Thursday, March 16, 2023

Locker 107 page 2

 Locker 107 page 2 by ric gustafson

Alison opened the door. She walked into a foyer. She stared at pictures of her great grandparents, grandparents and her parents. All of a sudden, a door opened. an older woman walked in. " Can I help you?. 
" Yes". She took the newspaper article out of her purse. She handed it to the woman. " The article reads that my family's company had closed it's doors".
She stared at Alison. " You must be Alison Moton".
" Actually it's Meinke now". She looked at her parent's picture. " I'm Fred and Doris's daughter".
The woman gave her a hug. " I'm Helene Thomas".
" It's nice to meet you".
" I babysat you when you were very young".
Alison blushed. " I'm doing research on my great grandmother".
She smiled. " Charlene Moton".
" Yes". Her voice hesitated. " I was wondering if you had anything about her I could have".
Helene smiled. " Let's take a look".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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