Saturday, April 11, 2020

John page 4

John page 4 by ric Gustafson

The two young men urged John to take a nap. As he slept, John dreamed about the night of Jesus's betrayal. Jesus asked him to stay up with him. Earlier in the evening, Jesus had washed their feet. He proclaimed that Peter would deny him three times. Peter in anger said that he would never do that.
John and the others followed their Master to his favorite place to pray. At one point, Jesus went away from them to pray to his Father. He pleaded with his Father to take the cup away from him. Then he said not my will but his Father's will. Earlier, Jesus told them that his end was coming.
John and the others were dozing when Jesus came back. Jesus told them that his hour had come. He pointed that his betrayer was coming. Judas arrived with soldiers. They arrested Jesus.
All of a sudden, John opened his eyes.
" Wake up my friend" replied Polycarp. " You were dreaming".
" Polycarp" John exclaimed. " I believe God was trying to tell me something".
" And that is!".
" That I should write down of my ministry with Jesus my Master".

research help: ' John's Story' by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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