Monday, October 13, 2014

the no money no hassle supermarket page 2

the no money no hassle supermarket page 2 by ric Gustafson

Monica drove into the parking lot and was amazed at how crowded it was. She got out and walked through the revolving front door. She got a shopping cart and started down an aisle. Half way down the aisle, she was stopped by a young man in white who was holding pamphlets. He handed her one. " Do you have any questions?".
" You don't charge anything for groceries". She stared at the pamphlet. " And you don't hassle at all".
" Nope, no money and no hassle". He smiled as he gave a pamphlet to another customer. " And you get a free gift as you leave".
" Thank you". She dashed off to put as many groceries into the cart as possible. After a while, she walked up to a checkout line with a full cart. The line was slow because everyone had a full cart.
After all of Monica's groceries were rung up, she opened her purse to pay for it all.
The young checkout clerk dressed in white shook his head. " Everything is paid for" he said with a wide grin. " No money is needed".
" Thank you". She went out the revolving door with her cart. She walked up to her car and put the groceries into the trunk. She closed the trunk door and noticed a young man in white holding a small wrapped red gift with a bow on top.
He smiled and handed her the box. " Here's your free gift". He took her empty cart. " Thanks for coming in".
She drove home, put the groceries away and put the gift on the kitchen table. She opened the box and noticed that it contained only a small card. The card simply said ' the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ'.
Monica smiled after reading that simple card.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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