Sunday, September 17, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the life of the party

Jesus the one and only:  the life of the party by ric Gustafson

There were always two groups of people around Jesus. The wrong crowd was the group that Jesus hung around with the most. The right crowd was the Pharisees and other religious people who thought they were the right crowd. Jesus told them that they were not. They could not understand why Jesus hung out with sinners the wrong crowd. Jesus loves us all the good or the bad crowd.
When one of Jesus's flock of sheep is missing, he looks everywhere until it is found. If you are a helpless wanderer, Jesus will find you and offer you the chance of a lifetime. Come and be one of his followers. Will you join him?. Praise God.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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