Wednesday, January 1, 2020

who's coming page 3

who's coming page 3 by ric gustafson

Franklin watched his friend run in. " He's here".
A young bearded man in white walked in.
Franklin did not know him.
Moochie brought him over. " Franklin, this is Jesus".
Jesus shook Franklin's hand. " Peace be with you".
Anger came to Franklin's face. " You've ruined my New Year's Eve party".
Party goers began to gather around Jesus.
Jesus pointed at those around him. " I come for those who want to know me".
Franklin shrugged his head. " Well I don't".
Jesus hugged Franklin. " Happy New Year".
Jesus walked out. He was followed by party goers and Moochie.
Franklin sat down. On the tv was a story about someone having a 150th birthday.
Franklin shook his head. His New Year's Eve party was over.

The End.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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