Monday, August 31, 2020

God's Word: Habakkuk

God's Word: Habakkuk by ric gustafson

The book of Habakkuk was written in 609-598 BC by the prophet Habakkuk. The purpose of the book is to affirm that the wicked will not prevail. Habakkuk grapples with the question of why God lets people get away with evil. Habakkuk has doubts. In the end, he knows that God will render a righteous judgment.
Habakkuk 3:18 says I will rejoice in the Lord.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Never Die page 1

Never Die page 1 by ric gustafson

Greg Jones took out a heavy winter jacket from the front hall closet. He put it on while Charlene Jones nervously glanced out the front door window.
" The snow is coming down harder now". Worry clouded her face. " Do we have to go?".
" Mr Kunkle invited us to his Christmas party".
She kept staring out the window. " Greg, it's supposed to snow even more".
Greg grinned. " Matthew 6 says not to worry".
" I don't want to hear any more about the bible". She frowned. " I am worried".
" God will take care of us".
" Where was God when you lost your job?". She gave him a dirty look. " It took us a long time to recover from that".
" I found a better one". He smiled. " We better go before it gets worse".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 29, 2020

God's Word: Nahum

God's Word: Nahum by ric gustafson

The book of Nahum was written in 663-612 BC by the prophet Nahum. The purpose of the book is to pronounce judgment on Nineveh. God calls Nahum to warn about judgment against Nineveh for their idolatry and cruelty. God will avenge his people even though he is slow to anger. Nahum's prophecy came true in 612 BC.
Nahum 1:3 says the Lord is slow to anger but great in power

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thomas page 11

Thomas page 11 by ric gustafson

Jude and Tasmin were preparing to go back home.
All of a sudden, Thomas ran in. " I have seen the Lord".
" What?". Tasmin stared at her brother. " Where?".
" In the same house where we ate the last supper". He grinned. " The doors were locked".
" What were you doing with the others?".
" Talking about where they would see Yeshua next".
" Then what happened?".
" All of a sudden, Yeshua appeared". Tears came to Thomas's eyes. " He was looking right at me".
" What did he say?".
" Put your finger here, look at my hands". His voice hesitated. " Reach out your hand and put it in my side".
Tasmin frowned. " At one time, you doubted him".
" I fell on my knees". He was still crying. " I exclaimed My Lord and my God".
Tasmin and Thomas twins hugged each other and cried.

The End.

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 28, 2020

Thomas page 10

Thomas page 10 by ric gustafson

Jude and Tasmin walked toward a gate in the western wall.
" Where are we going Jude?".
" A hill called Golgotha". He frowned. " It is right outside the city".
They walked up to the base of a treeless hill. They watched in horror as three crosses went up. Two criminals with Yeshua in the middle.
They watched as soldiers gambled for Yeshua's clothing.
After a while, Jude could not watch any more. They walked back to the inn where they were staying.
Later, Tasmin's brother surprised them.
" Sister". He frowned, " Well, it is over".
Jude scratched his chin. " What were you waiting for?".
" The Kingdom of God". He frowned again. " He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot".
" What happened to him?".
" Dead". Thomas's voice hesitated. " He hanged himself".
Tasmin smiled. " Thomas, you can come home with us".
Her brother slowly nodded his head.

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 27, 2020

God's Word: Micah

God's Word: Micah by ric gustafson

The book of Micah was written in 738-698 BC by the prophet Micah. The book was written to warn people of God's judgment and to offer hope. Micah warned the leaders of his people about their pride, greed and injustice. Micah tells them of the destruction of Jerusalem and Samaria. Micah also proclaims future forgiveness and redemption.
Micah 6:8 says to walk humbly with your God.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Thomas page 9

Thomas page 9 by ric gustafson

Jude ran into the inn he and Tasmin were staying at.
" Yeshua was arrested". He frowned. " He has already appeared before the Sanhedrin".
" What did he say?".
" He was asked if he was the Son of the Blessed One".
" What did he say?".
" He said he was". He frowned again. " They have taken him to Pilate".
Tasmin began to cry. " Why?".
" The Jews do not have the authority to put a man to death".
" They want Pilate to kill him for blasphemy".
Later, they stood outside the governor's mansion. Before Pilate was Yeshua in a purple robe.
Pilate lifted a hand. " What shall I do with this Yeshua of Nazareth?".
Somebody yelled. " Execute him".
" Why?". Pilate stared at the growing mob. " What evil has he done?".
Roman guards took Yeshua away.
" What will they do now?".
" They will quickly kill him".

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Jonah

God's Word: Jonah by ric gustafson

The book of Jonah was written in 783-753 BC by the prophet Jonah. This book was written to show that God loves all people. It took a storm, a great fish and God's relentless pursuit to get Jonah to obey his call from God. Nineveh was dangerous and wicked. Because of Jonah, the Ninevites repent and God spares them. God's mercy extends to all people.
Jonah 4:2 says you are a gracious and compassionate God slow to anger and abounding in love.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Thomas page 8

Thomas page 8 by ric gustafson

" I love you Tasmin". Jude held her hand. " I will build a home for you".
One day, she received a letter from her brother. He was concerned about possible persecution from the religious authorities.
She and Jude decided to go to Jerusalem to try to stop Thomas and Yeshua from a horrible fate. As they neared the Holy City, traffic got heavier. Then they noticed someone on a donkey heading for one of the city gates. People were waving palm branches. They found out it was Yeshua.
" I need to find my mother". Jude sighed. " I want to make sure she is ok".
" I need to find Thomas".

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Obadiah

God's Word: Obadiah by ric gustafson

The book of Obadiah was written in 586 BC by the prophet Obadiah. The prophet wrote the book to prophesy against Edom. This book is the shortest book in the Old Testament. Obadiah is judging the people of Edom for their disregard and mistreatment of the Israelites. Later on, the Babylonian empire destroys Edom.
Obadiah 10 says you will be covered with shame you will be destroyed forever

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 24, 2020

Thomas page 7

Thomas page 7 by ric gustafson

Tasmin found Thomas in the Holy City.
" Brother". She smiled. " I found you".
" Tasmin". He gave her a big hug. " What are you doing here?".
" I came to find you". She smiled again. " I came with Jude".
" Is everything ok?". He frowned. " How is Abba?".
" Dying". Her voice hesitated. " He wants to give you a blessing before he dies".
" I cannot desert Yeshua". Thomas stared at his sister. " I can't".
When Tasmin returned home, Aunt Dinah gave her the bad news.
" Your father is ailing". She frowned. " He won't be around much longer".
She walked into her father's chamber. His face was drained of color. His hands trembled. His eyes had gone cloudy.
" Abba".
His tired eyes looked at Tasmin's.
" I think I love Jude Ben Joseph". She smiled. " No one has ever stirred my heart like he does".
Her father closed his eyes for the last time with a smile.

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Amos

God's Word: Amos by ric gustafson

The book of Amos was written in 760-753 BC by the prophet Amos. The purpose of the book was to accuse and judge Israel for lack of mercy and injustice. When Amos came, there was great peace and material prosperity. The people had become apathetic toward God. This corrupted their worship and unjustly treated the people. Amos, a shepherd, was sent by God to tell the people to change their ways or face judgment from God.
Amos 5:14 says seek good not evil that you may live.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 23, 2020

God's Word: Joel

God's Word: Joel by ric gustafson

The book of Joel was written in 500-400 BC by the prophet Joel. The purpose of the book was to call Judah to repentance to avoid judgment. The prophet Joel warns God's people about the judgment coming on the day of the Lord. Also coming were the many blessings of God that will be poured out on those who heed the word of the Lord.
Joel 2:28 says I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Thomas page 6

Thomas page 6 by ric gustafson

Tasmin and Jude came home without Thomas or Yeshua.
She helped her father with his physical liabilities.
One night, Yeshua's brothers heard a knock on there door. James opened it. It was Yeshua.
" Brother". Simeon stared at his eldest brother. " What are you doing here?".
" Visiting my brothers". He took off his cloak. " I am only passing through".
James sighed. " Where are you going next?".
" Not Jerusalem". He sighed. " There are those who want to take my life".
" Why not Judea?". James grinned. " Let the public see you".
Joses smiled. " Why do you heal people and then tell them to keep quiet?".
Yeshua frowned. " My time has not quite come".
Tasmin asked her father if she could travel to Jerusalem with Yeshua's brothers.  She wanted to find Thomas.
Her father gave his permission.

research help: ' Daughter of Cana'  by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Hosea

God's Word: Hosea by ric gustafson

The book of Hosea was written in 752-722 BC by the prophet Hosea. The book was written to illustrate the spiritual adultery of Israel and warning of destruction. Hosea was a prophet during the decline and fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Even though the people of Israel were unfaithful to God, God had a never failing love for them.
Hosea 6:6 says I desire mercy not sacrifice.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 20, 2020

God's Word: Daniel

God's Word: Daniel by ric gustafson

The book of Daniel was written in 605-535 BC by the prophet Daniel. The purpose of the book is to convince the exiles that God is sovereign. The book provides the exiles with a vision of their future redemption. The book talks about Daniel and his friends. The book also talks about Daniel's visions. The book reassures people that God is in control.
Daniel 2:44 says it will itself endure forever.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Thomas page 5

Thomas page 5 by ric gustafson

One day, Tasmin caught up with her twin.
" Thomas". She frowned. " I have finally tracked you down".
" Tasmin". He smiled. " What are you doing here?".
" Brother, I have been searching for you since the wedding". Her voice hesitated. " You need to come back home with me".
" I can't". He grinned. " I want to keep following Yeshua".
She stamped her foot. " Father and I need you at home".
" Based on what I have observed". He grinned. " I believe he is the Messiah".
" Brother, you can't be serious".
" I'm sorry Tasmin". He hugged his sister. " I must stay".
" I will stay too until Jude is ready to go back". She gave Thomas a hopeful grin. " I hope you will reconsider".

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Ezekiel

God's Word: Ezekiel by ric gustafson

The book of Ezekiel was written in 593-571 BC by the prophet Ezekiel. The book was written to call God's people in exile to be faithful to God. This book asks an important question. Is God with us or has he abandoned us?. Ezekiel tells us that God's presence is a source of peace, life and future restoration.
Ezekiel 36:26 says I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Thomas page 4

Thomas page 4 by ric gustafson

Tasmin stared at the pile of pots and bowls in front of her. She had just been blindsided by news from her brother.
" I've been invited to go with Yeshua".
She stared at her twin. " I assume you told him no".
" I need to go Tasmin".
" I cannot do all this work alone". She sighed. " I cannot do it without you".
" I don't expect you to understand".
" Thomas". She began to plead. " You can't trust a trickster".
" How will I know". He grinned. " Unless I go with him".
He quietly left with Jesus and the others.
Later, Tasmin came up with a plan.
She would go to Capernaum and convince him to come back home.

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Lamentations

God's Word: Lamentations by ric gustafson

The book of Lamentations was written in 586 BC by the prophet Jeremiah. The book was written to express the despair of the people of Judah over the loss of their temple, city and land. This book was an eyewitness account of the destruction of Jerusalem. The grief displayed revealed deep regret and desire for the restoration of God's people.
Lamentations 3:22-23 says his compassions never fail.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 17, 2020

God's Word: Jeremiah

God's Word: Jeremiah by ric gustafson

The book of Jeremiah was written in 626-582 BC by the prophet Jeremiah. The purpose of the book is to warn the people of coming destruction. It is also to remind them of their sin in hopes of bringing them to repentance. The prophet Jeremiah brings a message of judgment against the people. He hopes repentance will deter God's wraith.
Jeremiah 29:11 says for I know the plans I have for you.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 16, 2020

God's Word: Isaiah

God's Word: Isaiah by ric gustafson

The book of Isaiah was written in 735-681 BC by the prophet Isaiah. The book was written to convince the people that salvation is possible through repentance for sin and hope in the coming Messiah. God's people formed alliances with pagan nations in hope of protecting themselves. The prophet Isaiah brought messages of coming judgment if the people continued in their sinful ways.
Isaiah 9:6 says he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 15, 2020

God's Word: Song of Songs

God's Word: Song of Songs by ric gustafson

The book of Song of Songs was written in 971-931 BC by King Solomon and possibly others.
This book was written to illustrate the joy of love found in marriage.
This book is a collection of love poems declaring love and affection between a lover and his beloved.
Song of Songs 6:3 says I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.

research help: ' the Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 14, 2020

Thomas page 3

Thomas page 3 by ric gustafson

It was the final day of the wedding feast.
Tasmin was beside herself with worry.
Jesus's mother walked up to her. " You seem anxious".
" I am". She frowned. " We have no wine for tonight's dinner".
Mary walked over to her son. " They don't have any wine".
" Woman, what does that have to do with you and me". He stared at his mother. " My hour has not come yet".
She walked over to Tasmin. " Do whatever he tells you to do".
Yeshua walked over. " Fill these stone jars with water".
Hired servants ran off to do that.
Tasmin then poured a cup from the spigot and gave it to her brother.
Thomas took a drink.
Tasmin expected the worst.
" Usually you serve the good wine and then the worst". Thomas took another sip and then smiled. " But you have reserved the good wine till now".

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Ecclesiastes

God's Word: Ecclesiastes by ric gustafson

The book of Ecclesiastes was written in 971-931 BC by King Solomon or by different authors. The purpose of the book is to examine what a meaningful life is. At first to the author, everything is meaningless or vanity. Then later, the author proclaims that happiness is in pursuing God as a number one priority. As believers, we know that truth and meaning come from knowing Jesus.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 says fear God and keep his commandments.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 13, 2020

God's Word: Proverbs

God's Word: Proverbs by ric gustafson

The book of Proverbs was written in 900's- 700's BC by King Solomon and others. The book was written to gain wisdom and instruction for right behavior and doing what is right. This book invites readers to make decisions between foolishness and wisdom. Wisdom leads to life. Foolishness leads to death.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says trust in the Lord with all your heart.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thomas page 2

Thomas page 2 by ric gustafson

Tasmin woke up one of the hired hands. " We have only four barrels of wine left after the first day". She frowned. " Tomorrow, make sure your pitcher is half full of water". She was worried they were going to run out.
Later, she noticed her aunt. " I'm worried about the wine". She frowned. " We have already used up three barrels".
Thomas walked over. " Morning sister".
" I need your help". Her voice hesitated. " I need a goat for tonight's dinner and I am watering down the wine".
Thomas made a face. " Why are you doing that?".
" Your new friends have gone through three barrels already". Her voice got louder. " I will go to Nazareth to get a goat for dinner".
Shortly, Thomas brought over two people. " This is two of Yeshua's siblings".
" Hello".
" This is Damaris and Jude". Thomas smiled. " They will protect you on your short journey".

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thomas page 1

Thomas page 1 by ric gustafson

Thomas watched as Etan and Galya walked hand in hand through the courtyard gate.
Thomas's sister Tasmin smiled. " They look so happy".
Thomas then noticed a large group of people enter the gate. " Who are they?".
Tasmin smiled again. " Nine adults plus children". She counted again. " They were led here from Nazareth by Mary".
Thomas grinned. " Aunt Dinah's friend?".
" Yes". Tasmin frowned. " Her husband a carpenter died seven years ago". She began to stare at the eldest son. " Who is that?".
" People call him Yeshua".
Thomas watched as more and more people came through the gate.
Tasmin shook her head. " I  hope we have enough wine".

research help: ' Daughter of Cana' by Angela Hunt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 13

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 13 by ric gustafson

It was 7:25 pm.
" Thank you Mr Muller". They embraced. " For helping me with my eternal decision".
" God did it". Rolf held up his bible. " Not me".
Just then, Willy heard a shudder.
" That's not good". He frowned. " We need to get out of here".
They ran out.
Willy stopped as flames came near. " The observation window".
They ran back to the windows.
Flames quickly came near them.
Willy kicked one out.
As the flaming airship was only ten feet from the ground, the two jump.
They both hit the ground hard. They both pass out.
Later, they wake up in cots in a hanger.
" We're alive Mr Muller". Willy smiled. " We saved each other".
" No Willy". Rolf held up his bible. " God saved us".

The End.

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 12

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 12 by ric gustafson

At 4:15 pm, Rolf and Willy were still looking out the observation window. " What is down there Willy?".
The young steward craned his neck. " That is Lakehurst Hanger number 1".
" It looks like reporters and spectators are already there".
Commander Pruss walked in with a frown on his face. " It looks like we are not going to be able to land right away".
Rolf and Willy saw the darkening sky.
" Why is that Commander?".
" Wind gusts are now twenty five knots". He frowned. again. " Also it looks like a storm is coming".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Flight of Dreams miracle page 11

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 11 by ric gustafson

Rolf and Willy glanced out the observation window. They were staring at the New York City skyline. It was 3:00 pm.
Rolf pointed. " That is the Hudson River".
Willy pointed. " What is that Mr Muller?".
" The Empire State building".
The Hindenburg was flying close to another landmark.
Rolf pointed. " That is the Statue of Liberty".
At 3:45 pm, Commander Pruss quietly walked up to the window.
" You look concerned Commander". Rolf frowned. " Is everything ok?".
" No it's not".
" What's wrong Commander?".
" We are going to be landing much later than expected".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 10

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 10 by ric gustafson

It was 5:35 am. Rolf was staring out of one of the observation windows. They were flying over the eastern coast of the United States. Someone had just told him it was only thirteen hours until they were landing at Lakehurst.
All of a sudden, Willy ran in. " I just gave my life to Jesus". Tears began to flow down his young face. " I am so happy".
" That's great". Rolf embraced him. " Welcome to the body of Christ".
" Can I keep your bible?".
Rolf grinned. " Of course".
" Right now, we are flying over Maine". He stared out a window. " We should be arriving at Lakehurst around four this afternoon".
" Thank you Willy".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Psalms

God's Word: Psalms by ric gustafson

The book of Psalms was written in 1000-450 BC by David, Asaph and others. This book was written to communicate with God and worship him. Psalms are songs written and compiled over a long time period. The book is separated into five collections. Psalm 1-41 talks about confidence in God's salvation. Psalm 42-72 talks about community laments. Psalm 73-89 talks about prayers of lament. Psalm 90-106 talks about the reign of the Lord. Psalm 107-150 talks about God who is good, faithful and in control.
Psalm 145:21 says my mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 9

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 9 by ric gustafson

At lunch the following day, Willy poured Rolf a glass of Lambrusco. He then gave Rolf a plate of watercress salad, breadsticks and fried oysters. For dessert, Rolf was served Linzer cookies.
By the late afternoon, all the passengers were getting restless. This was their last full day. Rolf heard it was only fifteen hours to Lakehurst.
Later that evening, Rolf got into the last passenger poker game.
Willy walked up to him. " I'm going to make my decision tonight".
" That's great". Rolf smiled. " You won't regret it".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Job

God's Word: Job by ric gustafson

The date and author of the book of Job are unknown. The purpose of the book is to show faithfulness in the midst of suffering. This book shows the themes of human suffering and God's wisdom. Job is blameless and upright. His life is overturned. Job does not blame God for what happens to him. God is sovereign over all creation.
Job 19:25-26 says I know that my redeemer lives.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 10, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 8

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 8 by ric gustafson

Willy handed Rolf a plate of beef Wellington. Then he put a glass of German red wine on the table.
Later, Rolf wakes up in the middle of the night. It was 4:20 am.  He walks down to the observation windows. He noticed Willy there looking at his bible.
He glanced out a window. " Willy, where are we right now?".
The young steward put down the bible. " I believe about 250 miles from the southwest tip of Newfoundland".
Rolf kept looking out the window. " How long before we get to New York?".
" Probably a day and fourteen hours".
Rolf smiled. " How is the bible studying coming?".
" Ok". He grinned. " How long have you been a Christian?".
" A long time".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Esther

God's Word: Esther by ric gustafson

The book of Esther was written in the 400s BC by an unknown author. The purpose of this book is to demonstrate that God is in control. This book is about a young Jewish woman who is thrown into the Persian court in Susa. Esther becomes queen to Persian King Xerxes I. She makes choices to save her people from being slaughtered.
Esther 4:14 says you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 9, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 7

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 7 by ric gustafson

Rolf was hungry.
Willy handed him a plate. It was pan seared chicken and asparagus.
" I looked at your bible this morning".
" That's great". Rolf bit into a yeast roll. " Has it sparked your curiosity?".
" It sure has". He handed Rolf a plate of potatoes with roasted garlic. " It says Jesus died for my sins".
" He did". He bit into a piece of chicken. " All of them".
" Just simply believe". He grinned at Rolf. " That's all I have to do to be saved".
" That's it". He bit into another yeast roll. " Willy, this lunch is delicious".
" I'd like to study this more".
" By all means".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: Nehemiah

God's Word: Nehemiah by ric gustafson

The book of Nehemiah was written in 400s BC by Ezra. The book was written to provide an account of the return and restoration of the exiles. Nehemiah was a cup bearer to a Persian king. Nehemiah was given permission to lead a group of Jews to rebuild the damaged walls of the city. This task was completed in 52 days. Jerusalem was restored.
Nehemiah 8:10 says do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 8, 2020

God's Word: Ezra

God's Word: Ezra by ric gustafson

The book of Ezra was written in 400s BC by Ezra. The book was to provide an account of the exiles return and restoration. This book shows how God is faithful in his promises. After decades in exile, King Cyrus of Persia allows the Jews to return to their homeland. The second wave is led by Ezra who is a court scribe and priest. He guides the people in spiritual renewal.
Ezra 3:11 says the Lord is good his love toward Israel endures forever.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 7, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 6

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 6 by ric gustafson

Rolf took a shower in the small one in the hallway. He got dressed and came down to the dining room. He sat down at an empty table.
Willy walked up. " Morning Mr Muller".
" Morning Willy". He smiled. " How are things this morning?".
" The officers are frustrated".
" Why is that?".
" We are three hours behind schedule".
" Why is that?".
" Mostly headwinds".
Rolf grinned. " I'm sure Commander Pruss will get us back on course".
Willy put a plate of toast, cheese, bacon and marmalade in front of him.
Later, Rolf spent time in the reading room. It was a quiet place on the other side of the airship. There Rolf  studied his bible.
All of a sudden, Willy was standing right in front of him.
" Hi Willy".
" Do you mind if I glance at your bible before lunch?". The young steward smiled. " I'm curious about it".
" Of course". He handed him his bible.
" Thanks". He smiled. " Lunch is at 11:30".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: II Chronicles

God's Word: II Chronicles by ric gustafson

The book of II Chronicles was written in 450-400 BC possibly by Ezra. The purpose of the book is to encourage exiles who returned to Judah. This book covers history from King Solomon through the fall of Judah. This book is meant to inspire people to remain faithful to God and to warn them about consequences if they don't.
II Chronicles 13:10 says as for us the Lord is our God.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 6, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 5

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 5 by ric gustafson

Rolf looked out the portside window. It was late evening. The lights of the city below were beautiful. " Where are we Willy?".
The young steward walked over and glanced outside one of the windows. " Cologne I believe".
Rolf noticed two spires of light reaching the sky. " Those are beautiful lights".
" That is the Cologne Cathedral".
" Willy, I was wondering one thing".
" What is that Mr Muller?".
" What is beyond B Deck?".
" Not much". He walked away from the window. " Catwalks, airshafts and storage for the hydrogen gas".
Rolf continued to look out the window.
Later, passengers came in.
Rolf joined the conversation about Hitler trying to take Austria and the plight of the Jews.
Later, Rolf went back to his stateroom to study his bible.

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: I Chronicles

God's Word: I Chronicles by ric gustafson

The book of I Chronicles was written in 450-400 possibly by Ezra. The book was written to encourage the exiles who returned to Judah. This book is a history of King David's reign. This book was written to encourage Jews by connecting them to their past. It is their hope for a restored Israel in remembering what God did in their history.
I Chronicles 17:14 says I will set your son over my house and my kingdom forever.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 4

the Flight of  Dreams miracle page 4 by ric gustafson

Rolf was sitting at one of the dining room tables. He was reading his bible. Each table was draped in white and had a single fresh flower in the middle.
Willy walks up. " What are you reading Mr Muller?".
" Just my bible".
He handed Rolf a plate of salmon and a roll. " I don't know much about the bible?".
Rolf smiled. " You can borrow it anytime you wish".
Commander Pruss walked up.
" Commander". Rolf took a bite of his roll. " This is a beautiful airship".
" Thank you". He grinned. " It does have one flaw".
" And what is that?".
" Because of the American government". His tired voice hesitated. " We were forced to use hydrogen gas instead of helium".
" I'm sure we'll be safe".
" Of course". He smiled. " Your last name sounds familiar".
" My father worked for Zeppelin for a long time".
" Fritz Muller".
" That's right".
Commander Pruss began to walk away. " Enjoy your flight Mr Muller".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 3

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 3 by ric gustafson

Willy led Rolf up some steps.
" Willy, the stateroom is very nice".
" Thank you". The young steward pointed around the room. " This is our A Deck Promenade".
Passengers were already looking out the slated observation windows.
Rolf looked out one of the windows. Just then, he heard a strange noise. " What was that?".
" Just the engines being turned on". The young steward glanced at his watch. " We are just about to lift off".
" Thank you for helping me get settled".
" You're welcome". He clicked his heels. " I will see you at dinnertime".
After he left, Rolf looked out the observation window again.
The ground crew slowly walked the giant airship past the hangar. Then the lines were pulled away. Then the giant airship lifted twenty feet off the ground. Then Commander Pruss blew a bullhorn. Two tons of water were released from the ballasts. Then the huge silver airship rose up into the night sky.
Rolf looked at his watch. It was 8:18 pm.

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: II Kings

God's Word: II Kings by ric gustafson

The book of II Kings was written in 561-539 BC by an unknown author. The book was written to demonstrate the value of obeying God and the danger of disobeying. This book records the history of the kings of Israel and Judah. The result of sins led to their kingdoms being conquered by the Assyrian and the Babylonian empires.
II Kings 19:15 says you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 2

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 2 by ric gustafson

The bus turned onto the airfield. Rolf turned to what was moored outside the hangar. It was D-LZ129. It was the Hindenburg. The giant airship was almost sixteen stories tall and over eight hundred feet long. The tail fins were adorned with large swastikas. The airship was floating several feet off the ground.
Rolf got off the bus and joined a long line of passengers. After a while, he came up to an older gentleman holding a clipboard.
" Welcome to the Hindenburg". He pointed at his nametag. " I am Chief Steward Heinrich Mekin. He pointed to a young steward next to him. " This is my assistant Steward Willy Mather". He looked at his clipboard. " Name?".
" Rolf Muller".
Mekin studied his clipboard. " Didn't your father work here?".
" He did". Rolf smiled. " He's retired now".
Mekin turned to his young assistant. " Please take Mr Muller's luggage to his stateroom which is on B Deck". He smiled. " Willy will take care of you".
" Thanks".

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: I Kings

God's Word: I Kings by ric gustafson

The book of I Kings was written in 561-539 BC by an unknown author. This book was written to show the value of obeying God and what happens when you disobey.
This book covers King Solomon's achievements which were many. This book also explains his downfall. After Solomon's death, civil war tore the kingdom apart.
I Kings 3:9 says give your servant a discerning heart

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 3, 2020

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 1

the Flight of Dreams miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

Rolf Muller nervously looked out the hotel lobby window. He was hoping he had not missed the airport bus.
" Hello Rolf".
He turned to see a familiar face. It was one of his father's co workers. " Hi Mr Nitser".
The Zeppelin custom agent smiled. " We need to check your luggage, tickets and passport before you can get on the bus".
Rolf grinned. " Of course".
" Is your father enjoying retirement?". He studied his passport. " He was fun to work with".
" Yes, he is". Rolf smiled. " He's enjoying it very much".
Hans stamped his passport. " Everything seems to be in order". He gave it back to Rolf. " Give Fritz my regards".
" I will". As his luggage was put on the bus, Rolf walked out of the lobby of the HOF Hotel. He got on the bus and sat down. As the bus pulled away, he smiled. He was looking forward to seeing the Rhein-Main Flughafen Airport and the Hindenburg.

research help: ' Flight of Dreams' by Ariel Lawhon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: II Samuel

God's Word: II Samuel by ric gustafson

II Samuel was written in 1100-931 BC by an unknown author. The book was written to record King David's victories and failures. This book shows God's blessing upon the faithful and the consequences of sin. David commits adultery with Bathsheba and murders her husband. Yet we also see God's mercy. David repents. God forgives.
II Samuel 7:9 says now I will make your name great

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 45

Mary of Magdala page 45 by ric gustafson

Mary watched as Peter and John ran off.
She was crying. The tomb was empty. She fell down on her knees next to some flower beds by the tomb. Suddenly, she heard a noise. She turned and noticed a gardener. She kept crying.
" Woman, why are you crying?".
" My Master's body has been taken from this tomb".
The gardener was wearing a tunic and a shade hat.
" Please sir if you have taken it". She pointed toward the tomb. " Please tell me and I will retrieve it".
" Mary!".
She smiled. It was the voice of Jesus.
" Teacher". She tried to touch his body.
" Do not touch me".
She wondered why.
" Go and tell the others".
She ran off.
Later, she was with the others.
" I have seen Jesus".

The End.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 44

Mary of Magdala page 44 by ric gustafson

The soldiers had just laid Jesus down on the ground.
Crying, Jesus's mother knelt down  and cradled his head. " My son". Her crying got louder. " My son".
Mary stood next to her. She did not know what to say or do.
Suddenly, a religious leader stood over them. " Pilate has given me permission to take the body". He handed a tablet to the centurion. " It's all in order".
" If Pilate has signed it". He glanced at it. " Go ahead".
They carefully put Jesus on a litter.
Joseph of Arimathea led the quiet group to a rich person's tomb site.
There with the help of Nicodemus, another secret disciple, Jesus's body was prepared for burial.
Jesus was then laid in the middle tomb.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mary of Magdala page 43

Mary of Magdala page 43 by ric gustafson

The door to the courtyard opened. In horror, Mary and Jesus's mother watched as Jesus stepped out. He had a huge beam of wood around his weakened shoulders. He was now so weak , he could barely stand up.
As the procession slowly made their way down the narrow city streets, the two struggled to keep up with the growing crowd.
Finally, they reached Jesus.
" My son". Jesus's mother was crying. " My son".
" Mother, do not grieve". He stared at her. " I was born for this hour".
Mary ran up to Jesus. " I'm sorry".
" I know". He looked at her through the pain. " I know your heart".
The soldiers prodded Jesus forward. His execution had to take place outside the city's walls.
Jesus fell three times. Then someone was forced to carry his crossbeam.
After a while, the procession went outside a city wall. Then it stopped at a hill where three crosses were waiting.

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Mary of Magdala page 42

Mary of Magdala page 42 by ric gustafson

Mary watched in horror as the armed mob approached the edge of the grove. As they seized the disciples, Jesus appeared.
" Whom do you seek?".
Several replied loudly ' Jesus of Nazareth".
" I am he". He pointed at his friends. " Let these men go".
Just then, Judas walked up to Jesus. " Teacher". He kissed Jesus's hand.
" Judas". Jesus gave him a sad stare. " You betray the Son of God with a kiss".
" That's the signal". The captain of the guard pointed. " Seize him".
Soldiers grabbed Jesus.
In horror, Mary watched the male disciples flee.
The mob took Jesus away.
Mary ran up to the other female followers. " Judas just told me". Her voice trembled. " They have taken him to the house of Annas".
Jesus's mother spoke up. " We will go with you".

research help: ' Mary called Magdalene' by Margaret George

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Word: I Samuel

God's Word: 1 Samuel by ric gustafson

The book of 1 Samuel was written in 1100-931 BC by an unknown author. The purpose of the book was to record how Israel got a king. This book shows God's hand in history from the transition from the judges through Israel's first king. Saul was King but rejected God's instructions. God then chooses a young shepherd named David.
I Samuel 15:22 says to obey is better than sacrifice.

research help: ' The Books of the Bible made easy' by Rose Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric