Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Goliath: you can win the battle

Goliath: you can win the battle by ric gustafson

Sometimes fear grips us. We do not know what is coming around the bend. Fear is a survival instinct. Fear can be good. Fear can also become a phobia. A phobia is when fear and reason don't keep in touch. Fear can keep us from serving God. People in the Bible had fears like anyone else. Fear disregards God's plan for us. Fear distorts God's purposes for us. Fear discourages God's people. Fear disbelieves God's promises. Fear disobeys God's principles.
We can face the giant of fear. We need to confront our fear honestly. We need to confess our fear as sin. We need to claim God's protection. We need to commit our life to Jesus.
Praise God.

research help: ' Slaying the Giants in your life' by David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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