Monday, August 24, 2020

Thomas page 7

Thomas page 7 by ric gustafson

Tasmin found Thomas in the Holy City.
" Brother". She smiled. " I found you".
" Tasmin". He gave her a big hug. " What are you doing here?".
" I came to find you". She smiled again. " I came with Jude".
" Is everything ok?". He frowned. " How is Abba?".
" Dying". Her voice hesitated. " He wants to give you a blessing before he dies".
" I cannot desert Yeshua". Thomas stared at his sister. " I can't".
When Tasmin returned home, Aunt Dinah gave her the bad news.
" Your father is ailing". She frowned. " He won't be around much longer".
She walked into her father's chamber. His face was drained of color. His hands trembled. His eyes had gone cloudy.
" Abba".
His tired eyes looked at Tasmin's.
" I think I love Jude Ben Joseph". She smiled. " No one has ever stirred my heart like he does".
Her father closed his eyes for the last time with a smile.

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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