Thursday, June 3, 2021

Titanic 2021: the last survivor

 Titanic 2021: the last survivor by ric gustafson

Millvina Dean knew her place in history. She was the last living link to the story. What story was that?. She was the last living survivor of the Titanic tragedy. 
Two month old Millvina and her brother Bertram were traveling on Titanic to Wichita Kansas. Like many had to do, Bertram and his wife had to switch ships at the last moment. When the mighty liner was struck by an iceberg, Bertram put his wife and two children into Lifeboat 10. He did not survive. 
After Titanic, Millvina drew warmaps for the British government and worked for an engineering company. In 2007, she became the last living survivor. Millvina died in 2009.
One day, director James Cameron had an idea for a movie that he wanted to direct.

The End

research help: ' The Titanic the shipwreck that shocked the world' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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