Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Jesus the one and only: the eye opener

Jesus the one and only:  the eye opener by ric Gustafson

In Luke 10, a lawyer asks Jesus a question. He asks Jesus how to inherit eternal life. He was testing Jesus and possibly trapping him. Jesus asks him to tell him what the law says. The lawyer answered correctly. Then he asks Jesus who his neighbor is?. The lawyer was looking for a loophole.
Jesus mentions one person who was robbed, beaten and left for dead along the Jericho Road. He was a man in need. Jesus was explaining that there is only two responses to this. To the lawyer, Jesus explains that the true neighbor was the one who showed him mercy.
Praise God.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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