Wednesday, August 5, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 3

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 3 by ric gustafson

Willy led Rolf up some steps.
" Willy, the stateroom is very nice".
" Thank you". The young steward pointed around the room. " This is our A Deck Promenade".
Passengers were already looking out the slated observation windows.
Rolf looked out one of the windows. Just then, he heard a strange noise. " What was that?".
" Just the engines being turned on". The young steward glanced at his watch. " We are just about to lift off".
" Thank you for helping me get settled".
" You're welcome". He clicked his heels. " I will see you at dinnertime".
After he left, Rolf looked out the observation window again.
The ground crew slowly walked the giant airship past the hangar. Then the lines were pulled away. Then the giant airship lifted twenty feet off the ground. Then Commander Pruss blew a bullhorn. Two tons of water were released from the ballasts. Then the huge silver airship rose up into the night sky.
Rolf looked at his watch. It was 8:18 pm.

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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