Saturday, October 25, 2014

the Halloween candy ding ding man

the Halloween candy ding ding man by ric Gustafson.

My son Bryson rang the doorbell. An elderly man opened the door. My son, who was wearing a Superman outfit, showed him a plastic pumpkin.
" Trick or Treat".
" My aren't you a strong Superman" he chuckled as he put a small candy bar into his plastic pumpkin. " There you go".
" Thank you". He ran down the front steps toward me. He frowned as he looked into his basket. " I don't have much candy this year".
Just then, I heard that familiar ding ding sound. I saw that slow moving white truck slowly coming down the street. " Maybe that truck has candy". My son smiled.
" Let's go see".
We ran up to the truck as it stopped. Then a small window opened. A tall bearded man wearing white smiled at us. " Can I help you?".
My son held up his plastic pumpkin. " Trick or Treat".
" Sorry no candy" he said as he stared at my son. " I like your Superman outfit".
" I heard the ding ding" I said with a frown. " Since it was Halloween, I thought maybe you had some candy".
" No, sorry".
" So why are you ding dinging that bell on Halloween night?".
The young man smiled. " The same reason I ding ding every night of the year".
" And why is that?".
" Looking for people who will listen to my simple little message of salvation".
My son held up his basket. " Are you sure you have no candy?".
" Sorry just salvation".
I put my son's small hand into mine. " Son, let's go on to the next house".
They quietly walked away.
A tear came to Jesus's face as he watched them walk away. He closed the small window and then started the engine. He rang the ding ding bell twice and then slowly pulled away from the curb. Slowly, he started down the street, ringing the ding ding bell, and searching for lost souls on Halloween night.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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