Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Disciple: surrender your nets

 Disciple: surrender your nets by ric gustafson

Jesus wants his followers to be fishing for men. How do you become a fisher of men?. We are to proclaim the good news, witness by word and use Jesus as our example. We as disciples are being sent to call more disciples. We are ordinary people. We are not wealthy or people of influence. We are laborers. We understand our environment. We take risks. 
One day, Jesus comes to us. He says follow me. Do you accept his call?. We need to respond to his call. Jesus knows we are ordinary sinful people. Do we accept his call?. He says come follow me. My prayer is that we will say yes.

research help: ' walking the disciples path' by Linda Perrone Rooney

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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