Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Disciple: live as a blessing

 Disciple: live as a blessing by ric gustafson

In Matthew 5, Jesus begins his teaching ministry. He teaches so others can teach. Jesus taught the disciples so they can teach others. Jesus has a vision of life. He teaches that that to be happy they must be poor in spirit. The poor in spirit expose the truth of their heart. A relationship with Jesus involves behavior, values and motives. The heart of Jesus is in full union with God his Father. Jesus wants our inner surrender a surrender of the heart. The poor in spirit approach Jesus on their knees. Three qualities of poor in spirit involve humility, trust and vulnerability. We need to live simply and depend on God's mercy.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' walking the Disciples path' by Linda Perrone Rooney

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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