Saturday, April 4, 2020

White Rose page 9

White Rose page 9 by ric gustafson

Gerhard sat handcuffed to a bench. He realized he was in the Munich Gestapo Headquarters.
Just then, a door opened. He was led into a large office. A large man, wearing a Nazi Party pin on his uniform, motioned him to an open chair in front of him. He was handcuffed again. A secretary was sitting nearby taking notes.
He opened a file. " How long have you known Hans and Sophie Scholl?".
" I served on the Eastern Front with Hans". His voice hesitated. " I have taken classes at the University with Sophie".
The Gestapo agent stared at the file. " You have been charged with treason by subversive acts".
Gerhard raised his voice. " That is not true".
The agent slammed the file on the desk. " The People's Court will sentence you to death".
Later on a Monday, Gerhard was told the bad news.
" Your friends Hans and Sophie Scholl were executed earlier today".
Gerhard was silent.
" Your trial before Roland Freisler is tomorrow".

research help: ' The Traitor' by V.S. Alexander

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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