Thursday, June 24, 2021

Philip and Elizabeth page 1

 Philip and Elizabeth page 1 by ric gustafson

Philip's head hurt. The last thing he wanted to do was sit through a pantomime. He was only doing it to please the King and Queen. A short time later, the main lights dimmed and the Waterloo Chamber got dark. 
Then the curtain opened. Out came a young woman tap dancing across the stage. He began to stare at the seventeen year old. She was wearing a gold and red Chinese jacket. She was beautiful.
Elizabeth smiled. He came backstage. He was with his cousin the Duchess of Kent.
Philip grinned. " You were very funny tonight".
She frowned. " My sister Margaret is a better actor than I am". She looked at the time. " I'd better change".
" Of course". His voice hesitated. " Hopefully I'll see you later".
" I'll look forward to it".

research help: ' Before the Crown' by Flora Harding

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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