Monday, August 13, 2018

7 churches: Sardis

7 churches:  Sardis by ric Gustafson

Jesus wrote a letter to the congregation in Sardis. He was not happy. The city was wealthy but degenerate. They were nominal Christians which Jesus disliked greatly. In Revelation 3:1, Jesus proclaims that the church is alive yet dead. Jesus tells this church to wake up.
In Revelation 3:3, Jesus tells them that he will be coming to them like a thief. The church relied on their past successes. The church allowed sin to creep into it's membership. The church had a reputation for lax moral standards. Basically, the church walked away from God. Jesus told the church " wake up". This church had become cold and dead.

research help: ' Escape the coming night" by Dr David Jeremiah

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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