Thursday, August 2, 2018

3 days page 18

3 days page 18 by ric Gustafson

The next morning, the family walked south to Bethlehem. Yosef wanted to spend some time with his nephew Ezekiel. Yeshua met some nephews he had never met before. The family spent two nights there. Yeshua showed his cousins his carvings.
After their visit, the family traveled back to the Mount of Olives. The next day, the family celebrated the Sabbath in the Temple. They celebrated with Elizabeth and John. There, the two cousins encountered Caiaphas. He was the son in law of the High Priest. John told his cousin that he was joining the Essenes. This was a devout Hebrew group that were zealots and rebels.
The family went back to the Mount of Olives. They had to prepare for the five day journey back to Nazareth.

research help: ' Three Days' by Chris Stepien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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