Friday, March 31, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 10

 the miracle on Titanic page 10 by ric gustafson

David followed the young woman and her companion down a set of spiral iron stairs. After going through some doors, they were now standing on the rear deck of second class.
The young woman noticed David. She smiled. She whispered into the ear of her companion. He smiled. He walked toward the Well Deck.
She turned around toward David. " You've been following me".
" I guess I have". David blushed. " I'm David Sharpston".
She thought for a moment. " As in Sharpston Steel".
" Yes, my grandfather started the company".
" Hey you two". An officer walked up to them. " This leads to third class steerage".
" Sorry officer". David and the young woman walked up some stairs to the Aft Well Deck.
" I need to go Mr Sharpston".
She began to walk away.
" I don't know your name".
She smiled.
" Charlene Moton".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Our Father: God is Consistent

 Our Father: God is Consistent by ric gustafson

God our Father does not change. We change all the time. But God does not change. God is eternal and unchanging. God is always good and always does what is right and just. God's promises to us will never change. God always does what he says he will do. 
God is a God of order. We know what to expect from God. Life is confusing and chaotic. But God is not. We are fallen sinners. We are redeemed image bearers. God molds us into the image of his Son. God gives us grace. 

research help: ' Like Our Father' by Christina Fox

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Our Father: God Our Father

 Our Father: God Our Father by ric gustafson

God is our Father. We pray to God for our daily bread. God as our Father is in the Old and New Testament. Jesus refers to God as his Father. We have a relationship with God our Father. We come into God's presence through faith in Jesus. Upon salvation, we were adopted into the family of God. We became the children of God.
God loves us as much as his Son. As a Christian, we are a son and daughter of God. It is a relationship with God. We have been adopted into God's family. As God's child, I can come to him in confidence. As God's child, I can trust God to meet my needs. As God's child, I am an heir of God's kingdom. God is a perfect Father. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Like Our Father' by Christina Fox

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 9

 the miracle on Titanic page 9 by ric gustafson

David and Camille sat down in some wicker furniture. He handed his mother a brochure. " This Parisien Cafe is suppose to be just like you are eating at a Paris cafe".
Camille looked around the room. " The silk ferns up the lattice looks pretty".
A French waiter came over and took their order.
As they waited for their meal, they listened to a string trio playing from the reception room.
Camille studied the brochure. " There are a lot of things we can do on this ship".
David glanced around the room. He smiled as he looked at the back of the room. It was the young woman he had been observing the whole time they had been onboard. She was with her male companion.
" David, our food is here".
The young woman smiled at him.
He knew he had to introduce himself.

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Our Father: in the image of God

 Our Father: in the image of God by ric gustafson

Genesis chapter 1 and 2 talk about the story of creation. God spoke this world into being. God filled it with life. God placed humankind on it. So who is God?. God is the creator of all things. We are God's creatures. We are dependent on God. We were created in the image of God. Why were we made in the image of God?. We were created as God's children. We are God's sons and daughters. We are God's image bearers. We belong to God. God is all powerful and eternal. God wants us to be image bearers for him. I pray that we will be. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Like our Father' by Christina Fox

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 27, 2023

because of the cross: I am forgiven

 because of the cross: I am forgiven by ric gustafson

According to I John 1, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins. Not only does Jesus forgives us our sins, he forgets about them. That should be encouraging. Do we struggle to forget our sins?. Jesus forgives and forgets our sins.
In Jesus, we are a new creation. Jesus paid the price for all of our sins. That happened on the cross.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 8

the miracle on Titanic page 8 by ric gustafson

Captain Smith and Fourth Officer Boxhall were on the bridge when they heard the loud noise. 
Officer Boxhall smiled. " That must be the propellers starting to turn".
" Look how they churn up the water".
" Sir, each one is 16 feet". He looked ahead. " The New York is getting very close to us".
Worry came over the Captain's face. " Their lines snapped, it's drifting toward us".
" What do we do now Captain?".
" Put the engines into reverse".
" Aye Captain".
He looked ahead. " Now hard to port".
" Aye Captain".
After a short time.
Captain Smith put a hand on the young officer's shoulder. " That was close Mr Boxhall".
" Thank goodness they could throw a rope and stop that small liner before it hit us".
" Yes, thank goodness". He smiled. " Back to starboard Mr Boxhall".
" Yes Sir".
" All ahead slow Mr Boxhall".
" Yes Sir". The officer grinned. " All ahead slow".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 26, 2023

because of the cross: I am never alone

 because of the cross: I am never alone by ric gustafson

According to Matthew 28, that I am with you always even to the end of the world. There is solitude. Solitude is withdrawing passing time in isolation. Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness and being abandoned. You can even be lonely around the ones you love.
Because of the Cross, we are never alone. Jesus is always with us. Jesus is always there to love us, talk to us and listen to us. Jesus will always be with us.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 7

 The miracle on Titanic page 7 by ric gustafson

Camille opened the door. The room smelled like stale cigars. Coming out was her son and an older gentleman she did not know.
" Hello Mother". David smiled. " Did you get a good nap?".
" I did". She stared at the stranger. " I don't believe we've met".
" I'm John J Astor IV". He kissed her hand. " A pleasure to meet you".
" Your family built the Astoria Hotel in New York City".
" Yes".
Just then, Astor's valet walked up.
" I need to go David". He shook his hand. " We'll talk later about your family's business". They walk away. 
" Mother, what do you think about the Grand Staircase?".
She smiled. " I love the glass dome".
Just then, a young woman with flowing blonde hair and wearing a red hat walked by them. A male companion was with her. In her left hand was a bible.
David was staring at her.
" David".
" Sorry Mother". He smiled. " Let's go up to the Boat Deck".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 25, 2023

because of the cross: I have true wealth

 because of the cross: I have true wealth by ric gustafson

According to Romans 11, for everything comes from God alone. In a society where affluence is the rule, it is a challenge to keep our eyes on Jesus. Material wealth is not bad unless it takes the place of Jesus. Jesus wants to shower us with joy, grace, mercy and wisdom. Jesus's true wealth comes from the cross.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 24, 2023

because of the cross: prayer is powerful

 because of the cross: prayer is powerful by ric gustafson

According to Matthew 21, whatever you ask for in prayer with faith you will receive. Prayer can be a powerful thing. Jesus says pray and believe. We can pray for the unexpected or the impossible. Whatever we pray for, we must believe that it will happen. When we pray, God may say yes. God can also say no. 
Life changing prayer can only happen because of the cross. Jesus died for our sins. We can communicate with Jesus. He wants us to pray to him. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 23, 2023

because of the cross: Christ can live through me

 because of the cross: Christ can live through me by ric gustafson

According to Galatians 2, I no longer live but Christ lives in me. We start as baby Christians. Over time, we mature in our spiritual life and walk. Jesus becomes more evident in our lives the longer we mature. People will look at us and see Jesus in our life. As we mature spiritually, we become more dependent on Jesus. This process of spiritual maturity starts at the cross.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 6

 the miracle on Titanic page 6 by ric gustafson

David turned the brass doorknob of C-77. He walked into the elegant room.
" Excuse me Sir".
He turned to see a steward standing in the doorway. " Yes".
" I have your bags on my cart". He tipped his hat. " I am Stringfeld your steward".
" You can put them by that sofa".
The steward, wearing a white coat black bowtie and trousers, put them where he was instructed. He handed David an envelope. " This is a welcome from Bruce Ismay and the White Star Line". He walked toward the door. " If you need me, just ring the bell that is over the desk".
David smiled. " Thank you".
The steward left.
Just then, Camille walked in. She walked over and sat down on the cherry colored bed. " I love this bedspread and big pillows".
David pointed to the bed. " I like the brass lamp over the bed".
" Mother, I'm going to look around the ship". He smiled. " Would you like to join me?".
" David, I'm getting tired". She closed her eyes. " I'd like to rest a while".
" Ok".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 5

 the miracle on Titanic page 5 by ric gustafson

" Good morning Mr Boxhall".
The fourth officer turned. He saw the smiling face of Captain E J Smith.
" Sir, it is a grand morning".
The Captain had his Afghan hound by his side. " Can you show me the course we will be taking?".
They walked into the bridge. The fourth officer showed him a large map.
" To avoid ice fields, I have us on more of a southerly route".
" That's fine for right now".
Just then, a young man walked by.
" Good morning Mr Phillips".
" Morning Captain".
" Are you and Mr Bride getting used to the new Marconi wireless?".
" Aye sir". The young man smiled. " It has a range of four hundred miles by day".
" Good".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 4

 the miracle on Titanic page 4 by ric gustafson

Charlene stared at the young man entering the ship. " What did the officer say?".
Charlene's brother Robert chuckled. " He found our name in his notebook".
She straightened her red hat. " What is your name officer?".
" Officer Lighttoler". He tipped his hat. " Your room is going to be on B Deck".
Charlene looked around in horror. " Where are our trunks?".
Robert pointed. " A porter is taking them to the purser's office".
" Why the purser's office?".
Officer Lighttoler smiled. " There they will process your boarding pass and then direct you to your room".
Robert grinned. " Thank you officer".
They walked up the ramp to the ship's entrance. There they were greeted by a steward.
" Hello, my name is Chief Steward Andrew Larimore". He smiled. " One of my stewards will direct you to the purser's office".
Charlene nervously fidgeted with her hat. " Thank you".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 20, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 3

 the miracle on Titanic page 3 by ric gustafson

David adjusted his black bowler hat. He watched as steerage passengers from Waterloo Station ran with their possessions toward the Aft ramp. " Are you ok Mother?".
" Yes, I'm fine". She tried to drag a trunk on the hard concrete.
A porter walked up to David. " Help with those Sir?".
" Yes, my Mother and I would appreciate that greatly".
The porter brought up a rack. " I will take them up to C Deck for you".
Camille exhailed in relief. " Thank you".
They walked up the ramp toward an officer. He was holding a notebook. He smiled. " Welcome to the Titanic. I am Second Officer Lighttoller".
" I am David Sharpston and this is my Mother Camille Sharpston".
The officer looked at his notebook. " Yes, I have you in C-77".
Camille glanced at the huge liner. " Officer, this is a beautiful ship".
" The RMS Titanic is the British Empire at it's finest".
David smiled back. " I'm sure it is".
" Up the ramp here is the first class entrance on B Deck". He pointed. " Once inside a steward will take you to the pursers office".
Worry came over Camille's face. " Why is that?".
" The purser will process your boarding pass and direct you to your cabin".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Prayer: God's timing is perfect

 Prayer: God's timing is perfect by ric gustafson

When you pray big prayers, you want an answer right now. But God says be patient I will give you an answer. Waiting is difficult. We need to be steadfast in waiting for God's answer. God's timing is good. His timing and his delivery is perfect. God answers in his own time and in his own way. We need to learn to wait on God in prayer. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' On Our Knees' by Phil Wickham and Matt Litton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: Heaven is my home

 because of the cross: Heaven is my home by ric gustafson

According to II Corinthians 5, we have a building from God an eternal house in heaven not built by human hands. Our homes on this earth constantly need to be updated. It always needs to be cleaned or remodeled.
What about our home in heaven?. Jesus is preparing a special place for us. It will be beyond anything we can ever imagine. Because of the cross, I have a glorious eternal home to look forward to. A home I will enjoy for all of eternity. Praise Jesus's name. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 2

 the miracle on Titanic page 2 by ric gustafson 

Charlene Moton held the strange envelope in her hand.
" Open it" exclaimed her friend Martha Clarke. " Before I have to get to my next class".
Charlene smiled. She opened the envelope. She took a sheet of paper with an insignia at the top.
" The Titanic" her friend gushed as she almost fell out of the chair. " You're going home on the Titanic".
Charlene blushed. " I wasn't sure which ship my father had booked for me".
" I envy you". Her friend twirled her bright red hair. " I heard first class passage is very expensive".
" Remember my father does own his own construction  company".
" Oh that's right". She stared at the fancy envelope. " What else is in there?".
Charlene took out the contents of the envelope. " An itnerary and my ticket".
" I have to get to class". She hugged her friend. " Are you going alone?".
" No, my brother is going with me".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 18, 2023

the miracle on Titanic page 1

 the miracle on Titanic page 1 by ric gustafson

The bellman stopped David Sharpston in his tracks. " Help with those trunks Sir".
" Yes, thank you". His arms were beginning to get sore bringing the trunks down from the hotel room.
" David, we need to hurry and leave". Camille Sharpston said out loud as she entered the hotel's lobby. " The first class passengers will start boarding in two hours".
" By the way Mother". David grinned. " What do you have in those heavy trunks?".
Camille winked. " Shopping".
A short time later, a bellman walked up to David and his mother. " Your transportation is here".
" Yes, let's go". Camille pulled on her son's arm. " I can't wait to see the huge liner".
The bellman sighed. " You were lucky to get passage on the Titanic".
David was curious. " Why is that?".
" Because of the lack of coal, the Titanic had to scrounge from other ships just to make her maiden voyage".
" David, let's go".
" Ok mother".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 17, 2023

Locker 107 page 4

 Locker 107 page 4 by ric gustafson

Helene stared at Alison. " You do the honor".
Alison slowly opened the rusty locker. It was empty except for a manila folder on the top shelf. Alison pulled it out. The folder was faded. It was hard to grasp. Accidently, Alison dropped the old folder. Several old photographs fell out. Alison bent down and picked them up.
Alison and Helene began to stare at the pictures.
Alison pointed at one. " Is that my great grandmother?".
Helene smiled. " It sure is".
Alison handed her another photograph. " Who is the handsome man standing next to her in this picture?".
Helene stared at the photograph. " I don't know".
All of a sudden, Alison dropped the picture. " Oh my God!".
Helene picked up the picture. " What's wrong?".
" They are standing on the Titanic".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Locker 107 page 3

 Locker 107 page 3 by ric gustafson

Alison looked at family pictures on the wall. She missed her family.
Helene walked back holding an index card. " It's possible your great grandmother's locker has not been dismantled yet".
" Can we take a look?".
" Sure". 
They walked into the deserted warehouse floor. 
" In all these years, I have never been here".
They reached a rusted steel door. The sign above read ' Employee Locker Room".
They entered an old locker room in disarray.
Helene smiled as she turned on the light. " They are in the process of dismantling these lockers".
Both women walked through the room glancing at the locker numbers.
All of a sudden, Helene stopped. " I don't believe it".
Alison walked over.
Helene stared at the index card. " I don't believe it".
" What's that?".
" Locker 107". Her voice hesitated. " Your great grandmother's locker is still here".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Locker 107 page 2

 Locker 107 page 2 by ric gustafson

Alison opened the door. She walked into a foyer. She stared at pictures of her great grandparents, grandparents and her parents. All of a sudden, a door opened. an older woman walked in. " Can I help you?. 
" Yes". She took the newspaper article out of her purse. She handed it to the woman. " The article reads that my family's company had closed it's doors".
She stared at Alison. " You must be Alison Moton".
" Actually it's Meinke now". She looked at her parent's picture. " I'm Fred and Doris's daughter".
The woman gave her a hug. " I'm Helene Thomas".
" It's nice to meet you".
" I babysat you when you were very young".
Alison blushed. " I'm doing research on my great grandmother".
She smiled. " Charlene Moton".
" Yes". Her voice hesitated. " I was wondering if you had anything about her I could have".
Helene smiled. " Let's take a look".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

the great egg souffle caper page 6

 the great egg souffle caper page 6 by ric gustafson

Elnora ran upstairs into the small kitchen. " Marjorie, I sent a young man up here with my last egg souffle dish".
" I haven't seen him". Tiredly, she was getting ready some hot cross buns. " I sure could use it right now".
Dumbfounded, Elnora began to walk back downstairs. Then she noticed the back door to the church was ajar. She walked out onto a small sidewalk . She looked to the right and noticed the young man who had taken the egg souffle dish. He was standing across the street next to a green dumpster.
She walked across the street and quietly went over to the dumpster. She peeked around the corner. She could not believe what she was seeing. The young man, a young woman and four young children were eating the egg souffle dish as if they hadn't eaten in days.
" What are you doing eating our egg souffle dish?". Elnora pulled out her cell phone to call the police.
" Please don't call". Tears began to flow down the young man's face. " You have everything and we have nothing".
Elnora put her cell phone away.
" I figured you would not miss it".
With tears forming in her eyes, Elnora walked back into church. They did end up with plenty of egg souffle to go around. When the morning was all over, Elnora knew that what had just happened to her was God showing her the true meaning of Easter.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Locker 107 page 1

 Locker 107 page 1 by ric gustafson

Alison Meinke drove past the rusted sign. She drove the red Fusion through the deserted parking lot. She stopped in a stall by the front door. She began to stare at the newspaper article given to her by her son. The article read that her family's construction company might close down. 
She got out of the car. She walked toward the ftont door. She noticed only one other car in the parking lot.
She stopped at the door. Overhead was a rusted sign that read ' Moton Construction Company'. She smiled as she opened the door. She walked in.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 5

 The great egg souffle caper page 5 by ric gustafson

" Elnora, we're getting a lot more people than expected" Lucille Gass exclaimed. She handed a loaded tray to a church member.
Elnora glanced at the long line still coming through. " Are the hot cross buns and orange juice still holding out?".
Lucille grinned. " Yes".
Worry came over Elnora's face. Her only egg souffle dish in reserve had allready gone upstairs to Marjorie.
" Elnora, we need more egg souffle upstairs".
In disbelief, she turned around. It was her friend George Weiler.
" I just gave my last dish to someone to bring up there". She stared at her friend. " You never got it".
" No". He shook his head. " We sure could use it".
Elnora looked at Lucille. " I'll be right back".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 13, 2023

the great egg souffle caper page 4

 the great egg souffle caper page 4 by ric gustafson

After the 8:00 service started, more egg souffle came. Elnora and the others warmed up more hot cross buns. They poured more orange juice. Elnora figured she had just enough for the crowd that was coming. In case the crowd was larger than expected, she had one egg souffle dish in reserve.
When the service ended, the line began to form down the stairs.
" How is it going Elnora?". It was Pastor Greerson.
She noticed he was one of the first in line.
" We're doing fine so far".
" I got in line because I'm hungry". He was handed a plate. He sat down.
" We need some more egg souffle upstairs".
Elnora turned to notice a young man who was dressed casually in jeans and a t shirt. She did not recognize him. She figured he was helping Marjorie upstairs.
" I have an extra egg souffle dish warming up". She wiped the sweat from her brow. " You can take it". She got the dish and handed it to the young man.
" Thank you". He ran up the stairs with the dish.
After the crowd died down, Elnora began to pray that more egg souffle would be coming.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: joy for the journey

 because of the cross: joy for the journey by ric gustafson

According to I Peter 1, you are receiving the goal of your faith the salvation of your souls. Loving Jesus is having faith. You cannot see him. But you love him. You believe in him. And when you believe in him, you have glorious joy. Jesus is the goal of our faith. Jesus is the salvation of our souls.
Do you have joy for the journey?. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 12, 2023

because of the cross: Soul Peace

 because of the cross: Soul Peace by ric gustafson

According to Isaiah 26, whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee. It is well with my soul. Soul peace is constant and unfailing. It is peace that lies deep within the soul. No matter what happens in our life, God wants us to have the peace that is beyond understanding. Soul peace guards our hearts and minds from anger, hurt, envy, depression and worry.
Are you facing a storm?. Jesus will give us Soul peace at the cross. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the great egg souffle caper page 3

 the great egg souffle caper page 3 by ric gustafson

Elnora looked at her watch. There was only twenty minutes left to go.
" Happy Easter Elnora". Sylvia Chase smiled. In her hands was an egg souffle dish. " The egg souffle is here".
Soon, a couple more church members brought egg souffle dishes. They helped warm up hot cross buns. Others helped Elnora pour orange juice. She waited patiently for the service to end.
A short time later, the first of the sunrise parishoners began coming down the stairs.
" Happy Easter Elnora". Mildred Gerch hugged her friend. " Christ is risen".
" Christ is risen indeed". Elnora handed her a paper plate of egg souffle and a hot cross bun.
The sunrise service crowd was small. Elnora had just enough egg souffle to go around. When the traffic had slowed down, Elnora sat down to rest.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Potiphar's Wife page3

 Potiphar's Wife page 3 by ric gustafson

Joseph opened his eyes. He yawned. He had worked late into the night on the week's livestock and grain inventory. He closed his eyes and thanked Elohim for his favor. He got up. He put on a clean robe. After splashing his face with water, he dried his beard. He then grabbed his spear. He was ready for his walk to Potiphar's villa.
Joseph walked into the master's kitchen.
" There you are". Pushpa put a food tray into his hands. " He's hungry and grumpy".
" Ok".
She went back to her cooking. " Did you hear the latest news?".
Joseph shook his head. " What news is that?".
" King Rehor is coming". She frowned. " And he's bringing his daughter".
It was a short walk to his master's chamber.
Joseph opened the door. " May Elohim's favor continue in this house".
Potiphar scowled. " You're late Hebrew".
" Sorry master".

research help: ' Potiphar's Wife' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 10, 2023

the great egg souffle caper page 2

 the great egg souffle caper page 2 by ric gustafson

Roger finished setting up the chairs. He put the rolling rack into a corner. 
Elnora put a couple of goodwill baskets on the serving table. " Is Marjorie here?".
" Yes, she's upstairs getting everything in order".
" Happy Easter Elnora".
She turned around. " Pastor Greerson, I did not see you come down".
" I just came down to see how you were doing". He smiled. " The sunrise service is about to begin".
" Marjorie is handling upstairs and we are fine down here".
" Good". He walked back upstairs.
Elnora looked at her watch. She wanted to see when she had to start warming up the hot cross buns. Then she sat down. She began to wait for help and the egg souffle dishes to start arriving.
She began to pray that the morning would be uneventful.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 9, 2023

the great egg souffle caper page 1

 the great egg souffle caper page 1 by ric gustafson

Elnora Jensen walked quietly down the carpeted steps. She turned on the lights. The large downstairs room was used as a youth room, confirmation classes and this morning Easter breakfast. She walked over and opened the heavy purple curtains to show a beautiful Easter sky. She heard a noise. She turned around to see the smiling face of Roger Corby. He was the church's custodian and handy man.
" Happy Easter Roger". She walked over to the refrigerator to make sure they had plenty of orange juice.
" Happy Easter to you too Elnora". He pulled up a rolling rack of folding chairs. He began to set them up.
Elnora smiled. " Did the hot cross buns get here from the store?".
" Yes they did". He kept setting up the chairs. " We should have plenty of napkins and paper plates also".
" Good". She began to set up the coffee pots. " How is the upstairs doing?".
Roger grinned. " Just fine".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: I have a choice

 because of the cross: I have a choice by ric gustafson

According to Deuteronomy 30, therefore choose life. I have a choice to be content or complain. I have a choice to show compassion or to judge. I have a choice to love or to hate. I have a choice to bless or to curse. I have a choice to avoid temptation or yield to it. I have a choice of life in the cross or death. You have a choice. Choose the cross and life in Jesus.
Jesus loves you more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Prayer: pray without fear

 Prayer: pray without fear by ric gustafson

In this world there is fear and grief. Jesus is the Light of the World. Jesus is the light in this dark and cold world. Jesus tells us " do not be afraid". We can pray to God without fear. We should not be fearful, Jesus is always with us. The future is out of our control. Jesus will hold our hand and never let us go. We will have sorrow but also joy. Jesus says pray to me without fear.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' On Our Knees' by Phil Wickham and Matt Litton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: I have refuge

 because of the cross: I have refuge by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 91, he is my refuge and my fortress my God in whom I trust. This dark cold world can be scary at times. When we are scared, we can ask where is our safe place?.  When we are scared, Jesus is at the door of our safe place our refuge. At times, we need a safe place for our souls. Jesus proclaims that he is our safe place our refuge. He waits for us. Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

because of the cross: no need to worry

 because of the cross: no need to worry by ric gustafson

According to I Peter 5, cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. No matter how bad our day looks, God can handle it. God is loving caring and he wants to carry our burdens. So we can let go our need to be in control. We need to fall on our knees. We need to humble ourselves and let God have complete control of our life. We need to place all of our worries and troubles at the foot of the cross.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 6, 2023

Prayer: pray for those who cannot

 Prayer: pray for those who cannot by ric gustafson

According to Mark 2, some friends did all they could for their paralyzed friend to see Jesus. They had to cut a hole in a roof and lower their friend to Jesus. Jesus saw the faith of the man and his friends. Jesus was not upset. Instead, he looked at the man in love. He said " son, your sins are forgiven". Jesus says pray and intercede for those who cannot. We need passion for prayers for our family and friends. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' On Our Knees' by Phil Wickham and Matt Litton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: is God the Father of rain?

 biblical questions: is God the Father of rain? by ric gustafson

Who makes rain?. For rain to come, many factors must take place. Warm air rises and then begins to cool. That causes condensation which leads to droplets. Droplets merge become heavier and then fall to the ground. Who else but God could do that?.
Our ecosystem could not survive without rain. Mankind cannot create a system to support our planet. God created this planet. God created us. God is the Father of rain. God is the Father of everything.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: I can walk and talk with God

because of the cross: I can walk and talk with God by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 23, for you are close beside me guarding guiding all the way. Jesus wants to hold your hand and walk with us every day. No matter what happens during that day, Jesus wants to walk with us. When bad things happen to us, Jesus is there. When good things happen to us, Jesus is there. Jesus is there with us morning afternoon and night. When we walk with Jesus, everything we see hear or touch reminds us of him. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 5, 2023

biblical questions: should we wander from God?

biblical questions: should we wander from God? by ric gustafson

According to Jeremiah 31, how long will you wander unfaithful daughter Israel. The history of God's people is full of heartbreaking decisions, unfaithful leadership and a disregard for God. Even as God's people, we disappoint God. 
God asks us " how long will you wander?. In John 6, The Apostle Peter told Jesus you have the words of real life eternal life. How do we stop wandering from God?. We need to admit we've been wrong. We need  to study God's Word. Most of all, we need to make God our greatest priority.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Prayer: praying together

 Prayer: praying together by ric gustafson

In Matthew 18, Jesus is teaching his disciples about praying and living together as a church community. W
e are together with other believers with authority. What we agree on as a community, will be agreed upon in heaven. On earth as it is in heaven. Jesus is with us when two or more are gathered. Believers are unified in prayer as a church. We are one in fellowship, worship and prayer. We need a community of faith. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' On Our Knees' by Phil Wickham and Matt Litton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: I have a reason to rejoice

 because of the cross: I have a reason to rejoice by ric gustafson

According to Philippians 4, rejoice in the Lord always again I say rejoice. No matter what happens in this sinful life, Jesus says rejoice. We are to rejoice those things we see and those things we do not see. When we rejoice, sorrow changes to joy. When we rejoice, guilt can become forgiveness. When we rejoice, worry can become peace. When we rejoice, anger becomes love. Because of the cross, death in this life can become life everlasting with Jesus. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 3, 2023

Prayer: pray with simplicity

 Prayer: pray with simplicity by ric gustafson

Jesus taught his disciples and those who would listen how to pray. Jesus doesn't want long prayers. Jesus wants childlike trust. Jesus wants us to pray in faith, humility and trust. Jesus knows our every need. We need to focus on Jesus and let everything else go. Jesus wants to hear our heart. Jesus wants our prayers to be authentic and honest. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' On Our Knees' by Phil Wickham and Matt Litton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

because of the cross: a light in the darkness

 because of the cross: a light in the darkness by ric gustafson

According to I Peter 2, of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. This world is a very dark place. Our life here is full of rocks, limbs and potholes. As we walk in this dark cold world, we need a light to point our way. We need Jesus who is the Light of the World. We need Jesus who is the Light of the Cross. Jesus's light is always shining. Jesus will hold our hand and walk with us through this dark world.
Jesus loves us more than anything else. 

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 2, 2023

because of the cross: all my needs are met

 because of the cross: all my needs are met by ric gustafson

According to Philippians 4, and it is he who will supply all your needs. Jesus watches over sparrows. Jesus watches over us also. We all have basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Even though Jesus gives us everything we need, we still worry about our basic needs. Jesus gives us grace, joy emotional well being and life. Jesus died on a cross so that all of our needs can and will be taken care of.
Praise Jesus's name.

research help: ' Because of the Cross' by Beverly Courrege

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

biblical questions: whom shall I send?

 biblical questions: whom shall I send? by ric gustafson

According to Isaiah 6, whom shall I send who will go for us?. The prophet Isaiah was given a message. It was to be given to Israel. Isaiah had guilt and inadequacies. God gave him forgiveness. God wanted to know who could deliver his message. A forgiven Isaiah said here I am send me. Isaiah was a sinner like us. The prophet was forgiven. He delivered the message to Israel. God forgave. Isaiah was willing. When we are forgiven, we are useful to God. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' 365 essential questions from the Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Potiphar's wife page 2

Potiphar's wife page 2 by ric gustafson

Pateras pointed toward the distant seaport. " There is Sena".
Zuleika looked sad. She missed her mother and husband. After they had docked by the Nile, Zuleika jumped into the water. She swam back to shore.
Her father frowned. " Change into some dry clothes".
Zuleika changed into a dry skirt and jacket. She then worked her long brown hair into braids.
She and her father disembarked the ship. They approached a man who was surveying the dock area.
Pateras asked for directions. The man spit on Pateras's shoes. He mumbled something in Egyptian. He walked away,
" What did he say father?".
Pateras shook his head. " He called us lazy Cretans".
" Why do they hate us so?".
He frowned. " We are only sea people to them".

research help: ' Potiphar's Wife' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric