Monday, October 20, 2014

I Timothy 6:10 page 2

I Timothy 6:10 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Oliver looked up at the front sign, shook his head and walked in. The small bar had been transformed into a modern clean establishment with blue as the main color. He walked up to a long bar counter and noticed a dozen men sitting.
" Welcome to Pops Juice Bar" said a young man who was wearing a white outfit and a white apron. "  You look like you've had a busy day".
He sat down next to a burly bearded man who looked like he could been a fisherman. " It's been a stressful week".
" So what do you do?" the young man asked as he wiped off the counter with a rag.
" I'm a financial broker with Putnam, Grace and Rodgers".
" Oh yes, the firm right next door". He put a fresh napkin in front of Oliver. " What kind of juice can I get for you?".
Oliver sighed. " As much stress as my job is, are you sure you have nothing stronger than that?".
" Sorry" he replied.
The men chuckled.
" I can serve you any kind of juice you can think of".
" Very good" he said as he walked over and turned on a small TV that was behind the bar. He studied the TV as he put a glass of cranberry juice in front of Oliver. " The biggest story on the local news is about a turkey running loose not far from here".
The bearded man next to Oliver smiled and shook his hand. " Hi, my name is Peter".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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