Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Timothy 6:10 page 1

I Timothy 6:10 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Oliver Murray threw into his trash basket the last Post It note. He could not hear much from the cubicles around him and he knew it was finally Friday afternoon. His week at Putnam, Grace and Rodgers started with high stress Monday morning and did not end until the start of the weekend on Friday afternoon.
" And how is the PGR broker of the year doing this Friday afternoon?". Oliver looked to see his friend Larry Michaels grinning from the next cubicle.
" Ok". He began to turn off his computer. He liked Larry who's office nickname was ' the stock jockey'.
" So what are your plans for the weekend?".
" This weekend I'm not sure" he said as he watched his computer screen go to black. He stood up and put his coat on. " Right now, I'm going to Frank's to relax".
" Sorry to have to tell you this" his friend said as he stood up. " Frank's is no more".
Oliver gave his friend a perplexed stare. " What do you mean no more?".
" Because of debt, it had to close". His friend put his coat on. " Now it's a juice bar".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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