Friday, October 31, 2014

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 3

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 3 by ric Gustafson

John stared at Glenn. " What do we do now?".
" We're hungry now" shouted two people in line.
" Maybe I can help".
John looked to see who said that. A young bearded man wearing a white robe stepped out of the line. " Do you have any turkey at all?".
" I'll check" Glenn replied. He ran into the back room. He came out carrying a small pan. " I have five small slices". He glanced at the growing line of people. " Not enough to feed all these people".
The young man smiled. " Have everyone sit down".
John and Glenn seated everyone at a table.
The young man picked up the small pan and blessed it. " Now you can feed everyone".
John and the other volunteers served the meal to everyone who was seated.
Afterwards, people as they were leaving said it was the best Thanksgiving dinner they had ever had.
John tried to find the young man to thank him but he was already gone. John began to ponder about the Thanksgiving miracle that he had just witnessed.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

the Rock page 2

the Rock page 2 by ric Gustafson

The Sea of Galilee was a good location for a small fishing business. Galilee was a fertile area and was a green bridge between Asia and Africa. Simon the son of John was a simple fisherman and was the son of a fisherman. Simon was the most common given name at that time. In Matthew 16, Jesus tells Simon that he will be called Peter and upon this rock he will build his church.

research help: ' A Fragile Stone' by Michael Card

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: revealed through friendship

God's Glory: revealed through friendship by ric Gustafson

God has given us a community of fellow believers to help us in our Christian journey. Christian church friends, Christian coworkers and others give us strength and comfort in storms in life.
God loves community. God is community through Father, Son and Spirit. God created us and he is delighted when we care and take care of each other.
God's Glory is revealed when we help each other through hard times.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through suffering

God's Glory: revealed through suffering

The fact is that suffering is a reality in our lives. Bad things happen even thought we try to prevent them. Suffering can do one of two things to us. It can drive us away from God. Suffering can also drive us to long for God more than ever. James 1:2-4 says to consider it a sheer gift when tests and challenges come at us.
Suffering is a fact of life and no one is immune. Hardship and pain will come our way because we live in a broken world. We live in a fallen world but the good news is that this is not our home.
One day we will live in a place where there will be no tears, no hunger and no pain.
God's Glory is our anchor through the storms of life.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Rock page 1

the Rock page 1 by ric Gustafson

Here are some simple facts of Simon Peter from the New Testament.
1. His given name was Simon bar Jonah
2. He is referred to almost two hundred times in the New Testament
3. Jesus gives him his new name Peter
4. He has a brother Andrew based on John 1
5. He was originally from Bethsaida on the western coast of the Sea of Galilee based on John 1
6. His house was large for him, his wife, his mother in law, his brother Andrew and possibly Jesus based on Mark 2:4
7. He was a fisherman by trade based on Luke 5:10
8. He was not formally educated based on Acts 4:13
9. He was married based on Matthew 8:14
10. He was in the core group of disciples based on Matthew 27:56
11. He was the leader among the Twelve based on Mark 1:36
12. He was the first to be called by name by Jesus based on John 1:40-42

research help: ' A Fragile Stone' by Michael Card

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 27, 2014

Unsinkable page 12

Unsinkable page 12 by ric Gustafson

The boat train started out of London and went through Surbiton, Woking, Winchester, Eastleigh and then Southampton. The train sped across northwest Surrey and then beyond Basingstoke. It went through the short tunnels of the Hampshire Downs at 70 miles per hour. It passed Winchester and then coasted into Southampton. It went through the Terminus Station and across Canute Road. Then it came to a halt at the White Star Line's ocean dock. There lay the Titanic.
For more than a week, provisions and foodstuffs were being brought aboard. For a five day voyage to New York, the amount was staggering. fresh meat 75,000 lbs, fresh fish 11,000 lbs, poultry and game 25,000 lbs, salt and dried fish 4,000 lbs, bacon and ham 7,500 lbs, sausages 2,500 lbs, fresh eggs 40,000, flour 200 barrels, sugar 10,000 lbs, coffee 2,200 lbs, tea 800 lbs, cereal 10,000 lbs, fresh cream 1,200 qts, ice cream 1,750 qts, potatoes 40 tons, onions 3,500 lbs, rice 10,000 lbs, lettuce 7,000 heads.
Workers stocked Titanic's cellars with 20,000 bottles of beer, ale and stout. 1,500 bottles of wine, 15,000 bottles of mineral water and 850 bottles of spirits. While all this was going on, the ship was stocking up on the coal it needed for the voyage. The Coal Strike was in it's sixth week and supplies were short. It was decided to use coal from other White Star ships to fill up it's bunkers. The coaling was finished the day the ship sailed, April 10th. The crew did not have time to wet the coal down and a fire broke out in Boiler Room 6. The bunker smoldered the entire voyage.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the $2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 2

the $2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 2 by ric Gustafson

John put the large tray of mashed potatoes into the tray well. Glenn Maxwell came out and put a tray of yams into another of the wells.
Mary Horst walked past John carrying napkins and plastic utensils. " I believe we are ready to serve".
John noticed a long line of people were already gathered. " Glenn, I think we are only missing the turkey".
" I'll go get it". He walked back into the kitchen.
A young man who was first in line put a hand on his stomach. " Boy, am I hungry".
John smiled. " It'll just be a minute". He stared at the ever growing line. " We are just waiting for the turkey".
Just then, Glenn ran out. " The turkey is gone".
" What!" Glenn screamed. He glanced at the volunteers. " Where is Lucas?".
" Who's Lucas?" exclaimed Mary.
" The new volunteer who asked me if he could watch the turkey".
" Oh him" said one of the women in line. " I noticed earlier that he ran out the front door with something around his neck".
John ran to the front door. He observed a dark van pulling out from the front curb.
Gobble Gobble

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 26, 2014

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 1

the $ 2.15 Thanksgiving dinner page 1 by ric Gustafson

John Morgan stood next to the tray line compartments as the volunteers began to come in. As Director of the shelter, himself and his staff had been preparing for today's meal for months. For the homeless, today's free meal is one of the highlights of their year. As the last of the volunteers sat down, he noticed one empty seat. " As Director of this shelter, I want to thank each and every one of you for helping us with this important meal today". He smiled. " The individuals we serve here will thank you also".
One of the volunteers raised her hand. " My name is Doris Ming and we have seven people here from First Lutheran Church". She grinned. " We are happy to be here".
" Doris, we are happy you all are here". He stared at the empty chair. " Someone named Lucas came up to me this morning and asked to be a volunteer". His voice hesitated. " Has anyone seen him?".
Gobble Gobble

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 25, 2014

the Halloween candy ding ding man

the Halloween candy ding ding man by ric Gustafson.

My son Bryson rang the doorbell. An elderly man opened the door. My son, who was wearing a Superman outfit, showed him a plastic pumpkin.
" Trick or Treat".
" My aren't you a strong Superman" he chuckled as he put a small candy bar into his plastic pumpkin. " There you go".
" Thank you". He ran down the front steps toward me. He frowned as he looked into his basket. " I don't have much candy this year".
Just then, I heard that familiar ding ding sound. I saw that slow moving white truck slowly coming down the street. " Maybe that truck has candy". My son smiled.
" Let's go see".
We ran up to the truck as it stopped. Then a small window opened. A tall bearded man wearing white smiled at us. " Can I help you?".
My son held up his plastic pumpkin. " Trick or Treat".
" Sorry no candy" he said as he stared at my son. " I like your Superman outfit".
" I heard the ding ding" I said with a frown. " Since it was Halloween, I thought maybe you had some candy".
" No, sorry".
" So why are you ding dinging that bell on Halloween night?".
The young man smiled. " The same reason I ding ding every night of the year".
" And why is that?".
" Looking for people who will listen to my simple little message of salvation".
My son held up his basket. " Are you sure you have no candy?".
" Sorry just salvation".
I put my son's small hand into mine. " Son, let's go on to the next house".
They quietly walked away.
A tear came to Jesus's face as he watched them walk away. He closed the small window and then started the engine. He rang the ding ding bell twice and then slowly pulled away from the curb. Slowly, he started down the street, ringing the ding ding bell, and searching for lost souls on Halloween night.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

trick or treat

trick or treat by ric Gustafson

Myron Hall heard the doorbell ring. He glanced at his watch. " Is it time for trick or treaters already?".
" Honey, come see this story on TV of a runaway turkey running loose in our part of town".
The doorbell rang again. " I'll get it". He walked to the door and picked up the basket of candy. He opened the front door.
Gobble Gobble
He smiled. " That is the most authentic turkey outfit I have ever seen".
Gobble Gobble
" And you really sound like a turkey too".
The turkey pushed his bag forward that was around his skinny neck. Gobble Gobble
Myron put four candy bars into the bag. " That is the most unusual outfit I've seen tonight".
" Myron, come see this story about this turkey that escaped from the turkey farm" Mabel Hall yelled from the family room. " They are still looking for him".
Lucas slowly put the bag in front of him and began to walk away. Gobble Gobble
" Your welcome".
Myron closed the door.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I Timothy 6:10 page 3

I Timothy 6:10 page 3 by ric Gustafson

One of the men shook Oliver's hand. " Hi, my name is John". He gave him a concerned stare. " Why do you need to come here after work?".
" Because of my job" Oliver replied. He took a sip of his cranberry juice. " It's very stressful".
Jesus put his rag down on the counter. " I know how to have a stress free life".
Oliver looked at Jesus. " What life is that?".
Jesus smiled. " Eternal life".
Oliver thought for a moment. " How do I obtain this eternal life?".
" It's very simple" Jesus replied as he began to wash some juice glasses. " Keep the ten commandments".
" Which ones?".
" You shall not commit murder, adultery, steal, bear false witness". He turned off the faucet and began to dry the glasses with a towel. " You need to honor your father and mother and love your neighbor as yourself".
" All these things I have kept" Oliver said as he glanced at the TV. " What am I still lacking?".
Jesus smiled at Oliver. " Go and sell your possessions, give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and then come follow me".
Oliver frowned, looked at the men, stood up and quietly left.
A tear came down Jesus's face as he picked up Oliver's juice glass and then put his napkin in the trash. He looked at his disciples who were seated around the counter. " Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God".
Peter spoke up. " Then who can be saved?".
Jesus looked at his disciples with love in his eyes. " With people it is impossible but with God all things are possible".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 20, 2014

I Timothy 6:10 page 2

I Timothy 6:10 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Oliver looked up at the front sign, shook his head and walked in. The small bar had been transformed into a modern clean establishment with blue as the main color. He walked up to a long bar counter and noticed a dozen men sitting.
" Welcome to Pops Juice Bar" said a young man who was wearing a white outfit and a white apron. "  You look like you've had a busy day".
He sat down next to a burly bearded man who looked like he could been a fisherman. " It's been a stressful week".
" So what do you do?" the young man asked as he wiped off the counter with a rag.
" I'm a financial broker with Putnam, Grace and Rodgers".
" Oh yes, the firm right next door". He put a fresh napkin in front of Oliver. " What kind of juice can I get for you?".
Oliver sighed. " As much stress as my job is, are you sure you have nothing stronger than that?".
" Sorry" he replied.
The men chuckled.
" I can serve you any kind of juice you can think of".
" Very good" he said as he walked over and turned on a small TV that was behind the bar. He studied the TV as he put a glass of cranberry juice in front of Oliver. " The biggest story on the local news is about a turkey running loose not far from here".
The bearded man next to Oliver smiled and shook his hand. " Hi, my name is Peter".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 19, 2014

God's Glory: through accountability

God's Glory: through accountability by ric Gustafson

In Psalm 51, we see King David running on his own confidence. But God, in his great mercy, uses Nathan to stop David from his ultimate destruction. Through Nathan, David is brought to brokenness and repentance. Nathan confronts David and holds him accountable.
In Psalm 51, through the accountability, brokenness , restoration and love for David. God's Glory was revealed.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Timothy 6:10 page 1

I Timothy 6:10 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Oliver Murray threw into his trash basket the last Post It note. He could not hear much from the cubicles around him and he knew it was finally Friday afternoon. His week at Putnam, Grace and Rodgers started with high stress Monday morning and did not end until the start of the weekend on Friday afternoon.
" And how is the PGR broker of the year doing this Friday afternoon?". Oliver looked to see his friend Larry Michaels grinning from the next cubicle.
" Ok". He began to turn off his computer. He liked Larry who's office nickname was ' the stock jockey'.
" So what are your plans for the weekend?".
" This weekend I'm not sure" he said as he watched his computer screen go to black. He stood up and put his coat on. " Right now, I'm going to Frank's to relax".
" Sorry to have to tell you this" his friend said as he stood up. " Frank's is no more".
Oliver gave his friend a perplexed stare. " What do you mean no more?".
" Because of debt, it had to close". His friend put his coat on. " Now it's a juice bar".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

God's Glory: revealed through sin

God's Glory: revealed through sin by ric Gustafson

Sin is committed in small steps. First, we decide to neglect God's principles. We disobey him in a small way. We start with a small lie and then go to a bigger lie. Then, we start performing big deception to try to hide all of our lies. After a while, our spiritual radar will not even realize it. Using the example of David, God's glory is revealed through his sins. God's merciful love was for a repentant king named David. God will do the same for us.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the bible: Acsah

women of the Bible: Acsah by ric Gustafson

We here of this godly woman in Judges chapter 1. Caleb gave his daughter to the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher. Othniel son of Kenaz got that honor. Othniel became the first major judge of Israel and freed the nation from the King of Aram.
Sometimes we find love and romance in unexpected places. When God does the choosing we will be blessed. Look at the husband Acsah got.

research help: ' the top 100 women of the bible' by Pamela Mcquade

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

women of the Bible: Abishag

women of the Bible: Abishag by ric Gustafson

Abishag had an unusual job. She had to keep old King David warm. This godly woman is mentioned in I Kings 1:3. We do not know her feelings for this job. We do not know how she felt being the King's personal body warmer.
Just as Abishag did her job to the best of her abilities, God wants us to treat our responsibilities the same way. In I Corinthians 4:2 it says ' now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful'. God has called at a particular time and place.
God has called us to do our best.

research help: ' the top 100 women of the bible' by Pamela McQuade

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Unsinkable page 11

Unsinkable page 11 by ric Gustafson

Others on the Boat Train included Isidor Straus. Straus was a former congressman, advisor to the President and part owner of Macy's. He was returning with his wife from a holiday on the French Riviera. George Widener and his son Harry were on the train. He was the son of P.A.B. Widener. The elder Widener was a tramway magnate from Philadelphia. Also on the train was John B Thayer. He was President of the Pennsylvania Railroad and was traveling with his wife and son Jack. Also on the train was steel magnate Arthur Ryerson who was traveling with his wife Emily and three youngest children.
On the boat train was Colonel Washington Augustus Roebling who was the director of an engineering and steel firm. On board was producer Henry B Harris who owned a half dozen theatres in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. Also on board that boat train was Major Archibald Butt  who was a military aide to President William Howard Taft. With Butt was a friend Frank Millet. Also on board was Archibald Gracie who had just written a novel about the Civil War.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 13, 2014

God's Glory: through fearing

God's Glory: through fearing by ric Gustafson

Fearing God is part of our relationship with him. God wants us to fear him so he can work in our lives. We start fearing God through Scripture. Our fear is fueled through awe and reverence. God wants to work all things together for the good of those who love him. When we submit our lives to God, he takes our fear and returns it with love. Fear gives us access to God's love and protection.
God wants us to fear him so that his glory can be revealed.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the no money no hassle supermarket page 2

the no money no hassle supermarket page 2 by ric Gustafson

Monica drove into the parking lot and was amazed at how crowded it was. She got out and walked through the revolving front door. She got a shopping cart and started down an aisle. Half way down the aisle, she was stopped by a young man in white who was holding pamphlets. He handed her one. " Do you have any questions?".
" You don't charge anything for groceries". She stared at the pamphlet. " And you don't hassle at all".
" Nope, no money and no hassle". He smiled as he gave a pamphlet to another customer. " And you get a free gift as you leave".
" Thank you". She dashed off to put as many groceries into the cart as possible. After a while, she walked up to a checkout line with a full cart. The line was slow because everyone had a full cart.
After all of Monica's groceries were rung up, she opened her purse to pay for it all.
The young checkout clerk dressed in white shook his head. " Everything is paid for" he said with a wide grin. " No money is needed".
" Thank you". She went out the revolving door with her cart. She walked up to her car and put the groceries into the trunk. She closed the trunk door and noticed a young man in white holding a small wrapped red gift with a bow on top.
He smiled and handed her the box. " Here's your free gift". He took her empty cart. " Thanks for coming in".
She drove home, put the groceries away and put the gift on the kitchen table. She opened the box and noticed that it contained only a small card. The card simply said ' the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ'.
Monica smiled after reading that simple card.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Unsinkable page 10

Unsinkable page 10 by ric Gustafson

At 9:30 am on April 10 1912, a boat train pulled out of Waterloo Station. Inside were more than a dozen men whose net financial worth was over 300 million dollars.
The number one American plutocrat was John Jacob Astor. He had a long narrow face and a aquiline nose. He was the great grandson of the first John Jacob Astor. The elder Astor emigrated to America in 1783 and amassed a fortune in the fur trade. By 1900, the family held title to real estate all over the world including the Astoria Hotel in New York City.
The younger Astor was ambitious and sometimes ruthless. He was an eccentric, tinkerer and inventor. In 1909, he divorced his wife Ava in order to marry 18 year old Madeline Force. Also on the train, was Benjamin Guggenheim. He was one of seven sons of Meyer Guggenheim. Guggenheim was involved in banking, mining and smelting. He was a soft spoken man. Also on the train, was Charles Hay. He was the President of the Grand Trunk Railway. Hays, a Canadian by birth, turned his company into a dominant railway around the Great Lakes. He was heading back to open a chain of Grand Trunk hotels.
One of the few women on the train that morning was Maggie Brown. Her husband James Joseph Brown owned a gold mine. They separated and she became a world traveler. She was coming back on the Titanic after spending the winter in Egypt with the Astors.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the no money no hassle supermarket page 1

the no  money no hassle supermarket page 1 by ric Gustafson

Monica Dassner yawned as she opened the newspaper. She had been up late and did not get much sleep. As she took a bite of a slice of peanut butter toast, she opened the paper to page 14.
 " That's a strange story" she mumbled under her breath as she took a sip of coffee. " A turkey has been running loose in downtown". She turned to page 15. She noticed the large ad. It read ' No Money No Hassle Supermarket". " That's a strange name for a grocery store" she muttered as she took another bite of her toast.  She walked over, opened the utensil door and took out some scissors. She cut it out and put it on her refrigerator. She walked over to her sink and washed out her coffee cup. " I should check out that store".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Unsinkable page 9

Unsinkable page 9 by ric Gustafson

The White Star Line went all out on elegance and style with the Titanic. The showcase was the grand staircase. Beginning with a wrought iron skylight on A Deck, it descended through four decks to the first class entrance on D Deck. From D Deck, the landing went into the first class dining saloon. The dining saloon was 114 feet in length and ran the full width of the hull. The saloon could seat 500 and it sported white linen tablecloths, glittering crystal and gleaming silver. Each table had four or six oak armchairs in green leather.
The first class smoking room on Promenade or A Deck sported mahogany paneled walls, tile floor and leather covered armchairs. By the armchairs were marble topped tables. The first class rooms and suites had a full size wrought iron bedstead, washstand with hot and cold running water.
Second class passengers had six decks which were served by an electric elevator. Second class also had their own staircase.
Third class was divided between the fore and aft ends of the ship. Single men and married couples were forward and single women and families were aft. The third class galley offered good food and plenty of it. Sailing day was April 10 1912

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the pumpkin patch page 3

the pumpkin patch page 3 by ric Gustafson

One day, Alex heard a noise. " Someone's coming".
" I hear him" Doreen exclaimed with joy in her voice. " And he's carrying a basket".
An elderly man in white scooped down and picked up Miguel.
" He picked me" the pumpkin squealed with gladness as the man put him in his basket.
" He picked me too" Doreen screamed. The man put the pumpkin into his basket.
" He won't pick me" Alex said with a sigh. " Nobody ever does".
The elderly man put the pumpkin into his basket.
" He picked me" Alex replied with joy.
When he got home, God washed off the pumpkins. He cut off the tops and scooped out all of the insides of doubt, hate and greed. God carved out a new smiling face on all three pumpkins. He put a small light inside each one and set them out on the front stoop.
On the night of Halloween.
" Smile" Doreen said to the other two pumpkins. " The kids are coming".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 10, 2014

God's Glory: through conversation

God's Glory: through conversation by ric Gustafson

Sometimes we talk to people and sometimes we don't. We should be glad that God does not do that to us. God gives us access to himself through prayer. When we call upon God, he answers. Jeremiah 33:2-3 says call to me and I will answer. God wants us to have an intimate conversation with him. God desires a two way relationship. When we converse with God, he wants us to stop and listen. In good times and dark hours, God wants us to talk with him always everyday through conversation and then to listen for his reply. God wants to reveal himself to us.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Unsinkable page 8

Unsinkable page 8 by ric Gustafson

The Titanic used reciprocating engines to drive her port and starboard wing screws. The ship's center screw was powered by a low pressure turbine. The three engines produced about 55.000 horsepower to push the ship to a top speed of 24 to 25 knots. The two reciprocating engines were the largest ever built. Each engine stood nearly forty feet tall. It could turn at a speed of eighty revolutions per minute and each of the ship's propellers were twenty feet in diameter.
Twenty nine boilers were installed. Twenty four were double ended and five were single ended. Nearly six hundred tons of coal a day was needed to maintain a speed of 22 knots. Two hundred stokers, firemen and trimmers were needed to feed and maintain the boilers. Each boiler stood two stories tall and twenty one feet in diameter.
On April 2 1912, the huge liner drawn by four tugboats began it's sea trials. It slowly made it's way down the Victoria Channel to the Belfast Lough. Twenty boilers were fired up. For several hours at 18 knots, the ship went across the Lough and back. It did this until Captain Smith and Thomas Andrews were satisfied.. That night, the liner steamed down the Irish Channel toward Southampton. There the ship would receive coal and provisions.
Sailing day was April 10 1912.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

God's Glory: through quiet love

God's Glory: through quiet love by ric Gustafson

In Zephaniah 3:17, it says that he will bring you quietness with his love. The prophet Zephaniah was talking about the great love God has for us. God gives us more love than we could ever deserve.
Why does God show us so much love?. God's love is revealed when he shows us how pure, mighty and powerful it is. God is a jealous God and he wants our heart and our affection. How does he love us?. Look around you. We have everything that we need and could ever want.
God's glory is revealed to us through his love for us.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Unsinkable page 7

Unsinkable page 7 by ric Gustafson

At noon on May 31 1911, nearly 100,000 people had gathered on the bank of the River Lagan for the launch of the Titanic. Among the dignitaries included J Pierpont Morgan, J Bruce Ismay and his family and Thomas Andrews. Promptly at noon, Lord Pirrie led the dignitaries down to a grandstand in front of Slip 3 which was directly in front of Titanic's bow. Behind the grandstand stood the press.
After the guests were seated, Lord Pirrie inspected the launching gear. At 12:05, a red flag was raised on Titanic's sternpost  which was a signal for ships behind the giant liner to get out of the way. At 12:10, a rocket was launched signaling five minutes to go. At 12:14, a second rocket was launched to commence the launch.
The valves on the hydraulic triggers were opened and the restraining balks were knocked away. The workers could hear and see the giant liner slowly creep down into the water. After only 62 seconds after the launch rocket was fired, the giant ship was in the River Lagan.
A tender took Lord and Lady Pirrie, the Ismays and Morgan out to the giant liner. Then they traveled down the River Lagan to inspect the Olympic which had just finished it's sea trials. The liner was going to take them back to England and arrive at Liverpool.
A flotilla of tugs pushed the Titanic into the Graving Dock where the long process of fitting out was to begin.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Unsinkable page 6

Unsinkable page 6 by ric Gustafson

The person in charge of the building of the Titanic was the shipyards Managing Director Thomas Andrews. He was born in February of 1873 and his father Thomas was a local politician. His father married Lord Pirrie's daughter Eliza. Young Thomas became an apprentice at Harland and Wolff when he was only sixteen years of age. Thomas's apprenticeship lasted five years where he worked in the joiner's shop, the cabinetmaker's shop and then working on the ships themselves. The last year and a half of his apprenticeship was spent working in the drawing office.
Ships at the turn of the century were put together by rivets. The riveting of the shell plating was done mostly by hand. The men who did the riveting were strong and tough. Their day started at 6:00 am and ended at 5:30 pm. Working in teams of four, they were paid by the number of rivets each team did. A heater boy would work up a fire in the coke brazier using a foot bellows. Using long tongs, he would heat the rivet until it was red hot. Then he would toss it to the catch boy who would put it into a wooden bowl. Then he would use the tongs to place the rivet into the hole of two steel plates. Then a holder up man would place a heavy hammer over the head of the rivet and then a basher man would strike the rivet until it filled the hole. The shipyard workers were a tight knit group.
The shell plating of the Titanic was finished by October of 1910 and the launch date was set for May 31 1911.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the pumpkin patch page 2

the pumpkin patch page 2 by ric Gustafson

Miguel heard the silence as the last of the families left the patch. " Doreen, are you still here?".
" Yes". There was hesitation in the voice. " They did not pick me".
" Alex, are you still there?".
" Yes, I'm still here". There was silence. " Why did they leave so quickly?".
" I overheard a couple of the parents". Miguel sighed. " The children wanted to
go because of reports of a turkey running loose in town".
" What's wrong with me?" Doreen asked. " I'm a nice rounded pumpkin perfect for Halloween".
" I don't know" Miguel replied with a sigh. " I'm a good looking pumpkin also".
" I'm scared" Alex replied. " What will happen to us if we are not picked?".
" Don't worry" Doreen said in a reassuring voice. " God knows we are here".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 6, 2014

the pumpkin patch page 1

the pumpkin patch page 1 by ric Gustafson

Doreen wasn't sure who was there. " Miguel, are you there?".
" Yes, I am" a voice replied. " I'm just over to your right".
" Are you here Alex?".
" Yes, I'm in the back".
" I sure hope we get picked today" Doreen said with excitement in her voice.
After a while, Miguel broke the silence. " I hear something".
" The kids are coming" Alex exclaimed with a shout. " Everyone get ready".
All three pumpkins waited patiently and hoped that they would get picked.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

down at the Witches Brew page 3

down at the Witches Brew page 3 by ric Gustafson

Miss Mabel bent down and picked up the stack of tarot cards. She began to put them into a tarot spread. She was trying to impress the customer who was sitting across from her. He sported a dark beard and wore white. She was frustrated because every time she tried to put them into order, the stack fell onto the floor.
" I don't know what's going on" she exclaimed as she bent down to the floor to pick them up. The phone rang. " I'll be right back". She walked over to the cash register and picked up the cordless phone. " Witches Brew, this is Miss Mabel". " Hi Martin" she said as she studied her customer. Something about him was sending chills down her bony body. She frowned as she listened. " You're not coming". She frowned at her customer. " Why not?". She cackled at the reason. " A turkey".
The customer stared at her.
" You wouldn't believe this" she cackled as she put the phone down. " The news is reporting a turkey was spotted on Main Street as if it was escaping the turkey farm before Thanksgiving". She grinned at the customer. " Everyone is calling him Lucas the Turkey".
She gave the customer another frown. " I almost had him".
Jesus quietly shook his head. " You can't have him".
Miss Mabel now studied the customer's face. " Nazarene".
Jesus put his scarred hands on the table. " He's confused but he believes in me". Jesus now stared at the witch. " Do not tempt him any longer with your sorcery".
She shook her black hair. " Suit yourself". She heard the bell ring over the front door. " There will always be someone else". She began to walk toward the front door. She turned to notice that the Nazarene was gone. Three young women had entered.
She gave a slight cackle. " Welcome to the Witches Brew".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Unsinkable page 5

Unsinkable page 5 by ric Gustafson

In December of 1907, the keel of the Olympic was laid in Slip 2 of Harland and Wolff. In March of 1909, the keel of the Titanic was laid in Slip 3. An enormous gantry was erected surrounding the slips. Both ships were 882.5 feet in length, a width of 98 feet and 175 feet from the keel to the top of the four funnels. The ships had a displacement of 45,000 tons and would be in every way the largest in the world. Within their hulls would be nine decks and could accommodate 3,300 passengers and crew.
The three liners were designed from a angled stern to a counter stem. A superstructure topped by four spaced funnels. The big feature of their design is their watertight construction. Above their keel was a double bottom seven feet deep. The hull itself was an arrangement of water tight partitions. The hull was divided into sixteen watertight compartments of equal length. Fifteen watertight bulkheads were built around the ship. All three ships were designed so that even if two of it's compartments were flooded, it would still float.
What was different is that the first two and the last five bulkheads only went up as high as D Deck while the middle eight bulkheads only went up to E Deck. Which means that midship the bulkheads only were fifteen feet above the waterline. Watertight doors connected the sixteen compartments. They could be closed by a master switch or by tripping a manual switch.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Unsinkable page 4

Unsinkable page 4 by ric Gustafson

J Bruce Ismay was born in 1862. He was educated at the preparatory school of Elstree and Harrow. The younger Ismay was never able to get out from under his father's shadow. Junius Pierpont Morgan was an American trust builder who had a vision of controlling the North Atlantic shipping lines. His first action was to acquire the troubled Inman Line. In 1899, Thomas Ismay died. Lord Pirrie put pressure on young Ismay to accept Morgan's offer to buy White Star. In 1902, Morgan's company known as International Mercantile Marine or IMM acquired the White Star Line.
In 1906, Cunard built two liners named Lusitania and Mauretania.
In the summer of 1907, this led Pirrie and J Bruce Ismay using a sketch pad to lay the groundwork for ships that would be the largest in the world. The two men had a shipyard and drydock capable of building three liners that would eclipse Cunard.
These three liners would offer weekly east and west bound travel and offer cargo and passenger capacity twice that of Cunard ships.
The names of these three liners were to be the Olympic, Titanic and the Gigantic.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 3, 2014

Unsinkable page 3

Unsinkable page 3 by ric Gustafson

In 1870, the first ship was built for the White Star Line. It was called the Oceanic. The ship was constructed almost entirely of iron. It was a large ship for it's day at 420 feet long and just over 3,700 tons. It sat long and low in the water, sported a straight stem, had a single low funnel and four hollow cylinder iron masts. It's staterooms were large and bright, had electric bells, taps for hot and cold water and light came from adjustable oil lamps.
Within a year, she was joined by three identical ships. They were the Atlantic, the Baltic and Republic. A year after that came the Adriatic and the Celtic. All of these ships were built by Harland and Wolff. The shipyard built the ships and then charged White Star for the costs of construction and a percentage for profit.
The shipyard at it's peak employed more than 14,000. This included marine architects, draftsmen, interior designers, decorators, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and woodworkers.
In 1874, Thomas Ismay ordered a pair of 5,000 tons ships from Harland and Wolff. These two ships were called the Britannic and the Germanic. Both ships were capable of 19 knots and cross the Atlantic in seven and a half days. In 1889, the ships Teutonic and Majestic appeared.
It was at this time that J Bruce Ismay joined the family business.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Unsinkable page 2

Unsinkable page 2 by ric Gustafson

In the summer of 1907, a Daimler Benz pulled up to 27 Chelsea Street in London. A chauffeur ushered Mr and Mrs Joseph Bruce Ismay inside. They were to be the dinner guests of Lord and Lady Pirrie. Ismay was the Managing Director of the White Star Line and Lord Pirrie was the senior partner and Chairman of the Board of Harland and Wolff which was a Belfast shipyard.
Joseph Bruce Ismay was the son of Thomas H Ismay who was one of the greatest shipping magnates.Thomas Ismay acquired the flag of the White Star Line in 1867. The elder Ismay knew that profits could come from the North Atlantic passenger runs. In 1870, the elder Ismay formed a partnership with Harland and Wolff of Belfast to build a fleet of iron steamships.
The start of Harland and Wolff started in the 1840's when the Victoria Channel was dredged. The shipyard was built on the new Queen's Island and was called Hickson and Company. Edward J Harland bought out Hickson and in 1862, the yard was known as Harland and Wolff. Gustav Wolff was the nephew of Gustavus Schwabe a Hamburg financier. Schwabe loaned Harland the money to buy off Hickson. Harland and Wolff's reputation as complete shipbuilders began to take shape.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Unsinkable page 1

Unsinkable page 1 by ric Gustafson

It was a few minutes before noon on May 31 1911. In a matter of moments, she would become the largest moving man made object in the world. Those that stood on the concrete apron that supported her were in awe of what they saw. It stood in front of them cliff like more than ten stories high and stretched for almost a sixth of a mile. Today was her launching and she was ready. This ship was destined to become the most famous ocean going vessel in history.
She was conceived on a warm summer evening in 1907.
This ship was the Titanic.

research help: ' Unsinkable' by Daniel Allen Butler

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

down at the Witches Brew page 2

down at the Witches Brew page 2 by ric Gustafson

Todd walked into the doorway and felt cobwebs against his face.
Martin took a step inside and then felt something against his left leg. He looked down. " A black cat" he yelled.
" There you are Felix" said an older woman who was dressed all in black. " Sorry about that". She reached down with a bony arm and picked up the black cat. " Welcome to the Witches Brew". She gave a slight cackle. " What can I do for you?".
" We're lost" Todd said as he stared at the spooky décor of the room. " We're looking for Ridgefield Avenue where we live".
" I'm not sure where that street is" she replied. The cat scampered out of her arm and ran to a dark corner. " You boys look like you are hungry".
Martin felt his grumbling stomach. " I sure am".
She pointed toward an empty booth. " You can be my last customers today".
They sat down.
She picked up two menus and then blew the cob webs off of them. She handed them to the boys. " I would recommend the Eye of Newt and the Ghoul Stew is also good".
" No thanks" Todd said as he handed the menu back to her. " I'll wait for you outside".
Martin frowned as he handed her the menu. " Sorry, I guess we're not hungry after all". " That's ok" she replied with a cackle. " Not only is this a café but I also do tarot readings".
" I don't know what tarot cards are".
" Why don't you come back tomorrow night for a meal and I'll show you?".
He thought for a moment. " Ok". He stared outside. " What street is this?".
" Endor Lane".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Fall page 7

the Fall page 7 by ric Gustafson

Lucifer heard the bell ring as he took out the container from it's hiding place. He put it on top of a conference table. Serus led two angels into the small room.
" Rugio and Pellecus" Lucifer said with a strange smile. He took out a scroll out of the container and put it on top of the table. " Please come in and sit down".
The two angels sat down.
Lucifer took out a black marker from a desk drawer. He sat down next to the scroll. " What information do you have that I can write down?".
" Lord Lucifer" Rugio said with a nervous grin. " Many of my commanders are ready to follow us".
" Very good Rugio" Lucifer replied as he was handed a parchment with names written on it. He began to write the names on the scroll. " How about you Pellecus ?".
" My Lord Lucifer" he said as he handed him a parchment. " Many of the teachers and students are for us".
" Good" Lucifer cackled. He wrote more names on the scroll.

research help: ' Chronicles of the Host' by D Brian Shafer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

down at the Witches Brew page 1

down at the Witches Brew page 1 by ric Gustafson

Todd Reed slowly walked off the bus. He stared down the dark street.
His friend Martin Gardner got off and stopped by a bus bench. " Todd, I don't recognize this road". He stared at the street sign. " What does the sign say?".
Todd walked up and looked hard at the dark street sign. " I believe it says Endor Lane". He pointed toward the west. " I believe home is this way".
They began to walk down the deserted street. The wind picked up and started to swing a sign in front of a small café building.
They stopped in front of the doorway.
" Todd, what café is this?". The lights were on inside. Todd looked up at the still swinging wooden sign. " The Witches Brew Café and free Tarot Readings".
Martin's stomach growled loudly. " Todd, let's go in". His stomach growled again. " I'm hungry".
They walked in.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric