Thursday, June 22, 2023

J Lennon page 18

 J Lennon page 18 by ric gustafson

Mark Chapman walked up to the curly haired brunette.
She shakes his hand. " I'm Jude Stein".
Chapman chuckles. " Hey Jude don't make it bad".
Her friend groans. " I'm Jeri Moll".
" I'm Mark Chapman". He smiled. " I just came from Hawaii".
Jeri frowned. " Why did you do that?".
" I was hoping to get an autograph from my idol".
Jude smiled. " One time we got to go up to their apartment".
" John and Yoko's?".
" Yes". Jude grinned. " It was October and we had presents for John and Sean".
Jeri stared at Chapman. " Have you listened to Double Fantasy?".
Chapman frowned. " Not yet".
" If you get a copy". Jude smiled. " I'm sure he'll sign it".
Chapman thought for a moment. " That's a good idea". He walked away to find a record store.
Jude looked at Jeri. " He's strange".
Jeri looked at her friend. " You can say that again".

research help: ' The Last Days of John Lennon' by James Patterson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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