Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Martha page 6

 Martha page 6 by ric gustafson

The soldiers approached Ephraim's donkey. The donkey sensed danger balked and threw the elderly man to the ground. Lazarus ran to his father. The soldiers quickly left except for an officer. He dismounted and knelt by the old man.
" He needs help".
Lazarus looked at the officer. " May you be blessed by your kindness".
Martha's eyes met the officer's. She felt something stir inside her.
" I am Captain Flavious".
Martha spoke up. " Lazarus, lead the donkey with father on it to our house".
After their father was safely resting on his pallet, Martha went outside to talk with the officer.
" We owe you a great debt of thanks".
" And what are the names of your family?".
" My father is Ephraim my brother and sister are Lazarus and Mary".
" And your name?".
" My name is Martha".
" Happy to make your acquaintance".
He quietly rode away.
She blushed.

research help: ' Martha' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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