Saturday, June 26, 2021

Pilate 2021 page 11

 Pilate 2021 page 11 by ric gustafson

Pilate and Procula's caravan stopped at the entrance to the Water Gate. The crowds of pilgrims this year was the largest he had ever seen for a Passover.
" Look". Procula pointed. " Up the slope of the Mount of Olives".
Pilate squinted his eyes. There were two large groups of people on both sides of a roadway. Some of them were waving palm branches.
" I can't see who is coming down the roadway". Pilate frowned. " I will find out tonight".
Later, Pilate was briefed about what had happened earlier.
" It was the prophet Jesus". The Antonia tribune sighed. " Yes, he has come out of hiding".
Pilate scratched his chin. " So what is your opinion Tribune?".
" A lot of people follow him". He sighed. " A lot of people don't".
" Is he still in the city?".
" No". The Tribune shook his head. " He stopped at the Temple briefly and then went back to Bethany".

research help: ' Pontius Pilate' by Paul L Maier

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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