezra by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. It has been attributed to Ezra the priest. The book covers 530 BC to the mid 400's BC. This book is about spiritual renewal after the Jews returned from exile. At this time, Persia is the world power. King Cyrus allows 42,000 people to return to Judah and settle the land. Seventy years later, Ezra returns. He teaches the law to the people because they have fallen away. It got so bad the people were intermarrying with pagan nations. This was forbidden by Moses. Ezra began to teach statutes and judgements to the people. Because of Ezra, God gave his people a second chance.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, September 14, 2023

God's Word: II Chronicles

 God's Word: II Chronicles by ric gustafson

The book's author is not stated. It has been attributed to Ezra the priest. This book covers Israelite history from 970 BC to the 500s BC. This book covers the history of Israel from Solomon to division to destruction. 
Solomon becomes king. He builds the temple. He becomes one of the most prominent rulers. The Jewish nation divides when he dies. The book talks about the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. The Persian king Cyrus allows the Jews to rebuild the temple.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

God's Word: I Chronicles

 God's Word: I Chronicles by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. It is traditionally attributed to Ezra the priest. The book covers the history of Israel from about 1010 BC to about 970 BC. This book details King David's reign. This book provides a history of Israel going as far back as Adam. Then the story turns to David. He was Israel's greatest king. It talked about his leadership of national worship. God promises David he would have a kingly line through his Son Jesus. The book reminds the people that they are God's special people.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

God's Word: II Kings

 God's Word: II Kings by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated and unknown. The book covers about 300 years from the 800s BC. The book talks about how the Jewish nations were destroyed because of their disobedience to God. In this book there are more bad rulers and only a handful of good ones. Elijah goes to heaven without dying. His successor Elisha shared God's Word with the people of Israel. The Northern Kingdom under Hoshea was wicked. Two good kings were Hezekiah and Josiah. The Southern Kingdom was broken up by King Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonians carried away all of Jerusalem.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 11, 2023

Crazy Horse 2023 page 4

 Crazy Horse 2023 page 4 by ric gustafson

In the first years of his life, Crazy Horse was supported by his mother and grandmothers. He was watched carefully by his mother and his older sister. Also watching him were mothers and grandmothers of other children in the group. Crazy Horse learned gentleness from all of these females. He also learned patience. He explored the limits of his environment. He roamed in the village when his legs grew. He watched the women scraping hides. He helped grandmothers carry firewood. 
Crazy Horse was nicknamed ' The Light Haired One' because his hair grew lighter. In the first four years of Crazy Horses's life, life was the same. The people moved from winter camps into summer camps. Crazy Horses's father was busy providing and protecting. As time went on, Crazy Horse became more curious about his father. 
After some years, Crazy Horse was given to his father and grandfather. One day, the boy was given a bow and a quiver of arrows. He was taught that the bow and arrows was a weapon. Various adult males showed Crazy Horse how to use them properly.
One day, Crazy Horse came back to the village and noticed women weeping loudly. They were spending a lot of time with Crazy Horse and his sister. He knew about death. He knew it was a part of life. But Crazy Horse knew life would not be the same without his mother. Other mothers began to watch over him.
Seasons came and gone. Life went on.

research help: ' The journey of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Crazy Horse 2023 page 3

 Crazy Horse 2023 page 3 by ric gustafson

In the Lakota world of the Black Hills, life came. A midwife named She Who Takes the Babies welcomed the newborn. In the tipi, the newborn with a tiny head and coal black hair came into this world. When the newborn opened it's eyes, they were born. A circle of women cleaned the newborn off while the mother rested. One of the women stepped out of the tipi to tell others it was a boy.
When the father heard the news he filled his pipe and then offered it to Mother Earth. In 1840, most of the North American Plains was Lakota. From the Missouri River to the Niobrara. From the North Platte River to the Shining Mountains of the Big Horn. Every boy became a hunter or a warrior. The boy became a provider and a protector. The boy learned from his father and grandfather. 
People gave gifts for the newborn at their own lodge. The lodge had bison robes that covered the floor of the lodge. The mother called Rattling Blanket Woman showed her daughter her new brother. The baby's name was Crazy Horse. It was his father's name. Crazy Horse was now a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe. 

research help: ' the journey of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Crazy Horse 2023 page 2

 Crazy Horse 2023 page 2 by ric gustafson

So who was Crazy Horse?. Some say he was a irrepressible warrior. He was a leader of warriors. He wasn't fearless, but he did act in spite of fear. He led men into battle. He lived his life as a positive example for everyone to see. Crazy Horse demonstrated Lakota values including courage, wisdom and generosity. 
Crazy Horse was a son, husband, brother, father and teacher. He crafted weapons, tools and he was a hunter and tracker. He was a deep thinker, a shy loner and a fierce defender. 
The Lakota nation is made up of three groups. The Dakota group were called the Isanti. The Isanti became the Santee. The Nakota were known as the Ihanktun. Their villages were far to the southeast across the Missouri River. The third group was the Lakota. They were also known as ' Titunwan'. They were known as people of the prairie.

research help: ' The journey of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 8, 2023

Crazy Horse 2023 page 1

 Crazy Horse 2023 page 1 by ric gustafson

It was the winter of 1866-1867. It was bitterly cold. The snows were very deep along the foothills of the Powder River. This was in the Big Horn Mountains. That was in now north central Wyoming. Hunters had trouble finding elk and deer. Buffalo was scarce. 
Crazy Horse at that time was in his mid twenties. His younger brother Little Hawk was with him. The two risked their lives in frigid temperatures as they searched for game. After one storm, they were able to bring down several elk. This saved their family and friends from starvation. Weeks before, Crazy Horse led an ambush of eighty soldiers. This became known as the Fetterman Massacre.
Crazy Horse became a Lakota battlefield leader. He got the best of two United States field commanders. Brigadier General George Crook and Colonel George Custer.
Crazy Horse was skilled with a bow. He held a war club close combat. He was not the tallest or the strongest among the Lakota fighting men. 

research help: ' The journey of Crazy Horse' by Joseph Marshall III

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

God's Word: I Kings

 God's Word: I Kings by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated and unknown. The book was written after 586 BC. The book talks about how Israel was divided into northern and southern nations. King David when he was in declining health named his son Solomon as his succesor. God offers Solomon anything he wants. Solomon chooses wisdom. Solomon is granted great wisdom along with power and wealth. Solomon builds a permanent temple in Jerusalem. When Solomon dies, his son Rehoboam takes control of the northern tribes. The southern tribes become a nation called Judah. 
This book introduces the prophet Elijah. 

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

everyone is a gift page 3

 everyone is a gift page 3 by ric gustafson

God knows that we are a gift to him. At times thou, we do not feel like a gift to God. We say to ourselves we are not a gift. We feel worthless and unimportant. We feel different. We do not feel like a gift. 
We have low self esteem. We feel that everyone is a gift from God except us.
We feel that way in a broken world. God's Word confronts that low self esteem. God's Word is Good News. God's Word proclaims that we are good and that Jesus loves us. Jesus loves us so much he died on a cross for us. 
God uses his Word to confront the lie we have that we are worth nothing. The truth is to God everyone is a gift.

research help: ' Discover your Gifts' by Don Everts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, September 4, 2023

the Great Oz page 15

 the Great Oz page 15 by ric gustafson

China Girl screamed. She pointed up to the sky. " Their coming".
Finley was scared. " Wizard, do something".
Oscar looked up. He wasn't sure what to do.
Glinda took out a wand from under her cloak. She waved it. " Run".
All of them ran out of the graveyard. As thick fog enveloped them as they ran, it was hard for them to see. At one point, Oscar could barely see Glinda running next to him.
After coming out of the fog, they were at the edge of a cliff.
China Girl began to cry. " Wizard, what do we do now?".
Finley put his arm around her. " Jump".
The two jumped.
Oscar heard the monkeys approaching.
Glinda frowned. " They will be here shortly".
The two walked up to the edge of the cliff.
" Are you ready Wizard?".
Oscar grinned. " Yes".
They jumped.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: II Samuel

 God's Word: II Samuel by ric gustafson

The author is unknown. The book was written in 1010-970 BC. This was during the reign of King David. The book talks about David becoming Israel's greatest king. But David had major flaws. When King Saul died, David becomes king. In II Samuel 7, God promises David that his throne will be established forever.
Then one spring, David stays home from battle. He spots a beautiful neighbor. He wants her. He commits adultery with her. Her name was Bathsheba. Then David has her husband killed in battle. 
Eventually, David repents and God forgives his sin. But the consequences of David's sins will affect him and his family for most of his life.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 9

3/30/1981 page 9 by ric gustafson

At 11:00 am on Monday March 30, it was getting busy at the Washington Hilton. Agent Bill Green and other Secret Service agents were going through their final security checks.
The Washington Hilton was built in the early 1960's. Some of the rooms had a view of the Washington Monument and the city's skyline. It had an enormous ballroom that could accommodate thousands of people. There was a VIP entrance on the side of the hotel.
Agent Green was the lead advance agent for the event's walkthru. Green had prepared a detailed security plan. Green knew where the other agents would be posted. Green and another agent. inspected the ballroom and the VIP entrance. Helping Green with the security procedures was Agent Rick Ahearn.
Outside the hotel, Green and Ahearn studied the VIP entrance. They wanted to see how the President's motorcade would arrive. They decided to do a rope line to keep the public from getting too close to the President. When the two agents were done with their preparations, they knew they only had 30 minutes before the arrival of the President.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, September 3, 2023

God's Word: I Samuel

 God's Word: I Samuel by ric gustafson

The author of this book is not stated. This book is from 1100-1000 BC. This book is about Israel's twelve tribes united under a king. A woman named Hannah prays to God for a son. Samuel is born. He is sent to the temple under a priest named Eli. Later, Israel's tribal leaders ask for a king. Saul is anointed as Israel's first ruler. Saul starts well but begins making poor choices. A shepherd named David defeats Goliath and then becomes Israel's hero. Saul becomes jealous and tries to kill David. At the end of the book, Saul dies. David become king.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

everyone is a gift page 2

 everyone is a gift page 2 by ric gustafson

All humans were created by God. The book of Genesis makes that clear. God is the source of all life. God is the source of every human who has ever been created. There is only one Creator. All humans are fellow creations of God. Humans are a special creation because we were created in the image of God. 
Genesis 1 stresses that humans are not like other creatures. In humans, God put his breath of life. David finds out in Psalm 139 that we were formed and knitted by the Creator. 
John 1 says that Jesus was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. Without Jesus, nothing was made. 

research help: ' Discover Your Gifts' by Don Everts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, September 2, 2023

the Great Oz page 14

 the Great Oz page 14 by ric gustafson

In a rage, Evanora threw open a balcony door. Some of her winged monkeys were waiting at attention. " I want that Glinda and that Wizard dead". Still angry, she threw up her arms. " Now fly".
At the graveyard, Glinda showed Oscar a large statue. " When my father died". Her voice hesitated. " We lost a noble king".
" I'm sorry Glinda".
She started to cry. " I've been waiting for a Wizard to come and make things right".
Just then, Oscar heard a strange noise. " What was that?".
Glinda gave Oscar a scared stare. " Evanora's winged monkeys".
" How do you know that?".
" She has a crystal ball". She frowned at Oscar. " She knows were here".
Oscar cried out . " What do we do now?".
Glinda grinned. " Use your magic".
Oscar thought for a moment. " I think we should run".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

3/30/1981 page 8

 3/30/1981 page 8 by ric gustafson

It was shortly after 11:00 am. President Reagan was working on his speech for that afternoon. The speech was in all capital letters on five and a fourth by eight inch heavy bond paper. When he had finished writing, Reagan checked it for mistakes. 
In three hours, Reagan knew he had to address the Building and Construction Trades Department. Reagan was an adversary of unions. He agreed to speak because Reagan's labor secretary Ray Donovan asked him to. If Reagan could get the support of the AFL- CIO, it could help his 1984 reelection campaign.
Helping President Reagan with his speech was a young speechwriter. Her name was Mari Maseng. She had worked with Senator Bob Dole. Then she joined Reagan's team. When Reagan and Maseng were done with the final draft, the President needed to leave. He needed to eat lunch and then rest before the motorcade would take him to the Hilton.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, September 1, 2023

everyone is a gift page 1

 everyone is a gift page 1 by ric gustafson

God sees every human as a gift. God created us with dignity and worth. In Psalm 139, David and God are having a conversation. Also David and himself are having a conversation. David is wrestling with God on how he sees him, how God pursues him and how God made him. David is wrestling with these truths. 
The fact that God thinks of David as a gift is hard for him to comprehend. David says in Psalm 139:14, wonderful are your works my soul knows it very well. God loves people. 
The truth is everyone who has been created is a gift.

research help: ' Discover Your Gifts' by Don Everts

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Ruth

 God's Word: Ruth by ric gustafson

The author is not stated. Some suggest Samuel. Ruth, who was the great grandmother of King David, lived around 1100 BC. The book is about a loyal daughter in law. Ruth was a Gentile woman. She married into a Jewish family. When all the men of the family die, Ruth takes care of her mother in law Naomi. Ruth stays with her and looks for food so they can live. Ruth ends up working for a wealthy man named Boaz. He takes an interest in Ruth. Boaz eventually marries Ruth. Ruth was an ancestor of Jesus Christ.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric