Saturday, May 4, 2019

I am Mary page 1

I am Mary page 1 by ric gustafson

One of my earliest memories is a garden. Whenever my mother went into this garden, I trailed behind her. I loved digging in the dirt and feeling the soil beneath my feet. I believe a garden is God's promise to us. I enjoyed working in a garden. I enjoyed the freshness of a new day. From a garden, I came to understand life, love and truth. In a garden, I felt close to the Lord God.
One day in the garden, a being came to me. Was it an angel?. Why would it come to me?. I was no different from any other girl in the village. I was going to marry a friend of the family. His name was Joseph.
When this angel came, I dropped my basket. He told me that I was blessed among women. He told me that I would conceive and then give birth to God's own son. I asked the angel how this could be. I was a virgin. The angel told me that with God, nothing is impossible. The angel departed. What he had proclaimed began to happen in my young body.

research help: ' My Son the Savior' by Melody Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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